Arithmetic Logic Unit: CSE 429 Digital System Design

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Arithmetic Logic Unit

CSE 429
Digital System Design
Block Diagram
4 bit ALU
•Multi-operation, combinational-logic
digital function
•Can perform a set of basic arithmetic
operations and a set of logic operations
•K selection variables  upto 2k
distinct operations
• We will use k = 3, that means 23 = 8
operations. But we will implement
•Input and output carries are
meaningful only during arithmetic
Operation modes
S2 S1 S0 Cin Operations
0 ? ? ? 8 arithmetic operations
1 ? ? 0 4 logical operations
Full specification
S2 S1 S0 Cin Operation Type
0 0 0 0 A Arithmetic
0 0 0 1 A+1 Arithmetic
0 0 1 0 A+B Arithmetic
0 0 1 1 A+B+1 Arithmetic
0 1 0 0 A–B–1 Arithmetic
0 1 0 1 A–B Arithmetic
0 1 1 0 A–1 Arithmetic
0 1 1 1 A Arithmetic
1 0 0 X A + B (OR) Logical
1 0 1 X AB Logical
1 1 0 X A.B Logical
1 1 1 X A’ Logical
Arithmetic Circuit
Specification of Arithmetic Circuit
S1 S0 Cin Operation
0 0 0 A
0 0 1 A+ 1
0 1 0 A+ B
0 1 1 A+ B+ 1
1 0 0 A– B– 1
1 0 1 A– B
1 1 0 A– 1
1 1 1 A
What’s inside the ALU?
Answer: Full adders
Functions of F/A? F
F =XYZ
Cout = XY + Cin .(X  Y)
Bad design
- Use separate circuits to generate each function
- Use a MUX to output the required function

- MUX is actually combination of AND and OR gates. A lot of unnecessary
transistors used. Bad for latency and area. Therefore bad for processor design.
Correct Design
Find out what the input should be for each function.
And then simplify the input function.
The circuit should look somewhat like this

Combinatorial Fi
Full Adder
Circuit Yi

S2 S1 S0
Transfer and Increment
S1 S0 Cin Operation X Y
0 0 0 A A 0
0 0 1 A+ 1 A 0

So we can just XOR A with 0 to get the desired result

Add and Add with Carry
S1 S0 Cin Operation X Y
0 1 0 A+ B A B
0 1 1 A+ B+ 1 A B

We can just XOR A with B to get the desired result

How about these two?
S1 S0 Cin Operation X Y
1 0 0 A– B– 1 A B’
1 0 1 A– B A B’

-B is actually equal to B’ + 1
So we can set Y = B’
How can we decrement?
S1 S0 Cin Operation X Y
1 1 0 A– 1 A 1111
1 1 1 A A 1111

Adding all 1 (1111) to a 4 bit number is equivalent to decrementing the number

So we can set Y = 1111
Final Table
S1 S0 Cin X Y Operation
0 0 0 A 0 A
0 0 1 A 0 A+1
0 1 0 A B A+B
0 1 1 A B A+B+1
1 0 0 A B’ A–B–1
1 0 1 A B’ A–B
1 1 0 A 1111 A–1
1 1 1 A 1111 A

We can keep X = A fixed for arithmetic operations and find a function of Y

Input Functions
Effect of Output Carry
1. F = A (A  0)
Cout is always 0
2. F = A + 1
If A = 1111, A+ 1 = 10000, So Cout will be 1
Otherwise Cout is 0
3. F = A + B
If A + B > 1111, Cout = 1
Otherwise Cout is 0
4. F = A + B + 1
If A + B ≥ 1111, Cout = 1
Otherwise Cout is 0
Effect of Output Carry
5. F = A – B – 1
For Cout to be 1, the result has to be greater than or equal to 10000 (24)
That means A – B – 1 ≥ 24 (10000)
 A – B > 24 (We can replace 24 by 0)
 A> B
So Cout = 1 if A > B
And Cout = 0 otherwise.
6. F = A – B
Similar, just Cout = 1 if A ≥ B
And Cout = 0 otherwise.
Effect of Output Carry
7. F = A – 1
Remember we don’t actually subtract 1, but rather add 1111.
If A = 1, we have 1 + 1111 = 10000, so we’ll have Carry
So, Cout = 1 if A ≥ B and 0 otherwise
8. F = A
We actually add 10000 (1111 + 1) to A.
So Cout will always be 1.
Logic Circuit
Remember that S2 = 1 for logic operations and Cin = 0

