FORTRAN Simulation Environment (FSE)

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Fortran Simulation Environment (FSE)

• File and input data organization

• File content
Input files: Experimental data (including Weather data)
Crop data
Soil data


Output files: RES.DAT


* Run control file for ORYZA2000 model (version 4.0)
FILEON = 'RES.DAT' ! Output file
FILEOL = 'MODEL.LOG' ! Log file
FILEIR = 'c:\crop-exp\IRRI\RERUNS.DAT' ! Rerun file
FILEIT = 'c:\crop-exp\IRRI\IRRIDS.T92' ! Experimental data
FILEI1 = 'c:\crop-exp\IRRI\IR72.DAT' ! Crop data
FILEI2 = 'c:\crop-exp\IRRI\SIRRI.DAT' ! Soil data
Experimental data file

* *
* File name : IR72DS.T92 *
* Crop : Oryza sativa cv. IR72 *
* Year/Season : 1992, dry season *
* Experimental site: IRRI farm, Field M10, 14.22N, 121.25E, 23m *
* Fertilizer : 225 kg N *
* 60 (transpl), 60 (mid-til), 60 (PI), 45 (flow) *
* People : Kropff/Cassman/Libbon/Torres *
* Address : IRRI, MCPO 3127, 1271 Makati City, Philippines *
* Additional info : Potential production experiment *
* *
Experimental data file
* 1. Selection of modes of running *
* 2. Timer data for simulation *
* 3. Weather station and climatic data for simulation *
* 4. Establishment data *
* 5. Management parameters *
* 6. Irrigation switch: *
* Needs to be filled in only when PRODENV = 'WATER BALANCE‘ *
* 7. Nitrogen parameters *
* 8. Measured data for model calibration and comparison *
* and an option to force measured LAI during simulation *
* (instead of using simulated values) *
Experimental data file
* 1. Selection of modes of running *
*-- RICETYPE is to select lowland rice or aerobic/upland rice
RICETYPE = 'LOWLAND' ! Lowland rice
*RICETYPE = 'AEROBIC' ! Upland or aerobic rice

*-- RUNMODE: mode of running ORYZA

RUNMODE = 'EXPERIMENT' ! ORYZA simulates particular experiment
*RUNMODE ='EXPLORATION' ! ORYZA used for exploration

*-- PRODENV = Water production situation setting

PRODENV = 'POTENTIAL' ! Potential production
*PRODENV = 'WATER BALANCE' ! Production may be water-limited

*-- WATBAL is Choice of water balance

* needs only be given when PRODENV = 'WATER BALANCE'
WATBAL = 'PADDY' ! PADDY water balance (for lowland soils)
*WATBAL = 'SAHEL' ! SAHEL water balance (for freely draining upland soils)
*WATBAL = 'SAWAH' ! SAWAH water balance (for lowland or upland soils)

*-- NITROENV = Nitrogen production situation setting

NITROENV = 'POTENTIAL' ! Potential production
*NITROENV = 'NITROGEN BALANCE' ! Production may be nitrogen-limited

*-- ETMOD is method for evapotranspiration calculation:

ETMOD = 'PENMAN' ! Penman-based (Van Kraalingen & Stol,1996)
*ETMOD = 'PRIESTLEY TAYLOR' ! Priestley-Taylor (")
*ETMOD = 'MAKKINK' ! Makkink (Van Kraalingen & Stol, 1996)
Experimental data file

* 2. Timer data for simulation *

IYEAR = 1992 ! Start year of simulation (year)

STTIME = 4. ! Start time (day number) 4 January
FINTIM = 1000. ! Finish time (days after start)
DELT = 1. ! Time step (day)
Experimental data file
* 3. Weather station and climatic data for simulation *

WTRDIR = 'C:\WEATHER\' ! Directory of weather data

CNTR = ‘PHIL' ! Country code (-)
ISTN = 1 ! Station code (-)
ANGA = 0.29 ! Angstrom A parameter (-)
ANGB = 0.45 ! Angstrom B parameter (-)

