Research Methodology For BE

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Research Methodology

For BE

Arjun Kumar Gaire
• The word Research is composed of two
words ‘re’ and ‘search’ where re means
repeatedly or again and again and search
means to investigate or find. Thus, to search
again and again is research.
• Research can be defined as a systematic
inquiry or investigation to discover new
information or relations to expand and
verify knowledge existing for some special
• The research involves scientific analysis
which would result in the formation of
new theories, the discovery of new
techniques, a modification of old
concepts or a knocking off an existing
theory, concept or technique,
• It may develop a hypothesis and test it by
establishing relationship between
different variables and identify the means
for problem solving.
Research (cont.)
• According to Oxford Advance
learner’s dictionary
“Research is a careful study of
subject specially in order to
discover new facts or
information about it”
Research (cont.)
• According to P. V. Young,
“ Social research is a systematic method
of exploring, analyzing and
conceptualizing social life in order to
extend, correct or verify knowledge,
whether that knowledge adds in the
construction of a theory or in the
practice of an art.”
Research (cont.)
• According to Kerlinger “Research is
a systematic, controlled, empirical
and critical investigation of natural
phenomena guided by theories and
hypothesis about he reassumed
relations among such phenomena.”
Social research
• The research work conducted to
evaluate the Human Development,
Culture, History, Religion etc is
considered as Social Research. This
type of research is useful to
examine human behavior, festivals,
rituals, language, culture, heritage,
tradition etc.
Social research (cont.)
• PV Young defines social research as
the systematic method of discovering
news facts or verifying old facts, their
sequences, inter-relationships, casual
explanation and the natural laws
which governs them.
• Prof C.A Mosr defines social
research as “systematized
investigation to give new knowledge
about social phenomena and surveys”.
Objectives of research
• Researches are carried out for a number of
very good reasons. Some of the reasons are
as follows
1. Theoretical objective
– i. To test and retest of real forms of
social events
– ii. To understand social changes.
– iii. To make broad area of knowledge
– iv. To search new facts and improving
level of understanding
Objectives (cont.)
Applied Objective
i. To find out the causes and effect
of changes social norms.
ii. To solve current social problems.
iii. To evaluate applied rules and
regulations or plan and programs.
iv. To help administrative reforms
Scope and objective of Research
The research is a knowledge building process
• Helps to built a theory
• Helps to solve a specific problem
• Helps to develop policies
• Helps to support decision making
• Helps to get the research degree along with
its benefits
• Helps to provide service to the society
• Helps to earn name to be famous and
• Helps to get pleasure by doing a creative
Steps of social research
i. Realizing problems
ii. Identification of problems and choosing
the research topic: A researcher can
think of a topic of research either to know
the unknown or to test or refuse certain
hypothesis, which have been built around,
either on account of his convention or
customs or on those matters which have
traditional assumptions. This is done by
study of previous research papers, by study
of different journals and by daily study of
community’s current problems
Steps of social research
iii. Literature review: The purpose of
reviewing the literature is to develop
some expertise in one’s area, to see
what new contributions can be made
and to receive some ideas form
developing a research design
iv. Theoretical framework or conceptual
frame work
v. Objective and Hypothesis formulation
Steps of social research
vi. Limitations of study:
Limitation on area of study i.e.
location of study, time, respondents,
costs, or budget allocation,
information about social economic and
geographical conditions.
Steps of social research
vii Proposal writing; which is summary of
research is to be submitted to research
organization. If accepted proceed and if
rejected then repeated again.
viii. Construction of tools and instruments:
This includes the construction of tools and
instruments. How to collect data is
determined by researcher. Commonly used
tools are questionnaire , focus group
discussion, field observation, personal
observation, interview etc.
Steps of social research
viii. Formulation of Research design
vii. Data collection:
viii. Analysis of information: First of all
entry, coding etc using mathematical or
statistical relationships and different
Statistical tools are used for data analysis
from collected data to find the required
ix. Report writing: which is the result and
discussion of above steps
Types of social research
Fundamental Research
• Also known as Pure, basic or theoretical
• Mainly concern with the generalization
of theory.
• It is not concerned with solving any
practical problems, policies
• Helps to discover the principle and laws.
• Tries to say why things happen in
Types of social research
Fundamental Research
• Social events, facts, thoughts, Business
data, human behaviours and natural
phenomenon are dynamic. So every fact
and theory on them also changes time to
time. The study on such facts and
changing phenomena is called basis
research .

• It is base for applied research

Fundamental Research (cont)
According to P V Young “Getting knowledge
for knowledge seekers is termed as basic
• According to K D Bailey “Basic research is
values developing and testing theories and
hypothesis that are intellectually challenging
to the researcher but may or may not have
practical application for present time or in
coming future.”
• Purpose: conducting theoretical research is to
search and advance the level of scientific
knowledge which is the genesis of theory
Applied Research
• Also known as practical or empirical or
action research
• which is associated with a specific project
or problem.
• Concerned to current activity or immediate
practical situations of society.
• Aims at finding about a solution for
immediate problem faced by a society and
• Discovers what, how and why questions
about policies, program and procedures of
actual life.
Applied Research (cont.)
• Also known as Action research
– Regular collection, presentation
and interpretation of reliable data
relating to the particular problem
during the day to day activity of
– Conducted in order to get the
continuous feedback and
performance of the activity
Applied Research (cont.)
• P V Young “Gathering knowledge that
could aid in betterment of human destiny
is termed as applied research.”
• Goode and Hatt “Applied research is one
which can contribute new facts, can put
theory to the test, may integrate
previously existing theory.”
• Purpose: conducting this research is to
acquire new skills or new approaches.
• To answer the practical questions about
programmers and policies of organization
Types of Research
• Mostely in the field of engineering research is
applied research concerned with
- Developing new products and
- Improving existing products and
- Finding new uses for existing
- Solving the problem related to
different field of engineering.
• Solving immediate
problems • Contributes to
• Studies business and theory and
social problems techniques of
• To study individual discipline
cases without • studies any
generalization problems
• Tries to say how • Seeks
things can be changed generalizations
• Tries to say why
things happen
Applied Fundamental
• Requires technical • Contributes to
and personal theory and
judgment techniques of
• Reports will be in discipline
common language • studies any
and will be easy to
understand problems
• Concerned with • Seeks
problem solving generalizations
• Tries to say why
things happen
Role of Research in Engineering
• Directly or indirectly related with
management, because the Engineers are
involved in problem solving and decision
making activities.
• It helps for Making policies,
• Data required for correct managerial
• Identifies the factors and events
responsible for the overall development
of organizations.
Thank you !!!

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