Definition of 2nd Order System

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Definition of 2nd order system

A system whose input-output equation is a second order differential equation is

called Second Order System. There are a number of factors that make second order
systems important. They are simple and exhibit oscillations and overshoot.
Higher order systems are based on second order systems.
Example of 2nd order system

• Consider a simple manometer. The pressure on both legs of the manometer

is initially the same. The length of the fluid column in the manometer is L. At
time t = 0, a pressure difference is imposed across the legs of the
manometer. Assuming the resulting flow in the manometer to be laminar and
the steady-state friction law for drag force in laminar flow to apply at each
instant, we will determine the transfer function between the applied pressure
difference ∆ P and the manometer reading h. If we perform a momentum
balance on the fluid in the manometer, we arrive at the following terms:
• (Sum of forces causing fluid to move = Rate of change of momentum of
Manometer figure
• Figure 7-1 as mentioned in book chapter no. 7 . Book is already
shared with you
•Sum of forces causing fluid to move =( Un balanced pressure
forces causing motion)- ( Frictional forces opposing motion)
•Unbalanced pressure forces causing fluid = (p 1-p2)gh
•Frictional forces opposing motion = shear stress at wall *area in
contact with wall
•Frictional forces opposing motion = 8 = 81/2dh/dt*

• Note that V is the average velocity of the fluid in the tube, which is
also the velocity of the interface, which is equal to 1/ 2 dh/ dt
• Rate
  of change of momentum = d/dt(mass*velocity*momentum correction
• Rate of change of momentum = *
• By putting all values in eq-1 we have
• (p1-p2)gh- 81/2dh/dt* = *---eq-2
• The value of for laminar flow is 4/3. Substituting the appropriate terms into
Eq.2 produces the desired force balance equation for the manometer.
• Rearranging eq-2

• * +gh- 81/2dh/dt* = (p1-p2)----eq-3

• Divide both sides of eq—3 by
•  2/3L/gd2h/dt2 + 16P/-----eq-4
• 2/3L/g =
• 16 = 2
• Y(t) = h
• X(t) = P/
• Final equation will be
• 2dh/dt=y(t)=x(t)
•  In Laplace form
• Y(s)/x(s) =1/

• Where

• Damping factor decides whether the system is under damped, over

damped or critical damped system
• Damping factor<1 under damped system means more oscillation
• If damping factor>1 over damped system means non oscillatory
• If damping factor =1 critical damped system which allows most rapid
approach to response with oscillation.

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