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Unit IV: Bio-energy, Geothermal

G. Suriya narayanan,
06/19/2020 Unit IV 1


A renewable energy source and a material of biological origin, which derived form organic
matters of recently living biological materials and animal wastes.

*Different forms of bio-energy are bio-power, heat, solid, liquid and gas.

How it is a ‘Renewable energy source’ ?

Biomass is a form of renewable energy source, because the energy contained in the
biomass is energy from the sun captured through natural process of photosynthesis and
renewable CO2 and H2O.

If the biomass is a renewable energy source, then bio-energy  form of renewable energy.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 2
• Bio energy

Photosynthesis - Energy derived from the ‘Sun’ – biomass –

large fraction of energy resource

CO2 + H2O  (CH2O)n + O2

Plants – leaves – mesophyll – chloroplast – chlorophyll

CO2 get reduced – water gets oxidation

06/19/2020 Unit-1 3
• Bio energy

Renewable – sources are renewable (sun light, water, CO2).

‘C-Neutral’ Energy is extracted

Biomass feedstock CO2 + heat;

Through photosynthesis

Biomass Sun light

CO2 + H2O

Biomass  biofuel  bioenergy.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 4
• Biomass – Formulation

C, O2, H, N, S + ‘inorg’ – bio molecules (carb, prot & fat) and H2O.

• Constituents of plant

Cellulose, Hemicelluloses and lignin

06/19/2020 Unit-1 5
Cellulose : Linear, un-branched, fibrous, tough, water in-
soluble polymer (homo polysaccharide, DOP-10k to 15k
units of D-glucose) – cell wall – 41-55%.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 6
Lignin: Rigid polymer - complex str - ‘phenyl alanine &
tyrosine; glucose’ – 2nd to cellulose – covalent crosslink to
cellulose, which complicates ‘cellulase’ degradation - 30%
of mass of wood.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 7
Hemicellulose: soluble ‘alkali & acid’ soln – yields simple sugars e.g.

mannose, glucose, xylose, hexauronic acid, galactose, arabinose, fructose –

more than one ‘monosac’ – DOP is b/w 100 to 200 – ‘polyuronides &


Starch – 2 types of ‘glucose’ polymer.

amylose – long, un-branched chain of ‘D-glucose’ linked by α14.

amylopectin – highly branched (24-30 res), α14 for successive ‘residue’,

α16 for ‘branched’ residue.

Lipids – ‘Fatty Acids’ – ‘Fatty Acid Methyl Ester’ – ‘Bio-diesel’ – similar

burning characteristics – e.g. soybean, oil palm, sunflower ‘seed crops’.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 8
 Bio-energy ‘Feedstock’  biomass derived materials  energy containing
products - Thru’ - heat, chemical treatment, microbial activity.
 The feedstock – (i) forest (lingo-cellulosic or woody), (ii) agriculture
(woody/non-woody), (iii) waste sources, (iv) microalgae – emerging imp.
feedstock source of bioenergy.
 The biomaterials of interest – sugar/starch, cellulose/lignocellulose or
 1st gen: ‘oils & sugars’ – food crops. e.g. bio-ethanol from corn, bio-diesel
from soybean
 2nd gen: ‘non-food’ crops. E.g. perennial grasses, woody material, forest
harvests and non-food portion (left-over) of food crops.
 3rd gen: algae – higher yields

06/19/2020 Unit-1 9
Forest based ‘feedstock’
•Provides → woody (lingo-cellulosic/cellulosic) in nature → source of fuel for cooking and
space heating.
•‘Extended-rotation’ forests – e.g. pine trees (Pinus resinosa, (red pine or Norway pine),
Pinus strobus (white pine), managed specially to provide ‘biomass’.
•Woody material available – barks (high energy density, K and Si), wood chips (used
directly as solid form of biofuel for combustion, or densified / pelletized).

