Extroverts Make Better Te Am Members?: Honors Debate

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Extroverts make better te

am members?
Honors Debate
• ​a lively and confident person who enjoys b
eing with other people

• ​a quiet person who is more interested in t
heir own thoughts and feelings than in spe
nding time with other people
Carl Jung
(July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961)

1. Theory of the Unconscious

2. Jungian Archetypes
- The Persona
- The Anima
- The Shadow
- The Self
3. Extroversion vs. Introversion
- Thinking
- Feeling
- Sensing
- Intuiting
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
• Test created to help determine career path
s for women during WWII
• Test is made of 4 different dichotomies.
• Introverted OR Extroverted
• Sensing OR Intuitive
• Thinking OR Feeling
• Judging OR Perceptive
Myers-Briggs Directions
• For the 20 prompts, choose “a” OR “b”
• Choose the answer that accurately describes you
• Answer as you really are, not as you to be
• Make choices for the majority of your life situations
• Think of situations in which you are free to be yourself.
• There are not right or wrong answers.
MBTI Meaning
1. Extravert Initiating Expressive Gregarious Active Enthusiastic
2. Introvert Receiving Contained Intimate Reflective Quiet
3. Intuitive Abstract Imaginative Conceptual Theoretical Original
4. Sensing Concrete Realistic Practical Experiential Traditional
5. Thinking Logical Reasonable Questioning Critical Tough
6. Feeling Empathetic Compassionate Accommodating Accepting Te
7. Judging Systematic Planning Early Starting Scheduled Methodical
8. Perceiving Casual Open-ended Prompted Spontaneous Emergent

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