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Skills of Business

Awareness of Geography/Span of

• Each Branch must have a list of Clients whom they want to add in
their Geography /Span of Control.
- Comprehensive list with details like Current Agency, Guard wage at
location, approximate Gross profit that can be expected, credit
period, contact person, designation, mobile number, hierarchy.
- Typically, we need to approach Clients with agencies like G4S, SIS,
Peregrine etc.
Presentation, Communication & Interpersonal
• First meeting is more about making an impact with Presentation &
Rapport Building
- Right Grooming
- Confidence
- Ability to speak about company in 5-10 minutes sounding more like
conversation than PPT
- Rapport Building
- After Speaking – LISTEN
Listening Skills
• In first meeting its more about listening. Understand pulse of Client.

For eg:
• Is his concern Fire & Safety?
• Is his concern higher wage?
• Is his concern poor grooming and soft skills?
• Can you Upsell?
Analytical Skills

• Business Development/ Branch Head must analyze approach toward

For eg:
If current agency has higher wages and if client wants to reduce cost.
OR Current agency is lower wages and client is not happy with services
OR He needs smart guards/ tall guards/ polished guards/ fire trained
guards etc.
Influencing & Negotiation Skills
• Once you have identified strategy comes your skills of how you
convince customer on rates and how you sell each salary component.

- Point to keep in might if client is clear on mind he cannot afford

beyond particular rate, an effort to over sell might lead to no closure
Customer Oriented & Team work
• Customer is KING.

- While you are accessible till the operations team takes over, keep in
touch with your client and ensure action on service concerns

- Sales person should always understand service concerns and issues

operations team faces, to be able to negotiate better.
Do’s & Don’ts
• Every client is Unique – tailor make solutions
• Keep Client team on your side. “WE” approach
• Cold calling – Door to door salesman
• Keeping in touch for future requirements

Don’t overcommit
Thank you !

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