File name: CNTR + ISTN . IYEAR - 1000

In the example: PHIL1.992 (Philippines 1992, Station 1)

* File Name: PHIL1.992 IRRI wetland site, Los Banos
* Author : Climate Unit, IRRI -99.: nil value
* Source : International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
* Comments : This file is extracted from CLICOM database.
* Longitude: 121 15 E Latitude: 14 11 N Altitude: 21.0 m
* Column Daily Value
* 1 Station number
* 2 Year
* 3 Day
* 4 irradiance KJ m-2 d-1
* 5 min temperature oC
* 6 max temperature oC
* 7 vapor pressure kPa
* 8 mean wind speed m s-1
* 9 precipitation mm d-1 Longitude, latitude (decimal degree!), elevation,
Angstrom A, Angstrom B
121.25 14.18 21.0 0.00 0.00
1 1992 1 16379 21.6 29.0 2.38 1.9 0.0
1 1992 2 15911 22.2 29.2 2.51 2.3 0.0
1 1992 3 16631 21.5 29.0 2.50 2.5 0.0
1 1992 4 18251 22.1 29.0 2.52 2.4 0.0
1 1992 5 11519 21.6 29.0 2.61 1.1 0.9
1 1992 6 15119 19.9 29.4 2.59 1.4 0.4
1 1992 7 10475 21.2 28.0 2.72 1.2 2.2
1 1992 8 16739 22.0 30.0 2.62 1.1 0.0
1 1992 9 18862 20.6 29.5 2.51 1.7 0.0
1 1992 10 12095 21.9 28.2 2.58 2.4 1.1
Angstrom parameters

Zones aA bA Table 2.1. Indicative values

for the empirical constants
Cold and temperate 0.18 0.55 aA and bA in the Ångström
Dry tropical 0.25 0.45 formula, in relation to
latitude used by the Food
Humid tropical 0.29 0.45
and Agriculture
Source: Frère and Popov (1979). Organization (FAO).
Experimental data file

* 4. Establishment data *
*-- ESTAB is method of establishment: 'TRANSPLANT' or 'DIRECT-SEED'

* Transplanting date January 16, 1992; sowing date Jan. 4.

EMD = 4 ! Day of emergence (either direct, or in seed-bed)
EMYR = 1992 ! Year of emergence
SBDUR = 12 ! Seedbed duration (days between emerging and transplanting)
Experimental data file

* 5. Management parameters *
NPLH = 5. ! Number of plants per hill
NH = 25. ! Number of hills
NPLSB = 1000. ! Number of plants in seedbed
NPLDS = 200. ! Number of plants/m2 direct-seeded

Not applicable here, since establishment was by transplanting

Experimental data file

* 8. Measured data for model calibration and comparison *

* Leaf Area Index (m2 leaf / m2 ground): 6


1992., 4., 0.00,

1992., 16., 0.03, 4

1992., 34., 0.46,

1992., 58., 5.22, 3

1992., 68., 5.97, 2

1992., 83., 5.88,

1992., 97., 4.82, 1

1992., 114., 2.45

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

*-- Parameter to set forcing of observed LAI during simulation

LAI_FRC = 0 ! No forcing
*LAI_FRC = 2 ! Forcing
Experimental data file
* 8. Measured data for model calibration and comparison *
*Green leaf dry wt (kg/ha)
*Dead leaf dry wt (kg/ha)
WLVD_OBS = 18000

*Stem dry wt (kg/ha) 16000

*Panicle dry wt (kg/ha)
WSO_OBS = 12000

*total dry wt (kg/ha)
WAGT_OBS = 8000

1992., 5., 0.,

1992., 16., 11.,
1992., 34., 247., 4000

1992., 58., 3498.,

1992., 68., 5976.,
1992., 83.,10019., 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
1992., 97.,14580., TIME

