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• JAKARTA - National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) still
establish secure areas of Mount Merapi disaster at a radius of 20 km.
Previously, located at a radius of 15 km from the peak of Merapi.
The expansion of this safe zone following a great eruption last Friday
that killed 88
people in the safe radius of 12-15 km from the peak of Merapi. Until
now still volatile with Merapi spewed incandescent lava, ash and hot
clouds, and gravel. Being the question is until when Merapi erupted?
So far can’t be known how much the supply of new magma. According
to The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation,
Surono, energy eruption of Merapi, one of which is supplied from the
pockets of magma in the Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
Based on data from seismograph at the Office of Investigation and
Technology Development Center Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta,
Merapi activity is still high. Tremors, hot clouds and lava avalanches
occur continuously. Since erupted on Wednesday last week, strato
volcano has been erupting more than 96 times over 4 days without
• According to Surono, the volcanic activity on 7 November
2010 06.00 am to 12.00 am stable high. During six hours of
volcanic seismicity occurs as much as 31 times, while the
tremor, avalanches, and hot clouds occur in endless
succession. "Based on these data, Merapi is still dangerous.
Safe area remains outside the 20 km from the summit of
Merapi, "he said.
The development of this trash wedhus sliding distance could
make people panic. Even the current wave of refugees have
entered into longer distances between 60-70 km from the
peak of Merapi. Residents slopes of Merapi step aside
because of trauma glide wedhus trash that has reached a
radius of 12 km.

• Especially outstanding issue Merapi pyroclastic chain

would reach a radius of 65 km on this day which coincides
with 1 Kliwon Javanese calendar. Is this issue really going
to happen?
Related to this issue, the Head of the Geology and
Mineral Resources Sukhyar said it would not expand the
current safety zone within a radius of 20 km. The reason,
according to historical records over the years.
"Empirical evidence is Merapi has never issued a hot
cloud of more than 15 km. The massive eruption on 4 and
November 5 maximum heat clouds slid as far as 12 km.
Awan hot as far as 12 km is also the longest, even in the
1872 Merapi eruption also hot clouds not that long, "he
Whether Palace Ngayogyakarta safe from wedhus gembel?
If you saw the note, may still be safe because it is 28-30 km
from the peak of Merapi. BPPTK data also showed a
decrease in the strength of Merapi activity from the previous
day. Kendadi Thus, no one can ensure the future of Merapi will
commence their sleep or just experience a more severe eruption with
greater impact and broader.
Just to note, in a great eruption in 1872, Merapi eruption is not broken
out for 120 hours. When the eruption of Merapi this time without a break
exceeding 120 hours, meaning this time the largest eruption since 138
years ago. Merapi eruption also recorded ever bury the ancient kingdom
of Mataram and temples around the slopes of the mountain. Of course,
all hope Merapi soon subsided and it takes a lot more casualties.
Background events
• Based on data from seismograph at the
Office of Investigation and Technology
Development Center Kegunungapian
(BPPTK) Yogyakarta, Merapi activity is still
Newsworthy events
Tremors, hot clouds and lava avalanches
occur continuously. Since erupted on
Wednesday last week, strato volcano has
been erupting more than 96 times over 4
days without stopping.

The massive eruption on 4 and November 5 maximum heat clouds slid

as far as 12 km. Awan hot as far as 12 km is also the longest, even in
the 1872 Merapi eruption also hot clouds not that long.
Just to note, in a great eruption in 1872, Merapi
eruption is not broken out for 120 hours. When the
eruption of Merapi this time without a break
exceeding 120 hours, meaning this time the
largest eruption since 138 years ago. Merapi
eruption also recorded ever bury the ancient
kingdom of Mataram and temples around the
slopes of the mountain. Of course, all hope Merapi
soon subsided and it takes a lot more casualties.

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