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Math Correlation

Physics 1 And Physics 2


Physics 1
Conversion Of Units
Distance And Displacements
Methods Of Vector
(Component, Graphical)
Parallelogram Method
Speed And Velocity Next Page

Graphical Analysis Of Velocity And Acceleration

Free Falling Bodies
Force And Newton’s Law Of Motion
Newton’s Second Law
Gravitation Attraction
Newton’s Law Of Motion
Newton’s Third Law
Forces In Equilibrium
Second Condition Of Equilibrium

Physics 2
Electrons And Electronic Field
Temperature Conversion
Linear Thermal Expansion
Volume Thermal Expansion
1. (2m2) (3m) = 6m3 

2. (5n3)) (4n2) = 20n5

3. (4s3) (4s4) = 16s8

4. (6o3) (2o4) = 12o7

5. (4a2)(2a3) = 8a5
6. (8c4)(3c2) = 24c6
7. 25cm3 = 5cm
 8. 60cm5= 5cm3
 9. 36cm3 = 6cm
 10. (10km2 )2 = (5km) 2 = 25km2
Conversion Of Units
1.) C.F. 1 inch = 2.54cm
Convert 15 inches in cm.
  15 inches x 2.54 cm = 38.1 cm
1 inch
2.) C.F. 1 mile = 5280 feet
1 kilometer = 1000 meters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 12 inches
1 meter = 100 centimeters
Convert 2 miles in kilometers.
2 miles x 5280 feet x 12 inches x 2.54 cm x 1 meter x 1 km
1 mile 1 foot 1 inch 100 cm 1000m

= 3.22 kilometers
3.) mass
560 milligrams = 0.02 ounce
  560 milligrams x 1 gram x 1 ounce
1000 mg 28.350 grams
= 0.02ounce

4.) 73 km  meters
 73km x 1000meters = 73000 meters
5.) 879 meters  yards
  879meters x 1km x 1mile x 1760yards
1000m 1.61km 1 mile
= 960.9 yards
6.)860 miles  feet
860miles x 5280feet = = 4,540,800 feet
7.) 11 grams  pounds
11 grams x 1pound = 0.02 pound
8.)266 liters  gallons
266 liters x 0.264gallons = 70.22gallons
1 liter
9.)263 quarts  fluid ounces
263quarts x 1gal x 231 x 128 fluid ounces
4 quarts 1 gal 231
= 8416 fluid ounces
10.) 131 inches  meters
  131 inches x 1 foot x 0.3048meters = 3.33meters
12 in 1 foot
Distances and Diplacement
• Tina walked 5km eastward to maries
a. 30m
b.D = displacement

distance = 30m
displacement = 30m east
• Supposed Tina walked again 2.5km north
from Marie's house to the church.
• A physics teacher walks 4 meters east, 2
meters south, 4 meters west, and finally 2
meters north. Determine distance and
• Ronald plans to visit the dentist clinic,
which 30m, 34° WS from him. How far W and
how far S is the clinic from his place?
• A motorcycle drove 155km, 70° ES. Find x
and y component.
• The three finalists in a contest are brought to the
center of the large flat field. Each is given a meter stick, a
compass, a calculator, a shovel, and (in a different order of
each contestant) the following three displacements.

72.4m, 32deg east of north

57.3m, 36deg south of west
17.8m, straight south
The three displacements lead to the point where the
keys to a new Porsche are buried . two contestants start
measuring immediately, but the winner first calculates
where to go. What does he calculates?
• Given the three displacements. Solve for the resultant
and the angle.

d1 = 900 N, 30° SE
d2 = 750 N, 40° NE
d3 = 500 N, 50° NW
Parallelogram Method
• Given three displacements
A = 60m, 32° NW
B = 63m, 24° SE
C = 45m, 36° SW
P = B – 24°
P = 68.42° - 24°
P = 44.42°
90 – 44.42 = 45.48°
90-45.58° + 36° = 8.42°
Speed And Velocity
• How far does a jogger run in 1.5hrs. (5400s) if
his average speed is 2.22m/s?