2/25/2019 Unit-1 10
Agricultural based ‘feedstock’
• 1st generation biofuel feedstock
• Regarded as sources of sugars, starches, lipids, woody biomasses – the
feedstock – crops grown for ‘energy production’ (i.e dedicated bio-energy
crops), agricultural residues (non-edible, cellulosic materials remains after
harvesting of ‘edible’ portion.
• Dedicated ‘bio-energy’ crops – ‘annual crops e.g. corn’ – grown for their sugar,
starch or oil content, and ‘perennial herbaceous non-food’ plants, which grown
for ‘cellulose’.
• Bio-ethanol  e.g. sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum, prime feedstock in
brazil), corn (Zea mays, in USA), Sugar beets (Beta vulgaris), potatoes
(Solanum tuberosum), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and cassava (Manihot

06/19/2020 Unit-1 11
Agricultural based ‘feedstock’
▪ About 60% of bio-ethanol prodn → Sugar cane & Corn (Brazil and USA).
▪ Bio-diesel production → crops contain high amt of lipid content – e.g. soybean (Glycine
max), Oil palm (Arecaceae), Rapeseed (Brassica napus).
▪ Soybean – primary feedstock for ‘bio-diesel’ production in USA, Brazil, Argentina,
European countries (World leaders in ‘bio-diesel’ production’)
▪Perennial crops (e.g. hybrid poplars, willows) → not a food crop → sources of
‘lignocellulosic’ biomass for 2nd gen biofuel → ‘long term yield potential’ not seasonal,
grown more than one season, don’t have to be planted → environmental benefits → soil
corrosion prevention, water quality improvement and wildlife habitat.
▪Perennial crops also includes herbaceous perennial plants (lacks woody ‘stem’) and
perennial ‘woody’ stem (e.g. Switch grass, Miscanthus)
▪Potential non-edible oil crops → Castor and Camelina (under ‘R&D’)

2/25/2019 Unit-1 12
Agricultural based ‘feedstock’ – ‘Perennial crops’

06/19/2020 Unit-1 13
Waste based bio-energy ‘feedstock’
‘organic matters’ → leftover or remains from industrial, agricultural, agro-
industrial processes or activity, municipal solid waste and animal waste
→ potential feedstock → degradation & energy production.
▪ Industrial wastes → effluents from paper and cellulose mill (humid
sludge), distillery (Anaerobically digested Distillery Spent Wash),
textiles (org. dyes), tanneries, poultry and dairy, and materials from
wood processing industries like sawmill (sawdust, wood shavings).
▪ Agricultural waste → by-products e.g. bagasse (a fibrous material
from sugarcane which is used directly as solid fuel and/or feedstock for
bio-ethanol production), Corn stovers, Rice husk and Wheat straw.
▪ Animal wastes → effluent from Slaughter house industries, farm house
wastes (cow dung) → ‘anaerobic’ → biogas → heat & bioelectricity.
▪ Municipal solid waste → kitchen waste, clothes, other wastes of ‘org
mat’ origin → incinerated → ‘anaerobically fermented’ → biogas.

2/25/2019 Unit-1 14
Algal biomass as bio-energy feedstock
Challenges  meeting the demands for bio-energy feedstocks
includes competition for food, land, water and other resources
(nutrients)  ‘plant based biomass feedstock’.
‘Algae’  photosynthetic microbe  e.g. ‘Chlorophyte’
provides attractive option  doesn’t compete with ‘land, food,
water resources.
 Yield is ‘100 fold’  high energy density (15 to 30 MJ Kg-1) 
desirable biofuel characteristics (fatty acids formulation) by ‘genetic
alteration or stress’.
All season  Ensures continuous supply  long term
sustainability is viable  added applications like wastewater
treatment, CO2 capture.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 15
Biomass conversion technologies
Biomass  Cooking, heating, steam generation, power generation, by-products.
Conversion methodologies
 Thermo-chemical

(i) Combustion
(ii) Pyrolysis
(iii) Gasification
(iv) liquefaction
 Chemical conversion

(i) FA  FAME  Bio-diesel

 Bio-chemical Conversion

(i) Anaerobic digestion to methane

(ii) Ethanol production

06/19/2020 Unit-1 16
Biomass conversion technologies
Nature of Lipids – Fatty acids, TAG (triacylglycerol)

lipids - chemically diverse group of compounds - the common and defining

feature - insolubility in water – biological functions are structural elements

of membrane (e.g. phospholipids, sterols), enzyme cofactor, e - carriers,

pigments, hormones.

