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Aspect and

Tenses of Verb
In the spring the honeysuckle
droops over the hillside. Its sweet
smell hangs heavily in the air
outside. The fragrance floats into
the room when the doors are
open. A hummingbird dives
daily out of the honeysuckle. He
bombs past the doors with his
heavy load and balanced on a
branch of the little olive tree.
Its sweet smell hangs heavily in
the air outside.
a. change Its to It’s
b. change hangs to will be
c. change hangs to hang
d. change hangs to hung
e. e.
nono correction
correction is necessary
is necessary
He bombs past the doors with
his heavy load and balanced on
a branch of the little olive tree.
a. load and balanced
b. load while balancing
c. load and will balance
d. d. load
load and
and balances
e. load and has balanced
Distractions, such as cell
phone use, causes car
accidents. A five-year study
concluded that 284, 000 drivers
annually are involved in serious
crashes caused by distractions.
These distractions also include
adjusting the radio, eating,
men using electric razors, and
women putting on mascaras.
Distractions, such as cell phone
use, causes car accidents.
a. change Distractions to
b. replace causes to are the
causes of
c. replace causes to are always
change causes
causes to cause
to cause
e. no correction is necessary
The farmer and his hired
men gathers the corn. The
farmer, along with his hired
men, harvests the wheat.
Neither the corn nor the
wheat is neglected. The
farmer’s wife and daughter
argue a great deal.
The farmer and his hired men
gathers the corn.
a. men gathers
b. men gathering
c. men gathers
d. men is gathering
e. men gather
e. men gather
The farmer, along with his hired
men, harvests the wheat.
a. replace farmer, along with
farmer, and along
b. change men to man
c. insert he’s going to before
d. change harvests to harvest
nono correction
correction is necessary
is necessary
A shopping trip makes me
angry. Prices soar each
week. Meat prices changes
almost daily. Oranges,
apples, and bananas cost
more than ever. A shopper
needs more and more
money each week.
A shopping trip makes me
a. makes angry.
a. makes
b. is making
c. made
d. has made
e. make
Meat prices changes almost daily.
a. insert a comma before almost
b.b. change
change changes
changes to change
to change
c. replace changes with has
d. remove the word almost
e. replace changes with is going
to change
Tom jogs this morning.
Macon and Gary join him on
Mondays and Thursdays. The
Robinson twins likes jogging
too. Jogging now replaces
basketball as the
neighborhood pastime.
The Robinson twins likes jogging
a. change Robinson to
b. change twins to twinns
c. change twins to twin
d. replace likes jogging with
likes to jog
e. e.
to like
to like
Each year local artists
participate in an art show.
The Community Center
offers a perfect gallery. One
artist wins in each of five
categories. The winning
artists displays their works in
the Town Hall.
Each year local artists participate in
an art show.
a. replace Each year to Every
b. change participate to
c. replace in an with as a part of
d. change show to showing
e. no correction
e. no is necessary
correction is necessary
The winning artists displays
their works in the Town Hall.
a. artists displays their works
artistsdisplay their
display works
their works
c. artist’s display their work
d. artists displays their work
e. artists displays there works
We had traveled
extensively before we bought
our summer home. We
traveled in Europe and Asia
before we went to South
America. For the past year,
however, we were inclined to
stay home. Travel became so
expensive over the past years
that we can no longer afford it.
For the past year, however, we were
inclined to stay home.
a. replace however with nevertheless
b. replace however with consequently
c. change were inclined to had been
d. change were inclined to was inclined
e. replace were inclined with have been

e. replace were inclined with

have been inclined
I signed the letter several days
after I wrote it.
a. I wrote it.
b. I writed it.
c. It was written.
d. Id.had
I had written
e. I have written it.
On this, his anniversary, Brad
Simpson was with the bank for
forty years.
a. was
b. had been
c. is
d. d.
has been
has been
e. will be
I received a ticket because I parked in a no
parking zone.

a. I received a ticket because I parked

b. Ib.received a ticket
I received because
a ticket I had
parked I had parked.
c. I had received a ticket because I
d. I had received a ticket because I had
e. I received a ticket because parking
If you arrive after 10, the kitchen
will have closed.
a. a.
will have
will haveclosed.
b. closes.
c. will close.
d. should close.
e. has closed.
Subject – Verb
1. The books (is, are) on the
2. Each (selects, select) his
own menu.
3. Each of the students (is,
are) registered for ten
4. Any of the six choices (is,
are) suitable.
5. Everybody (does, do) his
6. This kind of movie (is, are)
7. Those kinds of flowers
(seem, seems) delicate.
8. None of the presenters
(speaks, speak) well.
9. There (was, were) several
good items on the menu.
10. Neither the meats nor the
vegetables (is, are) fresh.
11. Either the children or the
babysitter (drinks, drink) the
12. She is one of those women
who never (says, say) what
they men.
There’s always some people who
get more work done on the job
than others.
a. change There’s
a. Change to There
There’s areare
to There
b. replace always some with
always few
c. change who to whom
d. insert a comma after who
e. replace on with at
The answer to this question don’t
necessarily depend upon what they
know, but, rather, upon how they
a. change this question to these
b. change necessarily with
c. change don’t
c. change to doesn’t
don’t to doesn’t
d. remove the comma after know
e. insert a semicolon after rather
Each of us need a plan for getting
our work done.
a. Each of us need
b. Each of you need
c. Each and everyone of us need
d. Each of us needs
d. Each
e. Each of of us needs
them need
Here’s two ideas that will help to
speed the job along.
a. change Here’s
a. change Here’stotoHere
b. insert a comma after ideas
c. replace that with who
d. remove help to
e. no correction necessary
Each of your tasks take its place
on your “to do” list.
a. tasks take
b. b.
tasks takes
tasks takes
c. tasks taking
d. tasks; take
e. tasks is taking
Everybody in an office like to talk,
but you can control how much you
a. replace Everybody with
b. remove an
c. change like to talk with like
d. d.
to to
e. insert a comma after but you
Just tell anyone who stop by
chat that you’ll talk to that
person later.
a. anyone who stop
b. anyone to stop
c. anyone
c. anyonewho
d. anyone that stop
e. each who stop
algebra mathematics

