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Game Programming

using VB.Net
Visual Basic .NET
 Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-
paradigm, object-oriented programming
language, implemented on the .NET
 The language is designed with Rapid
Application Development in mind, providing
several tools to shorten development time.
 VB.Net programming is very much based on
BASIC and Visual Basic programming
Flappy Bird
 A 2013 mobile game, developed
by Vietnam-based developer Dong Nguyen
under his company dotGEARS. 
 The game is a side-scroller where the player
controls a bird, attempting to fly between
rows of green pipes without hitting them.
The developer created the game over several
days, using a bird protagonist which he had
designed for a cancelled game in 2012
 Flappy Bird was created and developed by
Nguyen in two to three days.
Flappy Bird - Objectives
 The objective was to direct a flying bird,
named "Faby", who moves continuously to
the right, between sets of Mario-like pipes.
If the player touches the pipes, they lose.
Faby briefly flaps upward each time that the
player taps the screen; if the screen is not
tapped, Faby falls because of gravity; each
pair of pipes that he navigates between
earns the player a single point, with medals
awarded for the score at the end of the

 If Then. With logic (an

If-statement) which
direct the control flow
when the condition is
 On a true result, control
moves to the statements
inside the block.

If bird collide with obstacles left side then 

Game over

If bird wing touches obstacles bottom side then 

Game over

B O1

If (B.Left + B.Width) >= O1.Left And B.Top < O1.Height Then

Msgbox(”Game Over”)
End If

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