s = 2.22 m/s
t = 5,400 s

d = s t = 2.22 m/s (5400s)
d = 11988 m
• The first car travels from left to right and
cover a distance of 1609 m in time of 4.740
• In the reverse direction, the car covers the
same distance in 4.695s. From these data
determine the average velocity for each run.
Acceleration and Increasing Velocity
• Suppose the plane in figure below starts
from rest (Vo = 0 km /h) when to = 0s. The
plane accelerates down the runway, and at
time t = 29s attains a velocity of V = +260 km/h;
determine the average acceleration of the
Given: 8.97km/h

a= Δv a=89.7km/h
Δv= 9(t)
= 8.97km/h (29s) to=0 km/s
s t1 =1s v= 9 km/h
Δv= 260.13 km/h t2 =2s v= 18 km/h
t3 =3s v= 27 km/h
a= Δv= V - Vo 9x29= 261km/h
Δt t - to

261 km/h x 1000m x 1hr = 72.5 m/s

1km 3600s
=72.5 m/s – o m/s
29s- 0s
a= 25 m/s2
Acceleration and Decreasing Velocity
• A drag racer crosses the finish line, and the driver
replays a parachute and applies the brakes to slow down.
The driver begins slowing down when t1 = 9.0s and the cars
velocity is V1= +2m m/s. when t = 12.0s, the velocity has
been reduced to V = 13m/s. What is the average
acceleration of the dragster?

a= Δv = V – Vo
Δt t – to
=13m/s – 28m/s
12s – 9s
= -5 m/s2
Average and Instantaneous Velocities.
• A cheetah is crouched in ambush 20m to the east of an
observer’s blind. At time t = 0s the cheetah charges an
antelope in a clearing 50m east of the observer.
The cheetah runs along a straight line. Later analysis of a
video tape shows that during the first 2.0 s of the attack,
the cheetah’s coordinate x varies with time according to
the equation x = 20m + (5.0 m/s2) t2.
a.) find the displacement of the cheetah during the interval
between t1 = 1s and t2 = 2s.

Soln: t 1=1s
X1 = 20m + (5.0 m/s2)(1.0s)2
X1 = 25m
t2 = 2s
x2 = 20m (5.0 m/s2)(1.0s)2
x2 = 40m

Δx = x2 – x1
= 40m- 25m
Δ x= 15m
Average and Instantaneous
• Suppose the velocity V of the car at any given t is given but the
equation V = 60m/s t (0.50m/s3)(1s)2 . Find the change in velocity of
the car in the time interval between t1 = 1.0s and t2 = 3.0s
t1= 1s t2= 3s
V1= 60m/s +(0.50 m/s3)(1s)2 V2= 60m/s + (0.50m/s3)(3s)2
V1 = 60.50 m/s V2 = 64.50 m/s

