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Communication Process

Meaning And Process Of

Meaning Of Communication
• The word “Communication” is derived from
Latin words communicare or communico
which means “to share”.
• It is a process of exchange of ideas opinions
and as a means that individuals and
organizations share meaning with another.
Components of Communication Process


Feedback Encoding

Receiver Channel

Source/ Sender
The process of communication is initiated by the
sender who has an idea of what he wishes to
communicate. As the source of the message,
the sender should be very clear about what and
why he is communicating.

Message :- Message is that content or idea

which a sender wishes to communicate to the
The idea is then encoded into a message using
the appropriate language, symbols, etc.
Encoding is a process of transferring a piece of
information the sender wishes to
communicate into a form that can be sent and
correctly decoded at the other end.
• This encoded message is then sent or transmitted
to the receiver using an appropriate channel; the
choice may depend upon the urgency and
complexity of the message. Messages may be
conveyed through oral channels, including face to
face meetings, telephone and video conferencing;
written channel includes e-mail, letters, memos,
etc; non verbal channels may be used for
conveying a message.
If encoding a message is a skill, so decoding a
received message for understanding a
message correctly is also a skillful work. It is
important that the receiver listens to it
actively or reads it carefully as the case may
Receiver or Decoder is a person for whom the
message is intended. Once the receiver
receives the message, he decodes it and
assimilates the idea. In fact communication is
only when both the sender and the receiver
understood the same information in a similar
Feedback is an important component of the
communication process as it helps the sender
to analyze the efficiency of the message and
also in confirming the correct interpretation of
the message by the receiver. Feedback may be
verbal or non verbal.
• In order to conclude on my topic process of
communication, it includes certain steps to
convey the message from sender to receiver.
The message should convey to the receiver to
complete the communication process and it
should be understand by the receiver in
similar context.

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