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Purposive Communication
Concept Paper

A text that defines idea

or concept and explains its
essence in order to clarify
the “whatness” of the idea.
Concept Paper
■ It normally starts with definition that can be
categorized in to two: formal or informa.
■ Formal
■ “term + genus + differentia/e”
Term is the concept or idea being elucidated
or clarified.
Genus is the classification of the term.
Differentia/e are the features that make the
term different or distinct from among its
Single sentence formal definition would
not be enough to clarify and elucidate an
idea or concept. This means amplified or
extended definition is necessary.
Different ways to amplify a definition
and thoroughly discuss a concept that
can be adopted
1. Examples
2. Word derivation
3. Comparison and contrast
4. Cause and effect
5. Physical description
6. Location
7. Basic principle
8. Analysis
9. Negative statement
10. Further definition

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