V = V2 – V 1
= 64.5m/s – 60.5 m/s
V = 4m/s
Displacement Of A Speedboat
• The speedboat has a constant acceleration of 2.0m/s2.
If the initial velocity of the boat is 6.0m/s. Find its
displacement after 8.0sec.
A= 2.0m/s2
Vo = 6.0 m/s2
T = 8.0sec.
Req’d: x = ?
Soln : V = Vo + at
= 6.0 m/s + 2.0 m/s2 (8.0s)
V = 22 m/s
X = ½ (Vo + V) t
= ½ (6.0 m/s + 22 m/s)(8.0s)
X = 122m
Catapulating Jet
• A jet is taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier.
Starting from rest, the jet is catapulated with a constant
acceleration of 31 m/s2 along a straight line and reaches
velocity of +62 m/s. Find the displacement of the jet.
Given: a = 31m/s2
V = 62 m/s
V0 = 0 m/s
Reqd : x
Solution :
V = Vo + at
t = V – Vo
t = 62 m/s – 0 m/s
31 m/s2
t = 2.0s
x = ½ (Vo+ V) t
= ½ (0 m/s + 62 m/s)(2.0s)
x = 62m
An Accelerating Spacecraft
• The spacecraft is traveling with a velocity of 3250 m/s.
suddenly, the retrorockets are fired, and the spacecraft
begins to slow down with acceleration where magnitude is
10 m/s². What is the velocity when the displacement of the
craft is 215 km., relative to the point where the retrorockets
began firing?
Given: Vo= 3250 m/s
a = -10 m/s²
x = 215 km (1000m) = 215000 m
Reqd: V = ?
Solution: V = (Vo² + 2ax) ½
V = [(3250 m/s) ² + 2 (-10m/s²) (215000m)] ½
V = 2502.5 m/s
A motorcycle ride
• A motorcycle starting from rest has an acceleration of
2.6 m/s². After the motorcycle has traveled a distance of
120 m, it slows down with an acceleration of -1.5 m/s² until
its velocity is 12 m/s. What is the total displacement of the
 Given: Vo = 0
A = 2.6 m/s²
X = 120 m
V = 12 m/s
Solution :
V= [Vo + 2ax] ½
V= [2ax] ½
V= [2(2.6 m/s²)(120m)] ½
V= 24.98 m/s
X= V² - Vo² / 2a
X= (12 m/s)² - (24.98 m/s)²
2(-1.5 m/s²)
X = 160m
Graphical Analysis Of Velocity And
• Given the ratio below solve for the velocity.

V = Δx = x2 – x1
Δt t2 – t1

= 12 – 4

V = 4 m/s
A Bicycle Trip
• A bicycle maintains a constant velocity on the
outgoing leg of journey, zero velocity while stopped for
lunch and another constant velocity on the way back.
Figure below shows the position – time graph for such a
trip. Using the position – time graph intervals indicated in
the drawing obtain the velocities for each segment of the
trip. Vo
V1= Δx = 400m = 2m/s
Δt 200s
V2= Δx = 0 m = 0 m/s
Δt = 400s
V3= Δx = -400m = -1m/s
Δt 400s
Free Falling Bodies
• A stone is dropped from rest from the top of a
building after 3s of free fall: a) what is the displacement of
the stone? b) After 3s of free fall, what is the velocity V of
the stone?
Δy= -9.8m/s2
Vy= ?
Voy’= 0m/s
y= ?
t= 3.0s
a) y = Vot + ½ at² (take note: Vo = 0)
= ½ (-9.8m/s²)(3.0s)²
= -44.1m
b) V = Vo + at
= (-9.8m/s²)(3.0s)
= -29.4m/s
• A football game customarily begins with a coin toss to
determine who kicks off. The referee tosses the coin up with
an initial speed of 6 m/s in the absence of air resistance.
a) How high does the coin go above its points of release?
b) What is the total time the coin is in the air before
returning to its point?
dy=-9.8m/s2 y=?
Vy= ? t=?
Voy’= 6 m/s
a) y = V² - Vo² / 2a
y = (0 m/s) ² - (6 m/s)² / 2(-9.8m/s²)
y = 1.84m
  b) t = Vy – Vo / d
t = (0 m/s) – (6m/s) / 9.8m/s²
t = 0.61s
t = 0.61 x 2
t = 1.22s
• For instance in the figure below of y = 1.5 m. assuming
that the initial velocity is Vo = 12 m/s. Determine the
velocity during upward and downward motion.
V = 0 m/s, t =4s
Voy = 12m/s
Dy = -9.8 m/s
Y = 1.55
V = [Vo + 2ay]½
V = [(12m/s + 2(9.8)(1.55))]½
V = 10.71 m/s
Voy = -12m/s
Dy = -9.8m/s²
Y = -1.5s
V = [(-12m/s) – 2(-9.8m/s²)(-1.55)]½
V = 10.71m/s
A moving spacecraft
• In the x direction, the spacecraft in the figure below
has an initial velocity component of Vox = 22 m/s. and an
acceleration component of Ax = 24 m/s². In the y direction,
the angles quantities are Voy = 14 m/s and Ay = 12 m/s².
After the y direction of 7.0 s, find?
a) x and Vx
b) y and Vy
a) x
Ax Vox Vx x t
24m/s 22m/s ? ? ?

