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Fish and Seafood

Act and Regulations

Presented By: Mahbouba, Nabil

Mashhadi, Sanaz

September 2014
Act and Regulations
General definition -House of Commons and the Senate Royal Assent

Fish Inspection Act:

- R.S.C, 1985, c. F-12
- quality and safety control of fish and seafood products
- administrated by CFIA
- minister of Agriculture ands Agri-food
Fish Inspection Act
The Act consists of three parts:  Part 3 General
Part 1  Fish and Fish Containers • Application
•Powers of inspectors - Designation of inspectors
•Administering oaths - Offence
•Seizure of fish and containers • Limitation period
•Arrest without warrant
•Unlawful alteration of documents • Where offence committed
•Tainted fish

Part 2  Marine Plants

•Marine plants
•Certificate to be proof
Canadian Shellfish Sanitation
- Federal food safety program
- administrated by CFIA, EC, DFO
- Goal  protect Canadians from
health risks associated with
consumption of contaminated
bivalve Mollusca shellfish
- The government of Canada
safety and quality standards for
Roles and Responsibilities
1. Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
• Regulates  import and export, processing, packaging, labeling,
shipping certification, storage, repacking of shellfish
• suspends operation unacceptable operating and sanitation
• depuration regulation
• verification of quality and purification effectiveness
• maintains a bio toxin surveillance program of shellfish growing
areas DFO and CFIA
Roles and Responsibilities
2. Environment Canada
• Safe shellfish harvest areas identification in
• Sanitary and bacteriological water quality
• Sources of point and non-point pollution
• classification of shellfish harvest areas 
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Roles and Responsibilities
3. Fisheries and Oceans Canada:
• Controls the harvesting of shellfish from contaminated areas
• supervises relaying, transplanting and replanting
• Restricts harvesting of shellfish from actual and potentially affected
growing areas in a public health emergency
• licenses, harvesting locations and times and minimum harvest sizes
• policies, regulations and standards related to the safety and
nutritional quality of food  Health Canada
Fish and Seafood – Exports & Imports
- CFIA  Regulating the export
- Originated from a registered fish-
processing establishment
- Meet standards
- Exceptions ( live lobsters, live crabs,
some products from fisher-packers)
Fish and Seafood – Exports
 facilitating access to international market
 negotiating agreements
 identifying export requirements
 certifying the safety and acceptability
 providing assistance to resolve trade disruption
 working closely with AAH certifying fish and seafood exports for
animal health purposes
International Trade Trend
Joint certificates attesting to both animal and public health:
• Certification of Fish and Seafood Products
• Fish Export Policy
• Fish Export Directive
• Fish Export License Directive
• Application for a Fish Export License (CFIA/ACIA 5704) - PDF (110 kb)
• Licensed Cold Storage Warehouse Standard
• Attestation for Licensed Cold Storage Warehouses
• Export Information By Jurisdiction
• Establishments Approved for Export
• To Brazil
• To the People's Republic of China
• To the European Union
• To the Russian Federation
• To the United States
Fish and Seafood – Imports
Import Inspection Program:

- Inspection  prevent the marketing of unsafe or unwholesome or

mislabeled products

- foreign processors  poor compliance with Canadian standards

- MOUs or MRAs  inspection effort reduction

Fish and Seafood – Imports
• Fish Import License Application (CFIA/ACIA 5587)
• Application for Credit (CFIA/ACIA 0015)
• Request for an Inspection to Reinstate an Import Licence (CFIA/ACIA 5373)
• Request for an Inspection of Fish (CFIA/ACIA 2003/05)
• Fish Import Notification  (CFIA/ACIA 5588)
• Import Information by Jurisdiction
• Ecuador – Preferred Status Plant List – shrimp
• Philippine – Preferred Status Plant List – shrimp, tuna
• Approved List of Fish Processing Establishments – Thailand
• Mandatory Inspection List
• the level of a nutrient or energy in a food or a group of foods
• not required, • voluntary statement or an expression
• frequently used by a manufacturer • only to those listed
identify in the Food and Drug Regulations
its products
distinctively from others of the• same
Requirements Englishtypefor
and Fish and Fish Products
• the amount of the nutrient must be declared in the Nutrition Facts table
• identifies the responsible party, the location
where a company can be contacted
• must be declared on any part of the food
container except the bottom
• required on products with a durable life
•• either
Food allergens, gluten sources and
French or English.
of 90 days or less that have storage
• must must be labelled in
be listed in descendingthe list conditions that differ from normal room
of ingredients or in a "Contains"
order of proportion by weight temperature.
• anywhere on the package, • both French and English on any panel
• mustexcept the bottom
be written using the prescribed except the bottom of the container.

• source must
nutrient be both English
(at least
content of aonce)and
food (13 core • additional information i.e raw and must
French.and energy
nutrients) be properly cooked prior to use.
• "Contains" statement if used must be
• standardized format, comparison • the country of origin "Product of /
complete for all allergens present in
among foods must be displayed on Produit de".
the product
• the thename
packageof the food (boldface type) inanthe Food and Drug Regulations, the • displayed on any surface except the
• under
the amount of food
acceptable •in the
Quality package
• • appear
name on the label
both English andby
prescribed following
French the list
the Fish Inspection bottom of the package, either English or
must beRegulations,
• Program present
in federally orused
the the
on•registered name
principal in which
to highlight orpanel
food is generally known. (CFIA French.
in aFish List) type height.
minimum an ingredient or flavour
•• both •
on theEnglish anddisplay
principal French.panel• Specific requirements • for
both specific
and French. "Product of Canada" for Domestic
• both English and French. products if meeting specific guidelines
• Descriptive terms (on certain fish products) outlined in the Product of Canada Policy.
Thank you

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