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Villago Middle School

574 E Lakeside Pkwy Casa Grande, AZ

Who am I?
My name is Kainan Kieser and I am going to be your child’s
physical education teacher this year. I attended Arizona
State University and received a bachelors in Physical
Education. I am a former athlete and love sports. I am a
football and basketball referee when I am not in the
classroom. Throughout this year, your child will be
introduced to a wide variety of sports and activities that can
be enjoyed throughout their life.

My Philosophy of Physical Education

I believe that physical education is the base building block for children to begin a healthy and
active life. It is my responsibility as the teacher to show the students the benefit of being
active and healthy. My goal is to motivate children to want to engage in the lifelong activities
introduced in our class.
Students will be graded on their basic knowledge of fitness learned throughout the year; as
well as their social skills, respectful behavior, and their participation in activities. Objectives
will be based on the national standards for physical education.

Not Just “Glorified Recess”

Now that there are national standards in place for physical education, P.E. teachers are held to
a higher expectation to provide children with an environment that challenges them and
develop important life skills. We do this by bridging the gap between the highly skilled and the
less skilled by making activities challenging and fun for all. Physical education no longer is
sport oriented but rather lifelong activity oriented. This means we are emphasizing sports that
are commonly played later in life such as: pickle ball, tennis, bowling, basketball, and many
more. Our main goal in physical education now is to promote physical literacy in today’s youth
which is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to
value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.
Rules Consequences
1. Be on time and prepared for 1. Quiet Warning
2. Time Out – Student
2. Keep hands and feet to
oneself. returns as instructed
3. Use equipment as 3. Time Out – Remainder
instructed. of class.
4. Give maximum effort 4. Principal and Parent

Contact Information

Office Hours: 7:45-8:20 am and 11:30-12:00

Located in Boys Locker room.
Phone: +1 (520) 423-0176

*Find Additional Information and Resources For Physical Activity

At Home On My Website.

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