x = Vot + ½ at²
= (22m/s)(7.0s) + ½(24)(7.0s)²
x = 742m
Vx = Vox + Axt
= 22 m/s + (24m/s²)(7.0s)
Vx = 19m/s
b) Ay = 12m/s², Voy = 14m/s, t = 7.0s
y = Voy + ½ Ayt
y = (14m/s)(7.0s) + ½ (12m/s²)(7.0s)
y = 98m/s
Force And Newton’s Law Of
• Pushing a stalled car
Two people are pushing a stalled car. The mass of the
car is 1850 kg. One person applies a force of 275 N of the
car, while the other force of 395 N. Both forces act in the
same direction. A third force of 560 N also acts on the car,
but in a direction opposite to that in which the people are
pushing. This force arises because of friction and the extent
to which the pavement opposes the motion of the tires.
Find the acceleration of a car.
A = EF / M take note : N = kg m/s²
EF = F1 + F2 + F3
= 275N + 395N + (-560N)
EF = 110N

A = 110N / 1850kg
A = 0.06 m/s²
Neglecting Friction
• Determine the horizontal force needed to accelerate a
31 kg wooden cart from rest to a velocity of .56 m/s in 1.5s.
Given: M = 31kg Vf= 0.56m/s
Vo = 0m/s T = 1.5s

  A = V-Vo F = MA
t EF = 31kg(0.37m/s²)
A = 0.56m/s – 0m/s EF = 11.57N
A = 0.37m/s²
Applying Newton’s Second Law of
• A man is stranded on a raft (mass of man and raft) =
1300 kg. By padding, he causes an average force F of 17 N
to be applied to the raft in a direction due east. The wind
also exerts a force A on the raft. This force has a magnitude
of 15 N and points 67o north of east.
a.) Ignoring any resistance from the water, find the x and y
components of the raft’s acceleration.
Ay: Ax:
Sin67° = Ay / Ax cos67° = Ax / A
Ay = A sin 67° Ax = 15N cos67°
Ay = 15N sin67° Ax = 5.86N
P 17N 0N
A 5.86N 13.81N
EF 22.86N 13.81N
Ax = EFx / m Ay = EFy / m
= 22.86N / 1300k = 13.81 / 1300kg

Ax = 0.02m/s² Ay = 0.01m/s²
• Suppose that the mass of the spacecraft is Ms = 11000 kg
and that the mass of the astronaut is Ma = 92 kg. In addition,
assuming that the astronaut exerts a force of P = +36 N on the
spacecraft. Find the accelerations of the spacecraft and the
Aa = F / Ma = Ps / M
= -36N / 92kg
Aa = -0.39m/s²
  As = Pa / Ms
As = 36N / 11000kg
As = 0.00327m/s²
Gravitational Attraction
• What is the magnitude of the gravitational force that acts on
each particle assuming M1 = 12 kg (approximately the mass of a
bicycle) M2 = 25 kg and r = 1.2 m?
M1 = 12kg
M2 = 25kg
r = 1.2m

F = G M1 M2 / r²
= (6.67259 x 10-11 N m²/kg²) (12kg)(25kg)
F = 1.39 x 10-8 N
The Hubble Space Telescope
• The mass of the Hubble Space Telescope is 11,600 kg.
Determine the weight of the telescope.
a) When it was resting on the earth
b) as it in its orbit 598 km above the earth’s surface.
Me = 5.98 x 1024 kg
Re = 6.38 x 106 M
a) M = 11600kg
W = Mg
G = G M e / re
W = G M e M / re
= (6.67259 x 10-11 N m²/kg²)[(5.98 x 1024kg)(11600kg)]
6.38 x 106 m
W = 7.25 x 1011 N
b) W = G MeM / Re + r
W = (6.67259 x 10-11 N m²/kg²) [(5.98 x 1024 kg)(11600kg)]
(6.38 x 106 m + 598000m)