Fats and oils, derivatives of FA – stored forms of energy. FA – ‘HC’ derivatives

at above the same oxidation state as the hydrocarbons in fossil fuel. The

cellular oxidation of ‘FA’ (CO2 + H2O) is ‘exergonic’ like in the ‘IC’ engines.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 17
Biomass conversion technologies - Lipids

Fatty Acids Are Hydrocarbon Derivatives

Carboxylic acids with hydrocarbon chains ranging from 4 to 36 carbons long
(C4 to C36).

06/19/2020 Unit-1 18
Biomass conversion technologies - Lipids

Two conventions for naming fatty acids – (a) SFA, (b) PUFA

06/19/2020 Unit-1 19
Biomass conversion technologies - Lipids

Naturally occurring FA

12:0 CH3(CH2)10COOH n-Dodecanoic acid

14:0 CH3(CH2)12COOH n-Tetradecanoic acid

16:0 CH3(CH2)14COOH n-Hexadecanoic acid

18:0 CH3(CH2)16COOH n-Octadecanoic acid

20:0 CH3(CH2)18COOH n-Eicosanoic acid

06/19/2020 Unit-1 20
Biomass conversion technologies - Lipids
TAG – simplest lipid constructed from ‘FA’ (triglycerides, fats, or neutral fats)

TAG – 3 FA, with ‘ester’ linkage – simple TAG –

e.g. C16:0→tripalmitin, C18:0→tristearin,

C18:1→ triolein.

Most natural TAG – mixed - nonpolar, hydrophobic

molecules, essentially insoluble in water.

Specific gravity

Esterification: 2 routes

(i) direct esterification of FFA

(ii) Trans-esterification of TAG

2/25/2019 Unit-1 21
Biomass conversion technologies
Thermo-chemical method

The most direct process - req initial high temp (>550°C) – sufficient air
supply (O2) and not too high moisture – BM to residual ash – appln cooking,
heating and co-gen. essentials are BM, O2 and ignition source.

C and H reacts with O2 to form CO2+H2O, heat is liberated.

Combustors – designed in a way that the combustion mechanism/process are

controlled to release heat thr oxidation process of various chemical
constituents of ‘BM’ in the most practical optimal manner.

Type of Combustor used: (i) Fixed bed or grate fired combustors, (ii)
Suspension burners, (iii) fluidized bed system, (iv) Biomass stoves.

2/25/2019 Unit-1 22
Biomass conversion technologies
Thermo-chemical method
Thermal decomposition of org.matter (in BM) in atm of inert – pyrolysis.
The pdt is charcoal, pyroligneous liquid, and some gaseous pdts.

The proportion of these products vary based on (i) operation condtn, (ii) type of
bm used.

‘BM’ pyrolysis  carbonization process.

Thermo-chemical biomass gasification is process of converting ‘BM’ into
‘combustible’ gases (producer gas or syn gas) by means of ‘partial oxidation’
carried out in a reactor called ‘gasifier’.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 23
Biomass conversion technologies
Bio-chemical method
‘BM’ & org.wastes are imp source of ‘elements’, that can be converted into useful pdts by
adopting suitable ‘bio-process’.

Waste material includes animal residues such as cattle dung, poultry litter, MSW (incl. food,
kitchen & market waste), industrial org waste (such as those from food processing industries,
sugar processing, distilleries, pulp & paper), agricultural waste (stover, husk, bagasse).
A bio-chemical conversion process of ‘BM’ & org. waste into ‘biofuel’, is comprises of

(i) hydrolysis of complex bio-materials like carb, proteins, fats, into simple monomers of C & N

(ii) the synthesis of complex molecules from the simple substances. The process is accompanied
by the release of energy used for the cell growth and maintenance and useful pdt.

