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The 19th century was a time of big changes in the world,

and of course, in Spain also:

1. The beginings of the Spanish Liberalism (1808-
2. The Restauration of the Absolutism: Fernando
VII (1814-1833)
3. The Establishment of Liberalism: Isabel II
4. The Sexenio Revolucionario (1868-1874)
5. The Restoration (1875-1917)
6. The Independence of the American Colonies
1. The beginings of the Spanish Liberalism

1.1 The Peninsular War

José I

The Peninsulr
La carga de los mamelucos (2 de mayo), Goya
Los fusilamientos del 3 de mayo, Goya
Wellington in the battle of Arapiles
in 1812

Los sitios: Agustina of Aragón

 Liberals
 Reformers
 Absolutists

Cádiz in the 19th century

1.2 The 1812 Constitution
The Constitution of 1812: ¡Viva la Pepa!
…Not all the deputies aproved the new

… Some of them, the absolutists or royalists,

wanted a come back to the situation before
1.3 The come back of Fernando VII

In 1813
1813 the
the Treaty
Treaty of
of Valençay
gave back
back the
the crown
crown to
to the
Fernando VII, el Deseado, came back to Spain in
1814. The liberals wanted him to sign the 1812
Constitution …

…But Fernando VII, with the support of the royalists

and most od the population closed the Parliament
(Cortes) and abolished the laws and Constitution…
2. The Restauration of the
Fernando VII (1814-1833)

In 1814 Fernando stablished

again an absolutist State

The first attemp to stablish a

Liberal State in Spain was a
2.1 Second attemp:
El Trienio Liberal (1820-1823)
The cortes
cortes of
of the
the Trienio
Trienio Liberal
Liberal (1820-1823),
(1820-1823), aa period
period of
of liberal
liberal rule
rule in
The Holy Alliance sent in 1823 an army, The 100,000 Sons of Saint
Louis, to restore Ferdinand power again

The second attemp to stablih a Liberal State in Spain was a failure

3. The establishment of Liberalism: Isabel II (1833-1868)
Mª Cristina pasa revista
3.1 Carlists War a las tropas, de Fortuny
Helping and supporting Isabel, took the liberals
to the goverment….

…The defeat of the carlists meant the definitive

end of the Ancien Regime in Spain.

From 1839, Spain became a liberal state

Isabel II
3.2 Spanish Liberalism
3.3 The reign of Isabel. Political evolution
During her long reign, most of the governments were
controlled by the Moderates, who established a closed
system that let them dominate the politics and the
economic resources.

Because of this, when the economic situation got

worse, in the 1860’s, the progressive decide to unite
with the new left parties (democrats and republicans)
to start a Revolution, La Gloriosa, that took the
government from the queen and established a new
monarchy, with a new constitution and a new king.
4. The Sexenio Revolucionario (1868-1874)
Allegory of the First Spanish Republic,
published in a satirical and liberal magazine

Amadeo I of Saboya, King of Spain

5. The Restoration (1875-1917)

After the failure of the I Republic, the monarchy comes back again in the
figure of Alfonso XII. With him starts the period known as the
Restoration, characterised by:
•Two-Party system: Conservative Party (Cánovas) and Liberal Party
•Stability: political and economic
•Turno Pacífico: each party led the government to the other after a
period of time.
•Industrialization of the country: beginnings of the working class
movements in Spain
•Political clientilism: caciquismo

Since 1898 the problems will increased: Cuba, nationalism,

republicanism, socialists parties, strikes, economic debt, etc… So from
that moment to 1917, the system will have to face a lot of instability.
Cánovas del Castillo Sagasta
6. The Independence of the American Colonies

The Sanish empire was more or less the same since the
16 century.

But the independence of the overseas territories was a

quick process that only lasted a decade.
Junta Nacional de Argentina
In 1814, after the Peninsular
War, the Spanish Army
restablished the control over
the colonies…

…But, since 1816 the

Independence movement
started again…
The meeting in Guayaquil, Ecuador, the 26 of July, 1822, beetwen San
Martín (right) and Simón Bolívar (left), where the campaign to free the
colonies of the Spanish control was decided.
In 1824, after the Spanish defeat in
Ayacucho, Spain lost all his continental

The old great empire was now reduced to

Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philipines.
La capitulación de Ayacucho, 9 of December, 1824
Elabora un eje cronológico del reinado de Fernando VII y
del reinado de Isabel II, en el que se especifiquen las
distintas etapas de gobierno y alguna característica.
Además debes incluir las pérdidas coloniales en su época
Hazlo en inglés.
Debes ampliar la información aquí incluída con el libro de
texto, wikipedia o lo que consideres oportuno.

- Una cara para cada eje
- Elaborado a ordenador

-Fecha de entrega: 14 febrero 2011

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