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Mesoamerican Intellectual

Revolution and Society

Refers to a geographical and cultural area which extends from central
Mexico down through Central America, including the territory which is
now made up of the countries of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El
Salvador. It is therefore seen as partly in North America, and encompassing
a large part of Central America.
Geography and People
• The first great American civilization
• Region includes Central Mexico through Central America
• The people farmed and grew corn, beans, squash, sweet potatoes,
peppers and tomatoes
• Farmers also domesticated animals
• The Olmec Empire (1400-500 BC)
• The first major Mesoamerican civilization
• Developed in the tropical rain forests of Mexico’s gulf coast
• They invented a calendar and system of writing made up of carved inscriptions
• Strongly devoted to religion and priests were highly respected
• Mayan Empire (AD 300-900)
• Complex agricultural society
• Established large city sales
• Farming and Trade – most people were farmers. Men farmed while the women turned the crops into food. Farmers paid taxes in foodstuffs to
support the city state
• Religion was very significant and priests were well respected. Priest were the only who could conduct ceremonies and rituals that the Mayas believes
would ensure bountiful harvests and victories in battle
• Mayan Social structure
• Ruling Chief
• Nobles (Military and Government Officials)
• Merchants and Artisans
• Farmers
Mayan Contributions
Architecture – built large pyramids and palaces
Agriculture – grew enough food to support larg populations
Science – developed a hieroglyphic style of writing, a accurate calendar, number system, and understood the concept of zero
Mayan Decline
• Around 900AD, the Mayas abandoned their cities for unknown
reasons. Historians speculate that possible cause for the decline may
have been warfare, overpopulation, famine, or natural disaster
Aztec Empire (1200)
• Settled into Mexico in the late 1200 and established their capital in
• Fierce warriors using military conquest and alliance to build a huge
• Aztec Empire became very wealthy from collecting taxes from
conquered people
• By 1500’s, the empire covered most of Mexico and included approx. 30
million people
Social Structure of Aztecs
• Aztec were ruled by a single emperor chosen by a council of priests
and nobles
• Nobility
• Traders (also acted as military socuts)
• Farmers
• Slaves
Aztec Religion
• Priests were highly respected individuals
• Chief god was the sun god
• To please their gods, the Aztecs offered thousands of human sacrifices
Aztec Contributions
• Developed and accurate calendar and established schools
• Doctors learned to set broken bones and dentist learned to treat
dental cavities
• Architecture – “The capital” was built on the site of the present day of
Mexico City. The city began as two small islands on Lake Texaco.
Engineers filled in parts of the lake and built bridges to connect the
city to mainland
Incas Empire (1400’s)
• In 1400’s the Incas emerged from the Andes Mountains and
conquered a large area that extend over 2500 miles down the Pacific
• The Incas were ruled by an emperor who held absolute power and
also acted as chief religious leader and the son of the Sun God
• Capital was located at Cuzco
• The government controlled the lives of the people within their
empire, everyone has to speak the Incan language and worship Incan
Incan Roads
• Incan built a large and elaborate system of roads
• Runners used these roads to carry new to far off provinces and the
• Often compared to the Roman system of roads
• Worshipped many gods related to the forces of nature
• Sun God was the most important
• Priest were very powerful members of society
Incan Contributions
• Engineering – a system of roads that extend over 12,000 miles and
included bridges and tunnels
• Temple of the Sun - built in the capital, it was so strong it could
withstand the power of major earthquakes
• Agriculture – terrace farming used in mountainous regions
• Communication – Incan government officials kept records by means
of a knotted, colored string system called quipus
• Incans also excelled in medicine

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