Food (BM & Org. waste) + micro-organism  Energy + product

06/19/2020 Unit-1 24
Biomass conversion technologies
Anaerobic digestion of ‘BM’ and Org. waste to produce Bio-gas
‘AD’ is multistep ‘biological’ and chemical process  waste removal and Energy
production. 4 steps
(i) hydrolysis,

(ii) acidogenesis – NH3, H2, CO2 and H2S

(iii) acetogenesis - creation of acetate from carbon source

(iv) methanogenesis – methane formation

Throughout the process, large polymers of ‘BM’ and waste  smaller molecules
by chemical and MO  upon completion ‘BM’ is converted into ‘Bio-gas’
(CO2+CH4), as well as digestate and waste water.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 25
Biomass conversion technologies
Anaerobic digestion of ‘BM’ and Org. waste to produce Bio-gas

06/19/2020 Unit-1 26
Biomass conversion technologies
Anaerobic digestion of ‘BM’ and Org. waste to produce Bio-gas

06/19/2020 Unit-1 27
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment methods – Fractionation of Cellulose/Hemi/Lignin
 Chemical Pre-treatment

 Acid based

 Alkali based


Ultrasonic methods

Radiative degradation (Microwave)

Organic solvents

Ionic liquids

Biological methods (enzymatic pre-treatment)

06/19/2020 Unit-1 28
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Chemical – Acid
 Acid hydrolysis of ‘hemicellulose and lignin’  cellulose.

 conc. acid is less att  inhibiting compounds-e.g. furfural

(heterocyclic+formyl), phenolic acids.
 For industrial scale, ‘dil. Acid’ is feasible
 Reactors used (percolation, pfr, current). 2 types – 180°C for shorter period
(5-10 min and 120° for longer period (30-90 min) of time.

 Most widely used ‘H2SO4’ – others were HCl, H3PO3, HNO3, C2H4O3,

06/19/2020 Unit-1 29
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Chemical – Acid
 e.g. Corn pretreatment by oxalic acid 13% yield with low level inhibitors – yield is 10%
when maleic acid.

 ‘Rice husk’ pretreatment – aq.NH3 (96%) & H2SO4 (90%) – combined better removal of
‘lignin & hemi’.

 Eulaliopsis binate (a perennial plant) with H2SO4 @opt condtn – 21% tot. sug+ 3.2%
lignin+3.3% acetic acid with low inh.
 ‘Corn stover’ pretreated with ‘steam+dil. H2SO4’  78% yield.

 Acid treatment is cheap – but req high temp – high energy input – costly – corrosive –
req spl reactor vessel – must be resistant – acid treatment generates inhibitors that must
be removed.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 30
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Chemical – Alkali
 ‘BM’ treated  hydroxides of Na, K, Ca, NH3 @ normal temp & p.

 eff removal for lignin than acid  high acc of enz., towards ‘hemi’ becoz.,
removal of ‘acetyl & uronic’ acid grp on hemi.
 Ester linkage b/w xylan & hemi is hydrolyzed.

 NaOH – more eff – Ca(OH)2 – widely used alkali which also removes ester link
b/w lignin & carbs, and acetyl grp, which enh ‘cellulose’ digestibility.
 Wheat straw, Poplar wood, switchgrass, corn stover.
 Add benef: low reagent cost & less safety req, but need huge amt of water for
washing salts of alkali.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 31
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Ozone
 ‘Ozonolysis: O3 powerful Ox. Agent  reacts preferably reacts with
‘lignin’ than ‘carbs’, and deg ‘lignin’ by attacking the ‘aromatic’ ring.
 Used to disrupt str of ‘LC’ materials such as ‘bagasse, pine, peanut, cotton
& wheat straw’.
 Performed @ mild operating conditions (room t & p), and doesn’t produce
toxic residues. Short-chain carboxylic acids are the main inhibitory
compounds generated  properly removed by water washing.
 furfural and HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural), are not found in ozone-
pretreated hydrolysates.
 Process factors: moisture, particle size, reactor design, pH, conc., flow, and

06/19/2020 Unit-1 32
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Ozone-Advantages

 Low generation of inhibitory compounds, and specially the no generation of furfural and HMF (which
might hinder following downstream stages).