W = 7.25 x 1011 N
Application Of Three Newton’s Law
Of Motion.
• A fully loaded lockhead L-1011 with a mass of 2.17x105
kg accelerates at full throttle down a level runaway. The
engines push with a combined constant horizontal net
force of 753 KN. If the plane starts from rest, how far will it
go during 33.5s that it takes to reach lift of f velocity?
Given: M = 2.17 x 105 kg
EF = 753 Kn = 753000
Vo = 0 m/s
T = 33.5s
A = EF = 753000N (kg m/s²)
m 2.17 x 105 kg
A = 3.47 m/s²
X = Vot + ½ at²
X = ½ (3.47 m/s²)(33.5s)²
X = 1947.10m
The Normal Force And Newton’s
Third Law
• The normal force FN is one component of the forces
that a surface exerts on an object with which it is contact,
namely, the component that is perpendicular to its surface.

Fn =?

Fn = 50 N
• Given the figure below solve for Fn.

Fn = ?
Fn = W + A
= 15 N+ 11N
= 26 N
Forces In Equlibrium
• GIVEN: w = 80N suspended on two strings t1 and t2 both
have an angle of 42°. Solve for t1 and t2.
Solve for T1 and T2:
EFx = 0
EFy = 0
  EFx = 0
T1x + T2x + Wx = 0
- T1 cos 42° + T2 cos 42° = 0
-0.74 + 0.74 - Equation 1
EFy = 0
T1 sin 42° + T2 sin 42° - 80N = 0
0.67 + 0.67 = 80 - Equation 2
Eq’n 1 & 2
0.67 (-0.74 T1 + 0.74 T2 = 0)
0.74 ( 0.67 T1 + 0.67 T2 = 80)
-0.50 + 0.50 T2 =0
0.50 + 0.50 T2 = 59.2 Substitute t2 in eq’n 1
  T2 = 59.2 -0.74 T1 + 0.74 T2 = 0
  -0.74 T1 + 0.74(59.2) = 0
-0.74 T1 = -48.81
-0.74 - 0.74
T1 = 59.2
Second Condition of Equilibrium
• A gymnast weighing 48N standing on a vault which is
4m from one end of the vault exert to support the gymnast
vector diagram.
• A car weighing 1500N on a bridge which is 12m from
one of the bridge piers and 8m from the other. Determine
the force each piers exert to support the car.
• A 60 kg crate rests on a level floor at a shipping dock.
The coefficients of static and kinetic friction are 0.760 and
0.410 respectively. That horizontal pushing force is
required to :
  a) Just before the crate start moving?
b) Slide the crate across a dock at a constant speed?
Fn = W = mg
Fn = 60kg (9.8m/s2)
Fn = 588N
 a) Fs = Ms (FN)
= 0.760(588N)
Fs = 446.88N
 b) Fk = MK(FN)
= 0.410 (588N)
Fk = 241.08N
• An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2
for 32.8 s until is finally lifts off the ground. Determine the
distance traveled before takeoff.
Find: d = ??
Given: a = +3.2 m/s2
t = 32.8 s
vi = 0 m /s
d = v it + 0.5at2
d = (0 m / s)(32.8 s)+ 0.5(3.20 m/s2)(32.8 s)2
d = 1720 m
• A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5.21
seconds for a distance of 110 m. Determine the acceleration of the car.
Given: d = 110 m
t = 5.21 s
vi = 0 m/s
Find: a = ?
d = vit + 0.5at2
110 m = (0 m / s)(5.21 s)+ 0.5(a)(5.21 s)2
110 m = (13.57 s2)a

a = (110 m)/(13.57 s2)

a = 8.10 m/ s2
• Upton Chuck is riding the Giant Drop at Great America. If Upton free
falls for 2.6 seconds, what will be his final velocity and how far will he fall?
Given: a = -9.8 m
t = 2.6 s
vi = 0 m/s
Find: d = ??
Vf = ??
d = vit + 0.5 at2
d = (0 m / s)(2.6 s)+ 0.5(-9.8 m/s2)(2.6 s)2
d = 33 m

