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• Define trypanosomiasis
• Overview of trypanosomiasis
• Describe epidemiology of trypanosomiasis
• List the clinical features of trypanosomiasis
• Describe management of trypanosomiasis
• Explain prevention and control of
Human African trypanosomiasis also known
as sleeping sickness, is caused by protozoan
haemoflagellates parasites transmitted via the
bite of a tsetse fly.
 A disease is characterized by chronic fever,
general weakness, cerebral involvement and
death if not treated adequately.
 African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) is an
illness endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by
2 subspecies of the flagellate protozoan
Trypanosoma brucei, which are transmitted to
human hosts by bites of infected tsetse flies.
 The two forms of the disease an acute form
occurring mainly in East Africa and caused by
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and a more
chronic form occurring mainly in West and Central
Africa, caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense .
o These two species have identical morphologic
appearances and both are transmitted by tsetse flies
of the genus Glossina. However, the clinical features of
infection differ in presentation and prognosis
• Trypanosome brucei gambiense causes slow
progressive ‘sleeping sickness’and is found in West and
Central Africa
• Trypanosome brucei rhodesiense causes acute rapidly
progressive illness with death from cardiac
complications mainly found in East Africa
• In West Africa transmission is mainly at the
riverside ,where the fly rests in the shade of
• Animal reservoir of T.gambiense have not
been identified ,T.rhodesiense has a large
reservoir in numerous wild animals and
transmission takes place in the shade of
woods bordering grasslands.
• The tsetse flies hunt by sight and attracted by
dark moving objects hence they follow
buffaloes and vehicles
• Tsetse flies become infected when they take a
blood meal from infected persons or animals
• After a period of time, during which the
trypanosomes undergo developmental changes
the fly bites another susceptible host i.e.
human and transmits the disease 
• Contact between human and fly is not always
frequent because of the behaviour of the
Glossina species
• Trypanosomiasis may occur sporadically in
people who live close to infested areas
• Wood cutters, honey collectors, game rangers
and hunters are susceptible to trypanosome
infection because they enter tsetse infested area
• Incubation period is 2 weeks for T. b.
rhodesiense and take months for T. b.
gambiense infections
Primary or chancre stage
– Chancre stage is commonly seen in T. b.
– This is characterized by indurated erythematous
nodule at the site of bite this resolves after 1 – 2
Systemic illness or blood stage
• The blood stage characterized by dissemination
of trypanosomes in blood, lymph and
• There is associated fever which has no typical
pattern, but tends to recur at interval of days or
• Debilitation anaemia and general weakness
• The spleen and several groups of lymph nodes become enlarged
• The supraclavicular and lower posterior lymphnodes are easily
affected in 80% of cases of Trypanosome gambiae (Winterbottom’s
• The nodes are rubbery often painless, but may form abscess (rarely)
• Rash usually pruritic beginning around 6-8 weeks migratory and last 1
– 2 months
• Hepatosplenomegally
• Anorexia results in weight loss, debilitating, pitting oedema of face
and lower legs
• Impotence and menstrual disturbance
• Cardiac failure (especially T. b. rhodesiense
• Cerebral or sleeping sickness stage
• This is a terminal stage of trypanosomiasis affecting the brain .
• In T. b. gambiense it takes about 2 years
• Trypanosoma rhodesiense it takes few months
• It is characterized by progressive mental deterioration, coma
and death
• Convulsions and localized signs such as hemiplegia and facial
palsy may occur
• Patients are very weak and they tend to sleep during the day
and restless at night
• If not treated it progresses to death 
• Blood count reveals anaemia,.
• Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
• Thrombocytopenia
• Microscopic examination of chancre fluid for live organism
• Examination of buffy coat of whole blood for organism after centrifuge
– Wet blood smear
– Thick bloods smear
• Serological test IgM level is raised
• Lymph node aspiration – look for live organism
• CSF analysis, animal inoculation and culture techniques
Studies performed to detect trypanosomes
include the following:
• Blood smear (unstained or Giemsa-stained)
• Chancre aspiration
• Lymph node aspiration
• Bone marrow aspiration
• Lumbar puncture and CSF assay
• CSF assay is also done to measure white blood
cell (WBC) counts, protein, and IgM in patients
with parasitemia or positive serologies or
The following studies may also be considered:
• Computed tomography (CT) of the head
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head
• Electroencephalography (EEG
• Malaria
• Relapsing fever
• Tuberculosis
• Leukaemia
• Typhoid fever

• Drug of choice is Suramin for T.b.rhodesiense

– Dose of Suramin 100-200mg intravenously test dose
– then 1g on 1st 3, 7, 14, 21 days
– The drug is given by slow intravenous infusion of a freshly prepared
10% aqueous solution
• If CSF is altered
– Melarsoprol should be given to adults in 3 courses of 3 days each
– Dose 2 – 3.6mg/kg/day also in 3 divided doses and for 3 days the later
dose is repeated in 10 – 21 days later
• In debilitated patients Suramin is administrated for 2 – 4 days
before therapy with melarsoprol is initiated
• In Trypanosoma brucei Gambiense Infection
• Pentamidine is the drug of choice for T. b. gambiense
• If CSF is normal give suramin or pentamidine if not taken locally as
• If CSF is altered give Melarsoprol preferably proceeded by injection
of suramin or one injection pentamindine plus suramin
• Eflornithine is a new drug – recommended schedule 400 mg/kg/day
• Give IV in 4 divided doses for14 days followed by oral treatment
with 300mg/kg/day for 3-4 weeks
• Dose for children should be calculated on bases of body weight .

• Control of trypanosomiasis focuses on

– Early detection
– early treatment
– vector control by clearing the bush
– wear protective clothing against bites
• Other methods used
– Use of insecticides but expensive and temporary benefit
– Baited flytraps
– Reduce fly populations by as much as 95% in 6 months 

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