 Selective lignin degradation with minimal effects on cellulose and hemicellulose.

 Operation at ambient temperature and pressure.

 On-site ozone generation and direct utilization (avoiding problems related to chemical supply and

 Ability of microorganisms and animals to metabolize most Ozonolysis sub products.

 Reduction of environmental pollution with a suitable process design, decomposing residual ozone at the
end of the process.

 Absence of liquid phase, avoiding problems related to product dilution.

 No requirement of chemical additives during all the pretreatment process.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 33
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Ozone

06/19/2020 Unit-1 34
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biomass pre-treatment – Ozone- Dis-advantages
 Highly reactive, flammable, corrosive and toxic characteristics of ozone,
leading to potentially dangerous processes
 Exothermic characteristics of process may require cooling systems

 Special – construction materials, capable of resisting ozone high-oxidative

condition: austenitic stainless steel, glass and other ceramics, Teflon, Hypalon
and concrete
 High generation costs due to large energy demand (oxygen and electric energy
costs around 0.135 € (11 Rs.) per kg of generated ozone. (ozone generator
equipment maintenance costs not included)

06/19/2020 Unit-1 35
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biological pre-treatment (for lignocellulosic BM)
Enzymatic pre-treatment – Degradation of lignocellulose by fungi and bacteria –
degradation of lignin – the role of peroxidases – degradation of cellulose –
Trichoderma cellulases
 Enzymes
 Enzymatic pre-treatment
 Properties imp in terms of microbial or enzymatic attack
 Conclusions.
 Fungal degradation of lignocelluloses- white, brown and soft rot fungi
 Fungal degradation of wood polysaccharide.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 36
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment - Introduction

 Self-replication and catalysis. Catalysis  energy from environment. Reaction
catalyst of biological systems  enzymes (proteins, e.RNA), high power than inorg,
specificity, functions in aq.sys, central to every BC process.
 Deg nut mol  conserve and transfer  make use to building. Cat.act is integrity,
Small sub.
 co-factors, co-enzymes (carries spl grp), prosthetic grp, holoenzymes, apo-enzymes.
 Reactions they catalyze  OTHLIL. (E.C  1 to 6). Cellobiohydrolases (CBHs, EC
 Named after its substrate or phrase describing their activity. –ase– .

06/19/2020 Unit-1 37
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biological pre-treatment - Introduction
 Annual production  200b tonne. Uncertainty in basic structure conformation, determine molecular weight,
polydispersity, amorphous, new bonding pattern.
 Important Prop in terms of microbial or enzymatic attack:
 Lignin polymers have compact structures that are insoluble in water.
 The inter-monomeric linkages that account for the rigidity of lignin comprise many kinds of C–C and C–O
bonds with the β-aryl ether linkage being the most significant.
 Inter-monomeric linkages in lignin are not hydrolysable.

 A conclusion from the above concern

 Polymeric lignin degradation requires extracellular enzymes and/or small molecular weight mediators or
factors such as radicals,
 The lignin degrading system must be unspecific and
 The enzymes must be oxidative, not hydrolytic.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 38
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment - Introduction

 White, Brown and Soft-rot fungi.
 White-rot fungi  derived from appearance of wood after deg  basidiomycetes
(sub.K / phylum / Division, pseudo White-rot  ascomycetes). The ligninolytic
enzymes of white-rot fungi  broad substrate specificity  structural similarities
to lignin  deg by oxidative aerobic pathway.
 lignin degradation  rate-limiting step  no net energy gain  secondary
metabolism, becoz main aim is to access the Cellulose.
 WRF  extracellular enzymes (LMEz)

06/19/2020 Unit-1 39
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment - Introduction

 2 glycosylated heme-containing peroxidases,

 Lignin peroxidase (LiP, E.C,

 Mn dependant peroxidase (MnP, E.C.

 copper-containing phenoloxidase, laccase (Lac, E.C.