Vf = vi + at
Vf = 0 + (-9.8 m/s2)(2.6 s)
Vf = -25.5 m / s (- indicates direction)
• A race car accelerates uniformly from 18.5 m/s to 46.1 m/s in 2.47 seconds.
Determine the acceleration of the car and the distance traveled.
Given: vi = 18.5 m/s
vf = 46.1 m/s
t = 2.47 s
Find: d = ?
a = (Delta v)/t
a = (46.1 m/s - 18.5 m/s)/(2.47 s)
a = 11.2 m/s2

d = vit + 0.5at2
d = (18.5 m/s)(2.47 s)+ 0.5(11.2 m/s2)(2.47 s)2
d = 45.7 m + 34.1 m
d = 79.8 m
(Note: the d can also be calculated using the equation vf2 = vi2 + 2ad)
• A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1.40 meters. The
acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.67 m/s2. Determine the time for
the feather to fall to the surface of the moon.
Given: vi = 0 m/s
d = -1.40 m
a = -1.67 m/s2
Find: t = ??
d = vit + 0.5at2
-1.40 m = (0 m/s)(t)+ 0.5(-1.67 m/s2)(t)2
-1.40 m = 0+ (-0.835 m/s2)(t)2
(-1.40 m)/(-0.835 m/s2) = t2
1.68 s2 = t2
t = 1.29 s
• Rocket-powered sleds are used to test the human response to
acceleration. If a rocket-powered sled is accelerated to a speed of 444 m/s in 1.8
seconds, then what is the acceleration and what is the distance which the sled

Given: vi = 0 m/s
vf = 44 m/s
t = 1.80 s
Find: a = ??
d = ??
a = (Delta v)/t
a = (444 m/s - 0 m/s)/(1.80 s)
a = 247 m/s2
d = vi(t) + 0.5(a)(t)2
d = (0 m/s)(1.80 s)+ 0.5(247 m/s2)(1.80 s)2
d = 0 m + 400 m
d = 400 m
(Note: the d can also be calculated using the equation vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d)
• An engineer is designing the runway for an airport. Of the planes
which will use the airport, the lowest acceleration rate is likely to be 3
m/s2. The takeoff speed for this plane will be 65 m/s. Assuming this
minimum acceleration, what is the minimum allowed length for the
Given: vi = 0 m/s
vf = 65 m/s
a = 3 m/s2
Find: d = ??
vf2 = vi2 + 2(a)(d)
(65 m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2(3 m/s2)(d)
4225 m2/s2 = (0 m/s)2 + (6 m/s2)(d)
(4225 m2/s2)/(6 m/s2) = d
d = 704 m
Electron And Electronic Fields
• How many electrons are there in one coulomb negative
Q = 1C
E = 1.60 x 10 -19 C
N= q
= 1C
1.60 x 10 -19 C

= 6.25 x 10 -18
• Two objects whose charges are 1.0 C and -1.0 C are
separated by 1km. Find the magnitude of attractive
force that other charge exerts on the other.
1C 1000m 1C

+ -
F12 = k q1 q2
= 9 x 109 N. m2 /c2 . (1C)(1C)
F12 = - 9000 N
F21 = 9000 N
• Two point charges q1 = 25 n C and q = 75 n C separated by 3 m.
Find the magnitude of the electric force that q1 exerted on q2.

