Advise Appropriate Colleagues On Readiness of Items For Service

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Advise Appropriate
Colleagues on Readiness
of Items for Service

LO1: Liaise between kitchen and

service areas
A key focus when providing a link
between the kitchen and service
areas is advising waiters and servers
on the readiness of items for
Importance of advising
 This notification allows them to plan their work
on other tables.
 The advice you give enables better integration of
other service so the guest receives a more
positive experience. For example, the food waiter
can notify the beverage waiter of the imminent
arrival of the main course so they can ensure
wine which has been ordered is served and ready
for consumption before the food is served
Importance of advising
 Theadvice allows waiters to prepare the
table to which the meals are to be
served. They may, for example, need to:
 Clear dirty plates from the table
 Adjustcutlery; add/remove cutlery to
the cover to suit the food about to be
How to advise colleagues?
When you have identified from the
kitchen that food for a certain table is
about to be plated or served then you
will need to:
 Enter the service area. The
notification should take place at the
service point
 Speak to the waiter/server and
advise them of the table number for
the food you are about to bring in.
Other considerations
 Double-check the food being plated is
your food.
 Hand signals may be used as an
alternative if circumstances dictate (that
is, if the waiter is doing something such
as taking an order or serving another
table and cannot be interrupted
 Tryto give the waiter/server sufficient
warning. Approximately one minute is a
suitable period for advance notice
Other considerations
 Make sure you communicate any
other relevant issues at the same
time, for example:
 Notification of any delays to
dishes/orders already placed so
waiters can pass this on (with an
apology) to guests
 Advise them of dishes which are no
longer available
 Advise them of menu items which
are running low or running out
Other considerations
 Seek clarification of any orders where
the kitchen has asked you for
clarification and you need to obtain
information from the person who took
the order
 Confirm special requests can be
catered for
Advise where special requests cannot
be accommodated
 Notify other issues such as “carrots are
being replaced with pumpkin” or
“potatoes are being replaced with

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