 EC 1.11 - Acting on a peroxide as acceptor
 EC 1.11.1 - Peroxidases
 EC – Lignin peroxidase.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 40
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment - Introduction

LiP  Endo.gen H2O2  Oxidation of veratryl-OH (low mol REDOX mediator)  e-
oxidation of non-phenolic aromatic nuclei  aryl cation radicals  aromatic &
aliphatic comp  mineralized intracellularly. Carbon-Carbon bond.
MnP  H2O2  oxidation of Mn2+ (Mn3+ oxalate)  oxidizes phenolic comp in

Lac  generate radicals from low mol mediator (3-hydroxyanthranilate)  H2O2

indept. Mediator comp. 1-hydroxybenztriazole (HBT) and 2,2′-azino-bis-(3-
ethylbenzothiazoline-6 sulfonic acid) (ABTS) are also capable of acting as Lac

06/19/2020 Unit-1 41
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment - Introduction

Enzymes  LMEz but unable to deg alone  Glyoxal oxidase and superoxide
dismuatase  H2O2 req by LiP and MnP.

Pycnoporus_cinnabarinus Phanerochaete chrysosporium

06/19/2020 Unit-1 42
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment - Introduction

Pleurotus ostreatus

Phellinus weirii

06/19/2020 Unit-1 43
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass
Biological pre-treatment – Brown Rot fungi
 Also basidiomycetes (7%)  yield  brown, shrunken  cubical cracks  easily integrated.
Mostly Gymnosperm – BM recycler.
 Evolved from WRF by ‘selective loss’. Strength loss  weight loss.
 Decrease avg. chain length of Wood polysac (abt 4-fold @ only 10%)
 Mechanism of action: during rotting, fungal uses low.mol.wt sp (free radicals) that penetrates the
lignin  carbonyl and carboxylic acid grp (oxidative component)  hemi is deg more rapidly 
cellulose is removed (depolymerization)  leaving  complex, aromatic ring containing polymer
derived from the original lignin  oxidized, (i) demethylation of aromatic rings (increases –OH),
(ii) intro of carboxyl and carbonyl grps.
 Lignin still polymeric, and intact  2 concl (i) little cap to deg, (ii) the low molwt sp they use are
oxidants (●OH-centered free radicals, Prime candidates).

06/19/2020 Unit-1 44
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Brown Rot fungi

 endurance of lignin after rot  radical plays central role but perplexing 
fungi produce –ases  operate only if lig is deg.
 R&D  inter.m link is disapp, during brown rot.
 Suggests that, the lignin may be transiently depolymerized, which might
facilitate the access of polysaccharide hydrolases.

06/19/2020 Unit-1 45
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Brown Rot fungi

Amylocystis lapponica

06/19/2020 Unit-1 46
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Brown Rot fungi

Gloeophyllum sepiarium

06/19/2020 Unit-1 47
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Brown Rot fungi

Postia tephroleuca

06/19/2020 Unit-1 48
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Brown Rot fungi

Postia placenta

06/19/2020 Unit-1 49
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Soft-Rot fungi

 Soft-rot, the wood  brown, soft and wet  cracked (dry).

 Ascomycetes and mitosporic (A large and heterogenous group of fungi

whose common characteristic is the absence of a sexual state. Many of
the pathogenic fungi in humans belong to this group.)  cavities.
 Knowledge is limited abt asco, lit knowm abt mech.
 Daldinia, Hypoxylon and xylaria are known fungi sp. Grp’ed as ‘Soft-

06/19/2020 Unit-1 50
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Soft-Rot fungi

Daldinia concentrica

06/19/2020 Unit-1 51
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Soft-Rot fungi

Hypoxylan sp.,

06/19/2020 Unit-1 52
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Soft-Rot fungi

Xylaria hypoxylon

06/19/2020 Unit-1 53
Chemistry and Biochemistry of biomass

Biological pre-treatment – Enzymatic degradation of Wood-Polysac

 Trichoderma reesei – Soft-rot fungi  source of hemi and cellulases 
also as model org.
 Deg is catalyzed by Caz (
 CBHz, E.C:
 EGz, E.C:
 β-glucosidaces, E.C:

06/19/2020 Unit-1 54
Feedstock pre-processing and treatment methods

Biological pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass

Fungal degradation of ‘cellulose’ is catalyzed by

(i) Cellobiohydrolase (CBH)- EC – cleave polymeric cellulose

(ii) Endoglucanase (Egs) – EC – endo wise along glucose chain

(iii) Extra or intracellular beta glucosidase – – which hydrolyze the

resulting cellobiose or cello-oligosaccharides to glucose.