S1 S0 Function
0 0 A + B (OR)
0 1 A  B (XOR)
1 0 A.B (AND)
1 1 A’
Bad Design (yet again)
- Keep the arithmetic circuit like it is
- Implement the logic functions
- Use a MUX to select desired output
Correct way to do it
For Arithmetic operation, we didn’t have to manipulate the X input.
It was fixed as Xi = Ai
For logical operation we will change it.
Depending on the operation, we OR some value to the input of Xi
- Recall that for S1S0 = 00, we had Yi
- We will only OR some value to Xi S1 S0 Function
- What should we OR in this case? 0 0 A + B (OR)

- Answer: Bi
So Yi = 0 and Xi = Ai + Bi
Result of F/A (XOR) is Fi = Ai + Bi
- Recall that for S1S0 = 01, we had Yi =
- So the output of the F/A will be S1 S0 Function
Fi = Ai  Bi 0 1 A  B (XOR)
- We don’t need to add anything else
-Recall that for S1S0 = 10, we had Yi =
-So now we need to OR some value to S1 S0 Function
Xi so that the result is Fi = Ai.Bi 1 0 A.B (AND)
- Suppose Xi = Ai + Ki
- We can find that for Ki = Bi’, Fi will
be equal to Ai.Bi

So we will use Xi = Ai + Bi’

Recall that for S1S0 = 11, we had Yi =
Now, if we XOR any number with 1111, S1 S0 Function
what will happen? 1 1 A’ (COMP)
We get the complement of the number!
So we don’t need to change anything here
Final logic circuit
We need
Xi = Ai + Bi for OR (S1S0 = 00)
And Xi = Ai + Bi’ for AND (S1S0 = 10)
Others can stay the same
So when S1S0 = 00 we OR Bi to Xi
And when S1S0 = 10 we OR Bi’ to Xi

So Xi = Ai + S2S1‘S0’ Bi + S2S1S0’ Bi’

Note the extra S2 in the equation, why is it there?
Combined Circuit (Arithmetic + Logic)
Status Register
Status Bits
If we are using unsigned numbers, then we need only 2
- Carry (C)
- Zero (Z)

When using signed numbers, we need 4

- Carry (C)
- Sign (S)
- Zero (Z)
- Overflow (V)
Using status bits for relational operators
Suppose we need to compare 2 numbers stored in A and B and then determine if a
particular relation (greater than, equal etc. ) is true or not.

What should we do?

Answer- Perform A-B and check the value of the status bits
Unsigned Numbers
Carry flag is set whenever we have Cout = 1
Zefo flag is set whenever the result of the ALU is 0.

So if,
A – B = 0  A = B, Z = 1
A – B ≠ 0  A ≠ B, Z = 0
A – B ≥ 24 (0)  A ≥ B, C = 1
A – B < 24 (0)  A < B, C = 0
Unsigned Numbers
Relation Condition Function
A> B C = 1 and Z = 0 CZ’
A≥B C=1 C
A< B C=0 C’
A≤B C = 0 or Z = 1 C’ + Z
A= B Z=1 Z
A≠B Z=0 Z’
Signed Numbers
- Bit C is set if the output carry of the ALU is 1. Cleared if Cout is 0
C = C5
- Bit S is set if the highest-order bit of the result in the output of the ALU (sign bit) is
1. It is cleared if the highest order bit is 0.
S = C4
- Bit Z is set if the output of the ALU contains all 0s, and cleared otherwise
Z = 1 if all 0. Z = 0 otherwise
- Bit V is set if the exclusive-OR of C5 and C4 is 1, and cleared otherwise.
V = C5  C4
Why is V = C5  C4?

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