Holistic Marketting Concept

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The Holistic Marketing

Holistic Marketing
What is Holistic Marketing?
Holistic marketing concept is a part of the series on
concepts of marketing and it can be defined as a
marketing strategy which considers the business as a
whole and not as an entity with various different parts .
According to holistic marketing concept, even if a
business is made of various departments, the
departments have to come together to project a
positive & united business image in the minds of the
customer. Holistic marketing concept involves
interconnected marketing activities to ensure that the
customer is likely to purchase their product rather than
Various dimension
Relationship Marketing
 Customer
 Employees
 Marketing partners(channels, suppliers

,distributor ,dealers , agencies)

IT’S a combination of CRM and PRM.The
ultimate output of Relationship Marketing is
called Marketing Network.
Integrated Marketing
The theme of this Marketing dimension is the
whole is greater than the some of its part.
1.Many different marketing activities can
create, communicate and deliver value.
2.Marketers can design a marketing activity
with all other activities in mind.
Internal Marketing
Is the element of holistic marketing which
involves hiring,training,motivating employees
who want to serve customer well.
It combines relation among
 Marketing Department
 Senior management
 Other department

It’s a company-wide undertaking that drives

the mission, vision and strategic plan of a
Performance Marketing
 Sales revenue
 Brand and customer equity
 Ethics
 Environment
 Legal
 community
Function of Holistic Marketing
An organization has different departments as like ….
 Sales and Marketing

 Accounting and Finance

 Research and product development

 HR and operations

Holistic Marketing approach developed the relationship or connectivity

among all this departments .
. Research and product development take feed back from sales and
marketing to launch product which is most likely to attract customer.
. Research and product development also take information from finance
and accounting about the exact budget of the project.
.Sales and Marketing needs to communicate with the HRD to get the
right kind of people.
.Admin and Operations need to device a plan to retain these people.
Output of Holistic Marketing
 Right product
 Right price
 Right profit
 Right people
Some sign that proves a company isn't
following Holistic Marketing strategy
 Sufficiently market focused and customer driven.
 Not fully understand its target customer.
 Needs to better define and monitor its competitors.
 Not good at finding new opportunities.
 Lack of proper relationship with its stockholders.
 Plans, planning process are deficient.
 Branding and communications skill are weak.
 Unable to make maximum use of technology.
Some sign that proves a company
following Holistic Marketing strategy
 Maps its customers needs, preference, behavior also
motivates its stakeholders .
 Knows its major competitors and their strength and
 Develops systems for identifying opportunities, ranking them
and choose the best one.
 Builds strong brand , effective communication and promotion
 Builds marketing leadership and team spirit among its various
 Constantly adds technology that gives it advantage in market

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