(iv) The hydrolysis products can also be ‘oxidized’ by ‘cellobiose-


These carbohydrate active enzymes are termed as ‘CAZy’

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 55
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

Heat – radiated – earth’s surface  space. Solar energy, absorbed by the earth’s soil, rock,
ocean  re-emitted as ‘infrared’ radiation, in which 1% of the radiation comes from
earth’s interior.

The energy (in the form of heat), that is present at a few thousand of feet below the earth’s
surface, is more than enough to satisfy the energy needs of every nation of the world
many times. The ‘heat’ energy  ‘Geothermal’ energy.

The heat energy is available from (i) the planet’s past history (during the big bang 4.6x10 9
yrs ago) i.e. the hot inner and outer core (ii) radioactive decay of naturally occuring
radioactive isotopes of Th232, K238 and U40.

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 56
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

So, this energy is perpetual (continuing forever), inexhaustible and renewable form (when
compared with the non – renewable energy sources on the basis of ‘resource
depletion’) of energy.

The average heat flux of the geothermal energy over the earth’s surface is 87mW/m2 (global
surface area of earth is 5.1x108 km2  4.4x1013 W of renewable energy potential).

For comparison, the estimated ‘total power consumption’ by all human activity in 2006 was
~1.57x1013 W (2.8 times). This data clearly says that, the heat in the earth has the
potential to significantly contribute to the ‘energy needs’.

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 57
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

The interior of earth : Crust (6-90km)  Mantle  Outer core  Inner core. Only the tiny
fraction of the heat can be extracted from earth’s crust, and the ‘maximum exploitation
depth’ is 5km. To this depth the temp of the crust increases @ an avg rate of 30 to 35°C per
km (mean geothermal gradient).

Becoz of the thermal gradient, natural heat rises (heat flow) by conduction (and by convection in
some places).

The conductive component of ‘heat flow’ also varies  varying ‘heat flux’ from min of 30mW/m2
to 500mW/m2, and the avg. heat flux is ‘few thousand times’ less than the ‘mean solar
radiation’ striking the earth’s surface.

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Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

The viability of ‘geothermal energy’ conversion is apparent only in places where its heat
dissipates into earth’s surface through a ‘carrier fluid’ such as ‘warm water’ that flows
from ‘geyser’, or through the release of ‘hot gases’, or ‘volcanic eruption’.

Accessible resource base – The amount of heat energy that could be theoretically be
taped (or utilized) within the ‘maximum exploitation depth’ is 14x1025 J, however
only a fraction of it could be used.

At the boundaries b/w the ‘tectonic plates’(where, the molten rock – magma@1000°C,
reaches the surface), the heat flux are high as 300mW/m2.

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 59
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

High heat flows  over the time, these flows resulted in large quantities of heat being stored
in rocks at shallow depths, and these rocks forms the ‘source’ of geothermal energy

High enthalpy region – the region at which ‘highly concentrated heat flow (heat flux)’
occurs, and where the heat is available in the forms of steam and hot water (100-200°C).
These regions are suitable for ‘power generation’

Low enthalpy region – temp is low, heat  warm water. Suitable for ‘heating and drying’

Heat mining – heat extraction for ‘useful’ purpose.

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 60
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

The Himalayan
geothermal belt,
Eastern china,
Russia, Japan, the
Indonesia, etc.,

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 61
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

Any ‘geothermal resource site’ should have ‘three’ important characteristics

1. An aquifer (which is porous rock that can store water, and flow of water is possible
inside it), it can be accessed by ‘drilling’.