1992., 114.,17787.
Crop data file

* Crop data file for ORYZA2000 rice growth model *
* File name : IR72.DAT *
* Crop : Oryza sativa cv. IR72 *
* Experiment : Parameter values derived from various experiments *
* at IRRI, Los Baños, Philippines. *
* Information : Bouman BAM, Kropff MJ, Tuong TP, Wopereis, MCS, ten *
* Berge HFM, van Laar, HH. ORYZA2000. IRRI, Los Baños. *
Crop data file
FRPAR = 0.5 ! fraction of sunlight energy that is
! photosynthetically active
SHCKL = 0.25 ! Relation between seedling-age and
! delay in leaf area development
SHCKD = 0.4 ! Relation between seedling-age and
! delay in phenological development
RGRLMX = 0.0075 ! Max. rel. growth rate of leaf area (with no stresses)
RGRLMN = 0.0040 ! Minimum relative growth rate of leaf area (N stress)
FSTR = 0.40 ! Fraction carbohydrates allocated to stems that
! is stored as reserves
! averages of W1-W2 Changping 2001
SCP = 0.2 ! Scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR
TBD = 8. ! Base temperature for development (oC)
TBLV = 8. ! Base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth
TMD = 42. ! Maximum temperature for development
TOD = 30. ! Optimum temperature for development
CO2REF = 340. ! Reference level of atmospheric CO2
CO2 = 340. ! Ambient CO2 concentration

DVRJ = .000773 ! Development rate in juvenile phase (oCd-1)

DVRI = .000758 ! Development rate in photoperiod-sensitive phase (oCd-1)
DVRP = .000784 ! Development rate in panicle development (oCd-1)
DVRR = .001784 ! Development rate in reproductive phase (oCd-1)
Crop data file

Many crop data are dependent on development stage in ORYZA

(the physiological age of the plant)

PI maturity
Emergence Flowering

0 0.65 1 DVS 2
Crop data file
*------- Partitioning TABLES FSHTB, FLVTB, FSTTB, FSOTB
FSHTB = 0.00, 0.50, ! Allocation of dry matter to the shoot
0.43, 0.75, ! Development vs fraction
1.00, 1.00,
2.50, 1.00

Fraction daily dry matter increase

0.8 ROOT
0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Development stage
Crop data file
* Table of fraction shoot dry matter partitioned to the leaves (-; Y-value)
* as a function of development stage (-; X value):
FLVTB = 0.000, 0.60,
0.500, 0.60,
0.750, 0.30,
1.000, 0.00,
1.200, 0.00,
2.5 , 0.
* Table of fraction shoot dry matter partitioned to the stems (-; Y-value)
Allocation of dry matter
* 1as a function of development stage (-; X value):
to the leaves - DVS vs fraction
0.9 = 0.000, 0.40,
0.500, 0.40, Allocation of dry matter
0.750, 0.70, to the stems - DVS vs fraction
0.7 Allocation of dry matter to the
1.000, 0.40,
0.6 1.200, 0.00, storage organs - DVS vs fraction
0.5 2.5 , 0. (STORAGE ORGAN)
* Table of fraction shoot dry matter partitioned to the panicles (-; Y-value)
* as a function of development stage (-; X value):
FSOTB = 0.000, 0.000,
0.2 0.500, 0.000,
0.750, 0.000,
1.000, 0.600,
1.000, 1 1.5 2
2.5 , 1.

* RERUNS.DAT: reruns file *

EMD = 20
EMD = 40
EMD = 60

Three different emergence date


* RERUNS.DAT: reruns file *

FILEIT = 'ir72DS0.T92'
FILEIT = 'ir72DS1.T92'
FILEIT = 'ir72DS2.T92'

Three experimental data files with different fertilizer N levels

from an N fertilizer experiment at IRRI:
DS0 = 0 kg N ha-1
DS1 = 180 kg N ha-1
DS2 = 225 kg N ha-1

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