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The Importance of Humanae

Sr. M. Crucis fmdm
What it’s all

A baby
baby at
at 20
20 weeks
weeks in
in the
the womb.
The Role of the Family:

By far
far the
the most
most important
channel ofof transmission
transmission of of
culture remains
remains the the family;
family; andand
when family
family life
life fails
fails to
to play
play its
part, we
we must
must expect
expect our
our culture
to deteriorate.”
T.S. Eliot,
Eliot, ‘Notes
‘Notes Towards
Towards the
Definition of
of Culture,’
Culture,’ 1948
How did we get here?
• Margaret Sanger • Protestantism
• Founder of National Birth Control • Before August 14th, 1930, no Christian
League churches accepted unnatural methods
• Started Planned Parenthood of birth control as morally permissible.
• Opened first abortion clinic in New
York • Church of England was the first to
• A proponent of Eugenics, later adopted change position (at the 7th Lambeth
by Nazi Germany Conference), allowing the use of
unnatural forms of birth control as
• Wrote many books to champion morally licit.
“women’s liberation”

• Marie Stopes doing similar work in • Within 30 years, most mainline

UK. Protestant Denominations allowed for
contraception, and by 1995, some 88%
• Proponent of anti-Semitist Nazism, of non-Catholic Christians stated their
Eugenics approval of contraception as morally
• Separation of morality from scientific
• “Enlightenment”
• “Modernism”
• Political agendas
Myths of the Contraceptive Pill

• Easy to take and does not • Gives the woman control over
require any abstinence from sex her own fertility
• Enables couples to limit the • Is easily reversible- a woman
size of their families can get pregnant anytime she
• Does not interfere with
spontaneous lovemaking as • No significant unpleasant ‘side
other methods do e.g. condom effects’
• Relieves the anxiety of an • Enables couples to plan their
‘unwanted pregnancy’ families as they wish
• Reduces the need for abortion • Secures the harmony and peace
of the family and better
conditions for the education of
the children
Pope Paul VI
• Prophetic message of
Humanae Vitae, or “Of
Human Life” on 25th July
• Response to the legalisation
of abortion in many countries,
as well as the development
and promotion of
contraceptive pill
Humanae Vitae
• Reaffirms Traditional
teaching of the Church
• That “contraception was a
grave attack on human life”
• Prohibits all forms of
artificial contraception
• Reinforces the beauty of, and
reaffirms the dignity, of the
call to a vocation to married
• Offers practical guidance to
married people on how to
faithfully live the Church’s
A Message of Controversy…
•The publication of Humanae Vitae marks the first time in the
twentieth century that open dissent about teachings of the Church
was voiced widely and publicly.
•Criticized by development organisations and others who
claimed that it limits the methods available to fight
population growth and struggle against AIDS.
•Dissident theologians and Bishops rebelled against the
teaching, issuing a statement claiming that Catholics’
individual consciences should prevail in such a personal and
private issue. e.g. Washington Statement (USA).
•Canadian “Winnipeg Statement,” and the Dutch and German
Catechisms supported the role of individual conscience.
•Only support of note came from Latin America.
Prophetic Message…
•Pope gave 4 predictions, regarded by many as prophetic, of the
effects of artificial contraception on society:
•It will be easy for many to justify behaviour leading to
marital infidelity and a general gradual weakening of morals
•Husbands will become accustomed to contraceptive
practices, will lose respect for their wives, and use their wives
as serving their own desires
•A dangerous power will be put into the hands of rulers who
care little about the moral law to use contraception to solve
certain problems affecting the nation
•Man will come to believe that he has unlimited dominion
over his own body, and over the natural operations of his
Some facts…
• Increased marital breakup

• Less people getting married

• preference is to having a “partner”

• Increase in STIs including HIV/AIDS in Britain

• Increased teenage pregnancy rates

• Increased abortion rates

• More violent crimes committed by young people and women

• Lack of parenting?
• Who is the father? Britain’s legislation removing father from picture

• Increased infertility rates

What is happening?
• Liberalism/ modernism/ relativism • Environmentalism
• Shift from care for the human person in
• Sexual Revolution favour of “saving the planet”
• “Over-population” as a reason to
• “Equal Rights” for Women promote contraceptives and abortion
• Denies natural feminine beauty and role • Reducing carbon footprint– 1.7
in favour of emasculation children is the optimum per couple
• Societal Desert
• Post-Christian Era
• Fueled by media, the minority can push
atheistic agenda on majority
• Loss of sense of sin
Magisterial teachings on Life…
• Pope Pius XI • Pope John Paul II
• Casti Connubii- 1930, four • Familiaris Consortio-1981
months after Lambeth • Sollictudo Rei Socialis-1987
Conference • Mullieris Dignitatem-1988
• Marriage as not only • Christifideles Laici-1988
procreative, but unitive • Centesimus Annus-1991
• Veritatis Splendor-1993
• Pope John XXIII • Evangelium Vitae-1995
• Mater et Magistra- 1961 • Love and Responsibility-1960 (Wojtyla)
• “Human life is sacred: from • “Man and Woman He Created Them: A
its very inception” Theology of the Body”
• Series of 129 Catechesis sessions delivered
• Pope Paul VI between September 5, 1979 and November
28, 1984
• Humanae Vitae- 1968
• Congregation for the Doctrine of the
• Second Vatican Council Faith
• Gaudium et Spes- 1965 • Donum Vitae-1987
• Sections 27 and 51
• Pope Benedict XVI
• Deus Caritas Est- 2005
The “JP2” Generation…
•Hope in the wake of liberal response to the teachings of the
Successors of Peter, and the lack of correct implementation of
Vatican II.
•Lay Theologians and Catholic Writers have picked up the
banner and kept it waving:
•Janet E. Smith
•Kimberly Hahn
•Christopher West
•Mary Shivanandan
•Jacqueline Kasun and Others
Further Reading…
•Hahn, Kimberly. Life Giving Love.
•Kippley, John F. Sex and the Marriage Covenant: A Basis for Morality.
•Rubio, Julie Hanlon. Beyond the Liberal/ Conservative Divide on Contraception
•Sacks, Jonathan. The Politics of Hope
•Shivanandan, Mary. Crossing the Threshold of Love: A New Vision of
•Smith, Janet. Why Humanae Vitae Was Right: A Reader.
•Smith, Janet. Humanae Vitae a Generation Later.
•West, Christopher. Theology of the Body for Beginners.
•West, Christopher. Theology of the Body Explained.
•West, Christopher. Good News About Sex and Marriage.
•Wjotyla, Karol. Love and Responsibility.
•Woodall, George. Humanae Vitae: Forty Years On.
•John Paul II. Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body.

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