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Learning Methods Workshop

By Colin McIlwaine
Identify Training Needs

Assessment of Results Planning and Design

Performance Problem

Implement Training
Training Policies

• Process for identifying training needs

• Underpinning beliefs about value of training

• Preferred forms of learning - professional, vocational,

academic, distance learning etc

• Types of training available and on what basis - financi

al support, release, materials, time off

• Appeals procedure against training decisions

Training Aims

• Describes what you intend the learners to


• A statement of intent
Training Objectives

• What will be achieved as an outcome of th

e training expressed in terms of performan
Training Objectives
• A statement of the conditions under which
that performance must be carried out.

• A statement of the minimum acceptable st

andards of performance a Learner must at

• A statement of the performance to be carri

ed out by the Learner
Examples of Learning Statemen

• The Learner will be able to type a Busin

ess letter
• The Learner will be able to demonstrate th
e correct procedure for giving change
• The Learner will be able to state the safety
regulations for the department
Beware being vague

• Learners will understand objectives

• Learners will have a working knowledge

of photocopiers

• Learners will appreciate the need for safet

• Accuracy
– no more than 3 errors
– measurements to be within 0.01mm

• Speed
– To be completed in no more than 10 minutes
– type at 40 words per minute

• Practice

• Experience
Theories: Behavioural
• Assumptions • Major Theorists
– Learning is a result of en – Thorndike
vironmental forces – Pavlov
• Subcategories – Watson
– Contiguity – Skinner
– Respondent (Classical)
• Primary Focus • Principles
– Observable behaviour – Time/place pairings
– Stimulus-response conne – Biological basis of behav
ctions iour
– Operant (Instrumental) – Consequences
– Modelling
Theories: Cognitive
• Primary Focus
– Mental behaviour • Major Theorists
– Knowledge – Bloom
– Intelligence – Piaget
– Critical Thinking – Gagne
• Assumptions
– Learning is a result of mental op
erations/ processing • Principles
• Subcategories – Memory is limited
– Information Processing – Changes in complexity
– Hierarchical – Changes over time
– Developmental – Good thinking requires s
– Critical Thinking tandards
Theories: Humanistic
• Primary Focus
– Affect/Values • Major Theorists
– Self-Concept/Self-Esteem – Rogers
– Needs – Maslow
• Assumptions – N. V. Peale
– Learning is a result of affect/emo
tion and goal-orientation
• Subcategories • Principles
– Affect – Individual uniqueness
– Motivation/Needs – Self-determination
– Self-concept – Dreams and goals are vi
– Self-esteem tal for success
Theories: Social Cognition
• Primary Focus
– Modelling • Major Theorists
– Vicarious Learning – Bandura
– Attitudes – Vygotsky
– Goals – Sears
• Assumptions
– Learning is a result of influences
• Principles
of social environment on thinking
. – Reciprocal determinism
• Subcategories – Individual responsibility
– Observational (Social)
– Self-efficacy
– Goal-setting
– Self-regulation
3. Methods: Putting theories and models togethe

Adapted from Romiszowski, 1984

Transfer of Learning
• If we learn task A then we learn a similar
task B, how will our learning of task B be
• If it’s made easier, there is “positive tra
nsfer of learning”
• If harder, then there is “negative transfe
• At work, new trainees should not be taug
ht incorrect methods, which they find har
d to lose.
Entry Behaviour
• Tests
• Questionnaire
• Work Diary
• Job Tasks
• Bringing information/sample material to th
e learning event
• Aptitude

• Performance

• Existing knowledge,skills and attitude

Training Strategies
• Courses
– short/ long term
– qualification?
– Distance learning/Consultants/In-house Tr
• Coaching
• Shadowing
• Mentoring
• Secondment
Training Methods
• Lectures • Guided Reading
• Workshops • In-Tray exercises
• Demonstrations • Videos
• Business Games • Projects
• Case Studies • Role Plays
• Brainstorming • Assignments
• Discussion • On-the Job Trainin
• Job Rotation
Feedback - Key questions
• “Happy Sheets”

• Objectives achieved?

• Skills transferred to the workplace?

• Long-term improvement?

• Cost- effective?

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