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Real-time Embedded Systems

Lecture 1

Instructor: Dr. M. Naeem Shehzad

Assistant Professor

Faculty Block, Room No. 28

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

What are the contents?
• The field is very vast

• There are various aspects and the same subject is

being taught with very diverse contents

 Our course is an abstract level course and gives

an overview of various topics without too much

 The course is RTES and not ES

2 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Course Books
• Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems
Qing Li and Carolyn Yao

• Embedded/Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design

and Programming-The Ultimate Reference
Dr. K.V.K.K. Prasad
• Embedded Systems : An integrated approach
Lyla B. Das
• Real-Time Systems by Jane W.S. Liu

• Hard Real-time Computing Systems, 3rd Edition, by

G. C. Buttazzo
3 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore
Objectives of course
After passing this course, the student should be
familiar with

1.The embedded systems and Real-time embedded


2.Hardware and software architecture and development

process of embedded systems

3.Real time operating systems

4.Scheduler and scheduling policies

5.Realizing the design with petrinets

4 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore
Organization of the Presentation

 What is an embedded system

 Features

 Classification

 Architecture

 Recent trends

 Real time embedded systems

5 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Popular gadgets of early 90’s

6 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Popular gadgets of 2019

7 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Today’s World

8 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Today’s World

9 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

TOP Technologies in 2018
MIT Technology Review unveils technology list of 2018

 Sensing City The aim is to integrate urban design with

cutting edge technology in order to make “smart cities” more
affordable, liveable and environmentally sustainable.

Cloud-based AI services The availability of artificial

intelligence tools in the cloud will mean that advanced
machine learning is widely accessible to many different

10 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

TOP Technologies in 2018
MIT Technology Review unveils technology list of 2018
Babel Fish earbuds. It let humans understand each other
while communicating in different languages
 Zero-carbon Natural Gas New engineering methods
make it possible to capture carbon released during the
burning of natural gas
Perfecting Online Privacy Blockchain-based privacy
systems make it possible for digital transactions to be
recorded and validated while protecting the privacy of the
information and identities underlying the exchange of
Genetic Fortune Telling It is is possible to predict
chances of diseases such as cancer, or even IQ, by
analyzing genetic data. 
11 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore
Top activities of 90’s

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Top activities of 2019

13 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Effect on culture/life style

14 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Effect on culture/life style

15 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Effect on culture/life style

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Effects on culture/life style

17 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Reasons of this change ?

 Digital Revolution
• The Digital Revolution is the change from mechanical and
analogue electronic technology to digital electronics
• The Digital Revolution also marks the beginning of the Information
• The main step was the building of a processing chip..A device to
process the data

18 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Computer ?

19 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Computer ?

20 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Components involved?
• The Processor (The brain)
– Fetch, decode and execute cycle
• System clock
– Synchronize the activity of CPU
– Technology used for processor must match the clock
• Memory
• I/O system
– To communicate with outside world
– Specialized controller for most I/Os for compatibility of
CPU with the device
• Computer Software

21 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Computer ?

22 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

1st Computer of history
ENIAC machine by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
at the University of Pennsylvania

23 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Invisible computer ?

24 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

What is an Embedded system?

25 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

What is an Embedded system?
 Another general Definition:
 A device which has a computing device in it but is
not itself a general purpose computer.

 ES is expected to complete its dedicated function

without human intervention.

 ES are expected to monitor, respond or even

control the external environment using sensors
and actuators.

26 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

What is an Embedded system?

27 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Some other names?
 Ubiquitous computing system
 “Ubiquitous” means found everywhere
 The computing systems that are present any where
and any time
 Pervasive computing system
 “Pervasive” means spreading widely throughout an
 The Computing systems that are growing rapidly
 Ambience intelligence
 The systems that are present any where and any time

28 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Embedded system-Block diagram?

29 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

General purpose system vs. ES
Criteria General Purpose Embedded system

Contents Generic Hardware and Specialized Hardware,

general purpose OS Embedded OS,
executing variety of execution of Specific
applications applications

Alteration Applications are Applications are

alterable by user generally not alterable
by user
Power consumption More Less

Response time Not Critical Critical for some

Key factor Performance Application specific

30 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Embedded systems everywhere!
• Consumer appliances
– Toys, MP3 player, Dig Cameras, Microwave, RC etc
• Office automation
– Fax, Scanner, Key telephone; printer, etc
• Industrial automation
– PLCs, Control circuits, Monitoring systems etc.
• Medical electronics
– Blood pressure device, ECG, X Ray, Scanners etc.
• Computer networking
– Internet is a set of ES
– Routers, Switches, Bridges etc.

31 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Embedded systems everywhere!
• Wireless technologies
– Mobile, GPS

• Automobile
– Fuel injection, Air bags, fuel alarm, Seat belt alarm etc.