25c 3m 75c

• Solution:
F12 = k q1 q2

= 9 x 109 N. m2 /c2 . (25C)(75C)

F21 = - 1.88 uN
• Three charges of a line. Three point charges that lie along the x-axis in a vacuum.
Determine the magnitude and the direction of the net electrostatic force on q 1.
F12 = k q1 q2

= 9 x 109 N. m2 /c2 . (4 uC)(3uC)

F12 = - 2.7 N

F13 = 9 x 109 N. m2 /c2 . (7 uC)(3uC)

F13 = 8.4 N

F = F12 + F13

F = -2.7 + 8.4
F = 5.7 N
• Three charges on a plane. Figure below shows three point charges that lie in x, y
plane in a vacuum. Find the magnitude and direction of the net electrostatic force
on q1.
F12 = k q1 q2

= 9 x 109 N. m2 /c2 . (4 uC)(6uC)

F12 = 9.6 N

F13 = 9 x 109 N. m2 /c2 . (4 uC)(8uC)

F13 = 2.88 N

F12y = F12 sin 73° F12x = F12 cos 73°

= 9.6 sin 73° = 9.6 cos 73°

= 9.18 N = 2.81 N
F x-component y-component
F12 2.81N 9.18N
F13 28.8N 0N
FN 31.61N 9.18N

F= √ x2 + y2
= √ (31.61)2 + (9.18)2
= 32.92 N
Ө = tan-1 9.18
Ө = 16.19 ° NE
• Three charges q1 = 1x10-9 C, q2 = -6x10-9 and q3= -8x10-9 are
arranged in figure below. What is the net statement
resultant force on q2 due to the other two charges?

• Solution:
F31 = 9x109 N. m2/c2 (4x10-9) (8x10-9C)
= 2.88 nN
F32 = 9x109 N.m2/c2 (8x10-9C) (6x10-9C)
= 6.75 nN
Component of F31
F31x = F31 cos 37
= 2.88 nN cos 37
= -2.30 nN
F31y = F31 sin 37
= 2.88 sin 37
= 1.73 nN
Component of F12x
F12x = F12 cos 10
= 6.75 cos 10
= 6.65 nN
F12y = F32 sin 10
= 6.75 sin 10
= 1.17 nN
Fx = 0
F31x + F32x = 0
2.30 + 6.656 = 0
Fx = 4.35 nN

Fy = 0
F32y + F31y = 0
1.17 + 1.73 = 0
Fy = 2.9nN
F = √ (Fx)2 + (Fy)2
= √ (4.35)2 + (2.9)2
= 5.23 nN

Ө = tan-1 2.9 nN
4.35 nN
Ө = 33.69 ° NE
• Two charges q1 = -8MC and q2 = 12MC are placed in the air.
What is the resultant force on a third charge q3 = -4MC, placed
on the third of the other two charges?

F32 = 9x109 N. m2/c2 (4 MC) (12 MC)
= -12000 MN
F31 = 9x109 N.m2/c2 (4 MC) (8 MC)
= -12000 MN

F = F32 + F31
= -12000 MN + (-12000 MN)
= -24000 MN
• The positive test charges is qo = 3x10-8 C and the expensed of a force
F = 6x10-8 N and the directionshown in the fig.
a. Find the force per coloumb that the test charge expense.
b. Using the result of part a, predict the force that a charge of 12x10-8
would expense if it replaced q0.
a. E = F/qo
= 6x10-8 N
= 2 N/C

b. F = E(qo)
= 2N/C (12x10-8 C)
= 0.24MN
• There is an isolated point charge of q = 15MC in a vacuum using a
test charge of qo = 0.80 MC determine the electric field at point which is
0.20m away.

