Modernization-2G - 2016-Basic Requirements & Cases Experiences

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BASIC Requirements
CASES experiences
Basic requirements
Sharing experiences from Modernization Zone-2 , below is several basic requirements requested by Ericsson for modernized 2G-sites :
Audit relation 2G-2G / 2G-3G
Adjust Power (BSPWRB/BSPWRT)
Activate Power Management (IPM-PAO)
Adjust TSEDGE (EDGE timeslots) , minimum 8 slots per cell.

 Audit relation 2G-2G
For audit-relations (2G-2G and 2G-3G) can be done using MCOM , as Ericsson-template Map Viewer. But for alternative option , we can
use ComMON (as for view relations on map).

For steps on using ComMON for audit relations , attached is detailed steps.


Afterwards , we need specific script to run add/delete relations, attached is detailed steps.

 Audit relation 2G-3G

For audit-relations on 2G-3G relations (missing UMFI-relations) , for large scale (network-level) can be done using features in
application CNA (Cellular Network Administration). But for site-level can be done manually , by selecting 3G-sites on 1 st-tier of related
site on MapInfo and run script manually.

Adjust Power (BSPWRB/BSPWRT)
As requested , standard power settings in RBS 6xxx is 43 for both BSPWRB and BSPWRT. Value of BSPWRB/BSPWRT depends on
value of MPWR (power license) , therefore we need to check value of MPWR first , then adjust value of BSPWRB/BSPWRT.

* (value 43 is 43 dBm , equals to 20 W) , below is brief description :

Activate Power Management (IPM/PAO)

Related to brief description above , in RBS 6xxx , a new feature is added to maximize TRX output power , which is IPM-PAO. Attached is
detailed steps to activate this feature.

Activate IPM-PAO
For activation on several sites under same BSC , attached tool can be used , with below command to collect MCTR information on related BSC :
(Website link for attached tool : )

Macro PAO_IPM v2

Adjust TSEDGE (EDGE timeslots)

Along with above requirements , this parameter is also requested for standardization with goal on increasing payload. Minimum
requirement is 8 timeslot per cell (related parameter is NUMREQPRSBCP). For detailed calculation (on sites using transport-mode SCM) ,
attached tool can be used , but for general adjustment , simply just adjust value to 8 or more.

Abis Optimization
Sharing experiences from Modernization Zone-2 , below is several cases found during Modernization Zone-2 :
Avaibility Issue
MAIO , HSN and BSIC concheck
TRX-faulty , related to High-Dropcall and Traffic-Lost
Traffic lost , related to parameter-setting and tilting-config

Avaibility Issue
Below is some settings that can be verified first , before site is remarked “avaibility issue” :

CHGR creation : creation of CHGRs more than needed can impact to avaibility degradation. CHGR_concheck
NUMREQBPC value : value of NUMREQBPC on CHGR-1 needs to be adjusted to accordingly to installed TRXs , this also can impact
to avaibility degradation.


SD-Dynamic( ACSTATE) ON : default value of SD-Dynamic [parameter ACSTATE] is ON , but when SD-Traffic is excessively high ,
this can lead to avaibility (TCH-avaibility) flicker. High SD-Traffic
impact to TCH-Avaibili

MAIO , HSN and BSIC concheck

In modernization activity , beside RBS changed from 2xxxx/3xxxx series to 6xxxxx series , for several sites(sectors) also have TRX-
upgrade activity. TRX-upgrade activity have dependency to data from Frequency-Planning , therefore need to crosscheck value of MAIO
, HSN and BSIC with suggestion from RND-Planning.

Some sites experienced cases related to indication of TRX-Faulty , where impact of TRX-Faulty lead to High-DropCall and Traffic-Lost.
Indication of TRX-Faulty can be seen from MOTS measurement on counter CONERRCNT. Action done is reset related TRX.
High DropCall suffered by cell RP4757A (Aek Kota Batu_SectorA) after swap , and apparently there was TRX-Upgrade activity for this
site along with modernization activity , therefore suspect leads to new-TRX installed having bad quality.

Traffic-Lost suffered by cell PL4620B (Tiga Balata_SectorB) , and after adjust tilting (uptilt) traffic-trend still the same. After that ,
action taken was reset TRX which suspect having bad quality/sleeping TRX.

Traffic Lost
Apparently , beside RBS-modernization activity , for several sites also have antenna-change/antenna-swap activity , which on some sites can
impact to traffic lost , for example : site Bandar Pasir Mangode and Natal.
These two sites experienced massive traffic lost after modernization activity , and rootcause is : there was antenna-change/antenna-swap
activity with tilting-config on new-installed antenna not same with old/replaced antenna. Action done was coverage-assessment (tilting-
Therefore , from the beginning need to list which sites have plan for antenna-change/antenna-swap activity.

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