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Listen and fill in the blanks.

Use one word/blank only

Look at these sentences:
1. Smoking is harmful to your health.
2. My job involves doing a lot of hours.
3. My brother is good at learning English.
4. I’ll enjoy eating anything.
A gerund can be used:

1. As a subject or object of 2. After prepositions:

a sentence: Ex: - I thought of calling
Ex: - Smoking is harmful to you, but it was late.
your health. - My brother is good at
- My job involves doing learning English.
a lot of hours.
3. After these common verbs
- admit: thừ a nhậ n - avoid: trá nh - feel like: cả m
thấ y muố n
- dislike = hate*: - enjoy = fancy - imagine:
khô ng thích/ghét =like* = love*: tưở ng tượ ng

- finish: kết thú c - suggest: gợ i ý - mind: ngạ i

- miss: trễ, lỡ - practice: luyện

tậ p
4. After these common verb phrases

- be used to / get used to: quen vớ i / trở nên quen

vớ i việc gì
- can’t bear / can’t stand: khô ng chịu đự ng đượ c
- can’t help: khô ng thể khô ng
- Would you mind...? Bạ n có ngạ i....?
- look forward to: mong đợ i
5. After these phrases used to talk about
-be interested in -be fond of
-be keen on -be a big fan of
-be crazy about
6. When making suggestions
How/ What about + Ving…?
= Why don’t we/you + V + …?
= Let’s + V…
= S + suggest + V=ing…
= S + suggest + that + S +V + …
To - infinitives

Usages: A to- infinitive can be:

1. Subject of a sentence
- To visit Paris is my life-long dream. 
- To become a famous musician is her goal.
2. Object of an adjective
- I’m pleased to see you. 
- It’s important to take a break at least twice a day.
To - infinitives

3. adverb to express:
* Purpose
- He bought a dictionary to study English.
* Results (sau TOO +Adj / Adv)
- She is too tired to go for a walk.
* Effects (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH)
- I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box.
4. Object of a verb
- agree: đồng ý - expect: mong đợi - promise: hứa
- decide: quyết định - afford: đủ khả năng - seem: hình như
- hope: hy vọng - begin = start: bắt - want: mong
đầu muốn
-plan: lên kế hoạch -intend: dự định - would like:
- manage: làm được - learn: học mong muốn, mời
việc gì
Ex: 1. I hope to be your good friend.
2. He can’t afford to take a taxi.
5. In structure: S + Verb + Object + to- V +....

- advise: khuyên - permit: cho phép

- ask: hỏ i -persuade: thuyết phụ c

- allow: cho phép -order: ra lệnh

-encourage: độ ng viên - recommend: đề nghị

- expect: mong đợ i - request: yêu cầ u
- tell: bả o

Ex: I recommend you to do what he said.

Verbs can go with V-ing/ to V

Little difference in
meaning: 5. continue
1.begin 6. hate
2.start 7. love
3.intend 8. like
Verbs can go with V-ing/ to V

Much difference in meaning

1. stop
2. remember
3. forget
Verbs can go with V-ing/ to V

•stop + V-ing: dừng hẳn một hành động

Ex: My father stopped smoking cigarette.

•stop + to-inf: dừng lại để làm việc khác

Ex: He was very tired. He stopped to take a rest.

Structure with remember/forget

•remember + V-ing: nhớ đã làm việc gì (trong quá khứ)

•remember + to-inf: nhớ làm gì (trong tương lai)
•forget + V-ing: đã làm nhưng quên, nghĩ chưa làm
•forget + to-inf: quên việc cần phải làm, thực tế chưa làm
Ex: - Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed.
- I remember meeting you somewhere but I can’t
know your name.
Structure with need

•need + V-ing = need + to be done: cầ n đượ c (bị

độ ng)
•need + to-inf: cầ n là m gì (chủ độ ng)
Ex: I need to wash my car. (tô i cầ n rử a xe)
My car is very dirty. It needs washing / to be
washed. (Chiếc xe cầ n đượ c rử a)
Structure with used to

•be used to + V-ing: quen với việc gì (ở hiện tại)

I’m used to getting up early. (tô i quen vớ i việc dậ y
sớ m)
•used to + V: thường làm gì trong quá khứ (bây
giờ không làm nữa)
I used to get up early when I lived in Bac Giang.
(tô i thườ ng dậ y sớ m khi tô i số ng ở Bắ c Giang)
1. Put these verbs into its correct column
Verb + - ing Verb + to V
2. Tick (X) in correct sentences. With incorrect
senteces, make a change(Complete PET, p. 30)
1. I would like dancing the Samba.
2. We decided catch the train.
3. I really enjoy to be here.
4. I’ll never forget to visit the Statue of Liberty last
5. We hope to go to the same island again next
2. Tick (X) in correct sentences. With incorrect
sentences, make a change(Complete PET, p. 30)

6. Do you fancy to come with us?

7. I must remember to phone Carlos tomorrow.

8. When we finished to eat I went to my house.

9. I forgot asking you about your family.

10. Do you remember sailing into Cape Town?


1. dancing  to dance 6. to come  coming

2. catch  to catch 7. X

3. to be  being 8. To eat  eating

4. to visit  visiting 9. asking  to ask

5. X 10. X
3. Complete sentences with correct verb form

1. Where do you want (go) on holiday next summer?

2. What kind of music do you do you enjoy (listen to)
at home?
3. What are you planning (do) at the weekend?
4. Do you ever forget (bring) anything to the lesson?
5. What would you like (do) after the lesson?

1. to go (want + to- V)
2. listening to (enjoy + V-ing
3. to do (plan + to-V)
4. bringing (forget + V-ing)
5. to do
Topic: Let’s talk about what you do in your free
time. Try to use at least 3 verbs followed by

V-ing and to-V

Suggestion: Use structures to talk about things

you love doing in your free time.
1. Learn new words by heart;
2. Do exercises 1,2 at page 30 in coursebook
3. Do exercises 1,2 at page 57, 80
4. Rewrite a paragraph about what you do in
your free time. Use 3 verbs followed by –ing
and to-inf

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