• Security
– Bio metric system, Metal detector, Missile defense system

• Finance
– ATM,

32 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

• Automobiles
– More than 70 dedicated microprocessors
– Open loop fuel injection is now EFI, A closed loop system
with multiple sensors to optimize performance and
– Emission is decreased by more than 90 % in last three
– Headlight control
– Power windows control
– Wiper control
– Air bags

33 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Examples (Anti Lock Braking System)

34 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

WAYMO (Google self driving car)

•What is advantage ?
More than 90 % of accidents occur due to human error
35 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore
Features of an ES

• ES does a very specific task

• ES needs to be highly reliable

• Some ES have to operate in extreme

environmental conditions
• ES has to work against some dead lines

36 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Features of an ES
• ES have constrained for power
– Gradual decay of power

• Limited user interface

• ES have very limited resources particularly the

• Software up-gradation

• Cost

• Size

37 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Design constraints of an ES
• Manufacturing cost

• Design cost

• Performance

• Power

• Time to market

• User friendly interface

• Handy

• Look

• etc

38 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Classification of ES

Based on functionality and performance

requirements, ES can be classified as :

 Stand-alone Embedded Systems

 Networked Information Appliances

 Mobile Devices

 Real-time Embedded Systems

39 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Classification of ES
Take inputs, process them and produce the desired output.

Input can be electrical signals from transducers /commands/


The output can be electrical signals to drive another system/

LED display or LCD display for displaying of information to the
1.Digital thermometer

40 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Classification of ES
Networked Information Appliances
 ES with network interfaces
 Used in network

 Accessed by network
 Internet
 Company’s intranet

 ES can send real-time data to a central location from where the

entire process control system can be monitored.

 The monitoring done using a web browser.

 Web camera : Sends real-time pictures to any computer connected

to the Internet.

41 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Classification of ES
Networked Information Appliances

42 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Classification of ES

Mobile Devices
 Mobile devices such as mobile phones, Personal Digital
Assistants (PDAs), smart phones etc.

 The limitations of the mobile devices,

 Memory constraints,
 Small size,
 Lack of good user interfaces.

43 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Classification of ES
Real-time Systems
 ES for which the temporal correctness of produced
output is equally important as the logical correctness

 Logical Correctness: If a system produces an output

correctly, for which it is designed

 Temporal Correctness: If a system produces a correct

output at a correct time!

44 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

Real-time Systems

45 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

 ES for which the temporal correctness of produced

output is equally important as the logical correctness

 Environment of RTS creates event(s)

 RTS receives these events
 RTS injects its response into the environment

46 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

 Note

• All real-time systems are not embedded systems

• All embedded systems are not real-time systems

• Embedded systems which have real-time constraints

are real-time embedded system

47 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

 Consider following examples

• An aircraft uses a pulses of accelerometer to find its


• An over temperature monitoring system

• Air ticket reservation for a plane which is leaving in 5


48 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-Time Systems
 Logically Correct and Temporally Incorrect

 Can produce erroneous results, which can be


 Can produce completely useless results

 Can produce degraded results

 How to determine this grading?

 Based on the strictness of timing constraints
49 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore
Real-Time Systems

 Broader Classification of Real-time Systems

 Hard Real-time Systems

 Soft Real-time Systems

50 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-Time Systems

51 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-Time Systems
 Hard Real-time Systems

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Real-time Systems

53 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

54 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

55 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems

56 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems (example)

 Real-time weapon defense system

The idea is to shred an incoming missile

 Command and Decision (C&D)
 Weapon firing control system

 The communication between RADAR and C&D is

 Once started, the communication between C&D and
firing control system is periodic
57 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore
Real-Time Systems (example)

 Real-time weapon defense system

 Lets T1 is the time missiles take to reach the target

 Function of velocity and distance

 Lets T2 is the time C&D takes to activate the


 How much time left for computation

 T1-T2

58 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Real-time Systems (example)

 Cruise missile guidance system

The idea follow the given path of missile

 RADAR (Forward and down looking)
 Navigation System (uses Map)
 Divert and altitude control system

 RADAR & Divert and altitude control system

 Navigation System (Controlling)

59 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Question ?

 What will be the cost of Hard Real-Time System as

compared to the Soft Real-Time System as

60 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Recent Improvement in Resources

 Processor Powers
 150 varieties of processors are available
 High clock speed easily available
 Higher bit microcontrollers/microprocessors available

 Memory issues
 Cost of memory is decreasing day by day
 Porting of OS is easy

 New operating system

 Variety of OS available
 High level languages are used to write an OS
 Open source OS are also there

61 Dr. Naeem Shehzad EEE446: RTES, CUI, Lahore

Recent Trends

 Communication advancements
 Network technologies are more available
 Management is more easy

 Programming Languages
 Cross compiler allows the programming in High level languages
 Java is attraction..(platform independent)

 Programmable hardware
 System on chip

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