election politics
trade economics

jumping athletics
heat physics

somersault gymnastics
parallel bars
cactus cacti
thesis theses
syllabus syllabi
sheep sheep
child children
diagnosis diagnoses
analysis analyses
stimulus stimuli
ox oxen
1. Gymnastics (is, are) my
favorite sport.
2. The police (want, wants)
to interview two men
about the robbery.
3. Fortunately the news
(wasn’t, weren’t) as bad
as we expected.
4. Where (does, do) your
family live?
5. It’s a nice place to visit.
The people (is, are) very
6. I don’t like very hot
weather. Thirty degrees
(is, are) too hot for me.
1. Would you like ____
2. How often do you go to
____ dentist?
3. Could you close ____
door, please?
4. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to
do that. It was ___
5. Excuse me, where is ____
bus station, please?
6. I have ____ problem. Can
you help me?
7. I’m just going to ____
post office. I won’t be
8. There were no chairs, so
we sat on ____ floor.
9. Have you finished with
____ book I lent you?
10. My sister has just got ____
job in ____ bank in Manila.
11. We live in ___ small flat in
____ city centre.
12. There’s ____ supermarket
at ____ end of ____ street
I live in.
at on in during for
since by until

1. Jack has gone away. He’ll

be back ____ a week.
2. We’re having a party ____
Saturday. Can you come?
3. I’ve got an interview next
week. It’s ___ 9:30 ____
Tuesday morning.

4. Susan isn’t usually here

____ weekends. She goes
5. The train service is very
good. The trains are nearly
always ___ time.

6. It was a confusing situation.

Many things are happening
____ at the same time.
7. I couldn’t decide whether
or not to buy the shirt.
___ the end I decided to
leave it.

8. The road is busy all the

time. Even ____ night.
9. I met a lot of nice people
_____ my stay in New

10. I saw Helen ____ Friday,

but I haven’t seen her
_____ then.
11. Brian has been doing the
same job _____ five

12. Lisa’s birthday is _____

the end of March.
13. We have some friends
staying with us ___ the
moment. They’re staying
____ Friday.
14. If you’re interested in
applying for the job, your
application must be received
___ Friday.
15. I’m just going out. I won’t
be long. I’ll be back ___
ten minutes.

16. I’d love to visit every

country ___ the world.
17. Dostoevsky is my favorite
author. Have you read
anything ___ him?

18. I’ve got a stain ___ my

jacket. I’ll have to have it
19. We went ___ a party ___
Linda’s house on

20. Look at the leaves ___

that tree. They’re a
beautiful color.
21. ‘Have you ever been___
Tokyo?’ ‘No, I’ve never
been ___ Japan.

22. Mozart died ___ Vienna

in 1791 ___ the age of 35.
23. We went ___ the theater
last night. We had seats
___ the front row.

24. I couldn’t decide what to

eat. There was nothing
___ the menu that I liked.
25. Ana spent two years
working ___ London
before returning ___ Italy.
Tag Questions
1. Kate won’t be late,

2. You’re tired,

3. You’ve got a camera,

4. You weren’t listening,

5. She doesn’t know Ann,

6. Juan’s on holiday,
7. Mina’s applied for the job,

8. You can’t speak German,

9. He won’t mind if I use his

10. There are a lot of people

11. Let’s go out tonight,

12. This isn’t very interesting,

13. I’m too impatient,

14. You wouldn’t tell anyone,

15. Helen has lived here a

long time,
16. I shouldn’t have lost my

17. He’d never met her


18. Don’t drop that vase,

1. The longtime housekeeper
was faithful and ____
a. honestly.
b. with honesty.
c. honest.
d. honesty.
2. Please write your evaluation
carefully, truthfully, and
a. concise.
b. concisely.
c. with concision.
d. be concise.
3. Henry is not only a good doctor
a. but also an excellent friend.
b. but he is also an excellent
c. but he is an excellent friend
d. but is also an excellent friend.
4. This book is a monument to its
author and ____
a. it pays tribute to its subject
b. a tribute to its subject.
c. it tributes to its subject.
d. pays tribute to its subject.
5. The boy’s mother insisted that
he hang up his clothes and
a. make his bed.
b. he should make his bed.
c. why doesn’t he make his
d. to make his bed

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