2. A cap rock to retain the geothermal fluid (seal for the fluids)

3. Heat source (three different types of heat source (i) volcano – related heat source, (ii)
sedimentary basins and (iii) hot-dry rocks).

A geothermal aquifer must be able to ‘sustain’ a flow of geothermal fluid so that even highly
porous rocks are suitable only if the pores are interconnected.

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 62
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

The velocity of a fluid moving through a porous medium, ‘v’ can be described by ‘Darcy’s law’

v = KW.(H/L); KW – hydraulic conductivity, H/L – hydraulic gradient

H/L – the change in the ‘head’ per meter of distance ‘L’ along the direction of flow

Q = A.KW.(H/L); A – Cross sectional area

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 63
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Geothermal energy resources

Technology for utilization of geothermal resources

Examination of locating the site  chemical investigation  Resistivity surveying (for

brine)  once located drilling  exploration  production.

1. Direct way – use the geothermal fluid directly

Dry steam PP, Single-flash steam PP and double-flash steam PP

2. Indirect way – heat is extracted from the site by using heat exchangers

Binary cycle PP, also known as ‘Organic Rankine cycle’ ORC

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 64
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Dry steam power plants

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 65
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Single-flash steam power plants

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 66
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Double-flash steam power plants

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Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Binary cycle power plants

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 68
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Ocean thermal energy conversion

Tropical ocean – surface water  25 to 27°C – deepwater below (1000m)  5°C. The difference
(around 20°C) is used to make ‘energy’ is called ‘OTEC’.

Upper layer  vast ‘reservoir’ of heat held @ temp near 27°C by a balance b/w ‘the absorption of
heat (from the sun)’ and ‘the loss of heat (by evaporation, heat transfer loss and re-radiation).

Fact : on an avg day, the water near the surface absorbs more heat from the sun in one square mile
of ocean area than the heat that could be produced by burning 7000 barrels of oil.

OTEC system needs supply of ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ water with the temp diff of 20°C, and a
‘inexpensive and efficient’ heat engine for extracting work from the heat supply – heat sink
combination, and a reasonable methods for delivering the output to users.

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 69
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Ocean thermal energy conversion

The Rankine (closed) cycle heat engine with a typical refrigerant as working fluid (liquid
NH3) will be boiled using warm water’s heat  the vapor expand thr the turbine 
cycle work  condensed by cold water  pumped back into the boiler.

For modest yield of output work, large quantities of heat was req, for which large boilers and
condensers were req.

Overall less output  6 to 20kW

2 types of OTEC process (i) Closed – cycle systems and (ii) open – cycle systems

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 70
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Ocean thermal energy conversion - Closed cycle system

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 71
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Ocean thermal energy conversion - Open cycle system

06/19/2020 Unit-IV 72
Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Tidal power

Use of tides (not waves) to provide energy – turbines mounted in large barrages (low dam
structures), which are artificial barriers build across a river or estuary.

Upstream tide (flood tide) flows towards the barrages are trapped. As the tide declines 
level of water on the other side (downstream) of the barrages ‘reduces’  Head of water
(water body at a certain height, called ‘Head’) develops  potential energy to kinetic

Power, P (kW) = H.Q.γ; H – head in m, Q – discharge in m3/s and γ – sp. wt of water


*Regularly varying heads of water

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Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Tidal power

The formation and variation in tidal height  gravitational interaction b/w earth and moon/sun.

As the earth rotates in its axis  gravitational force produce  twice-daily rise and fall in sea
level  modified by gravitational pull of the sun  interaction is complex

Gravitational pull of moon draws  sea on earth ‘nearest’ to moon bulge (high tide pattern) 
as earth rotates, this bulge maintains  two high tides per day (moon’s rotational time).
This pattern is modified by ‘pull’ of the sun.

Spring tides  very high tides  when sun and moon pull together in line

Neap tides  low tides  when sun and moon are apart (90°)

Tidal power availability is site specific  tidal potential is 120GW

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Geothermal energy, OTECs and Tidal energy

Tidal power

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