Grammar Translation Mrthod

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The Grammar

Translation Method
By: Sudhuna, Sureena and Dhaha

 Introduction.
 Definition.
 History.
 Classroom techniques and strategies.
 Advantages and Disadvantages.
 Conclusion.

 Language teaching methods are dependent on and

influenced by different theories of language and
language learning.
  These methods are adopted by different people in
different situations according to the need of the
 One of the method is “The Grammar Translation
Definition (What is Grammar
Translation Method)?
 A method of foreign or second language teaching
which makes use of translation and grammar study
at the main teaching and learning activity.
 They memorize the grammar rules and examples,
and then apply the rules to other examples.

 Dates back to 1466-1536.

 Originally used to teach Latin and Greek.
 Earlier in the 20th century, this method was used
for the purpose of helping students to read.
Classroom techniques and
 Fill in the blanks activity.
Classroom techniques or
 Composition.
Classroom techniques and
 Memorization
Classroom techniques and
 Antonyms and Synonym.
Advantages of the Grammar
Translation Method.
 It is easy.
 Helps in building vocabulary.
 Comprehension is easily tested.
 Grammar is easily taught.
Disadvantages of the Grammar
Translation Method.

 It teaches English by rules.

 It makes students passive listeners.
 It neglects pattern practice.
 It is uninteresting.

 Grammar Translation Method is used very less in

modern education.
 In this method the second language starts with the
teaching of writing and reading.

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