F = K qq0
= 9x109 N.m2/c2 (15MC) (0.80MC)
= 2700000 MN

E = F/qo
= 2700000
0.80 MC
= 3375000 M N/C
Temperature Conversion
• Convert 40° to °C

°C = °F – 32
= 40 – 32
°C = 5.33 °C
• Convert 11 °C to °F
°F = 1.5 (°C) + 32
°F = 1.5 (11) + 32
°F = 48.5 °F
• Convert 20F to Kelvin
K = °F + 273
K = 20 + 273
K = 293 K
• Convert 25 °C to Kelvin
°F = 1.5 (°C) + 32
°F = 1.5 (25) + 32
°F = 69.5 °F

K = °F + 273
K = 69.5 + 273
K = 342.5 K
• Convert 403 K to °C
K = °F + 273
°F = K – 273
°F = 403 – 273
°F = 130 °F

°C = °F – 32
°C = 130 – 32
°C = 65.33 °C
• 2Ω


Find IT

V = IR
I = V/R
I = 10V
• 3Ω

20V 6Ω


Find IT, RT

Solution: RT = 3 Ω + 6 Ω + 9 Ω
RT = 18 Ω
IT = V/R
IT = 20V
18 Ω
IT = 1.11 A

12V 7Ω 15Ω

Find RT, IT

RT = 7 Ω (15 Ω)
7 Ω + 15 Ω
RT = 4.77 Ω

IT = V/R
= 12V
4.77 Ω
= 2.51 A


When I = 16 mA
Find VT

RT = 5Ω + 10Ω
RT = 15Ω

V = IR
V = 16 mA (15Ω)
V = 0.24 V

24V 7Ω 19Ω

20Ω 17Ω 5Ω

Find RT, IT
Solution: R195 = 19Ω + 5Ω IT = V/R
= 24Ω = 24V
R19517 = 24Ω (17 Ω) 13.64Ω
24Ω + 17Ω IT = 1.76 A
= 9.95Ω
R1951720 = 9.95Ω (20Ω)
9.95Ω + 20Ω
R1951720 = 6.64Ω
RT = 6.64Ω + 7Ω
RT = 13.64Ω
• Two spaced metal plates form a capacitor. The area of
each plate is 9. The spacing between the plates is 7. What is
the capacitance C?
• A sheet of glass is put between a hot stone and a cooler
one. The thickness of the glass is 8. The conductivity of the
glass is 3. What is the thermal resistance R of the glass?
• A rod travelling near the speed of light contracts. The
rod's proper length is 5.The Lorentz factor is 9. What is the
rod's length L' at that speed?
L' = L
• A block is fastened to a spring attached to a wall. The
spring constant is 4. The distance from equilibrium is 7. What
is the force F exerted by the spring on the block?
F = - c(d)
= - 4(7)
= - 28
• A coiled wire forms an inductor. The flux through the
inductor is 4. The number of windings is 9. The current
through the wire is 2. What is the inductance L of the
L=N f
= 18
Linear Thermal Expansion
• Find the linear expansion of a 12m concrete material from
12°C to 25°C.
L = α Lo T
= 12 x 10-6 (12m)(25°C- 12°C )
= 1.872 x 10-3
• Find the new length of a material with an original length of
250 m. After its temperature changes from 16°C to 70°C
L = α Lo T
= 12 x 10-6 (12m)(25°C- 12°C )
= 1.872 x 10-3
• In a sunny morning, the temperature rises
from 25°C to 31°C. find the thermal expansion
of the 10km concrete pavement.

L = α Lo T
= 12x10-6 (10km)(31°C - 25°C)
L = 0.72
• Having a thermal expansion of 0.96. find the original
length of the concrete rail after subdue to a temperature 76°C
to 106°C

L = α Lo T
0.96L = (12x10-6(106°C - 76°C)
L = 2666.67
Volume Thermal Expansion
• Find the volume thermal expansion of a 16m3 mercury.
After its temperature changes from 30°c to 60°c.
∆V= βV (∆T)
∆V= 18x10-5°c-1 (16m3)(60°c-30°c)
∆V= 0.0864m3
• Find the new volume of 28m3 mercury after its
temperature changes from 20°c to 45°c.

∆V= βV (∆T)
∆V= 18x10-5°c-1 (28m3)(45°c-20°c)
∆V= 0.126m3

V= Vo + ∆V
= 28m3 + 0.126m3
V= 28.126m3

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