Chapter 17

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Session 27

Part 6:
Communicating Value

Chap 16
• The Role of Marketing Communications

MG 220 Marketing Management

The Role of Marketing Communications

Marketing Communication and Brand Equity

O The means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind

consumers, directly or indirectly, about the products and brands they sell

Mix >>>

MG220 Marketing management

The Role of Marketing Communications
• Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
Advertising services by an identified sponsor

• A variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or

Sales Promotion service

Events & • Company-sponsored activities and programs designed to create daily or special
Experiences brand-related interactions

Public Relations • A variety of programs designed to promote or protect a company’s image or its
& Publicity individual products

• Use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail or internet to communicate directly with or

Direct Marketing solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects

• Face to face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for making
Personal Selling presentations, answering questions and procuring orders

Interactive • Powered by Online and social media; marketers need to focus more on people who
Marketing & can influence
MG220 Marketing management 3
The Role of Marketing Communications
Advertising • Print and broadcast ads, Brochures, Posters, Billboards, POP displays

Sales Promotion • Contests, sweepstakes, Premiums, Sampling, Coupons, Rebates

Events & • Festivals, Arts, Causes, Factory tours, Company museums, Street activities

Public Relations • Press releases, Seminars, Annual reports, Community relations, Lobbying
& Publicity

• Catalogs, Mailings, Telemarketing, Electronic shopping, TV shopping, Fax mail,

Direct Marketing E-mail, Voice mail

• Sales presentations, Sales meetings, Incentive programs, Samples, Fairs and trade
Personal Selling shows

Marketing & • Internet marketing, SMS marketing, social media marketing, viral marketing
MG220 Marketing management 4
The Role of Marketing Communications

Macro-model of Marketing Communications

O Major parties in Communication
O Sender | Receiver
O Major Communication Tools
O Message | Media
O Major Communication Functions
O Encoding | Decoding | Response | Feedback

These processes operate

during communication
O Selective Attention
O Selective Distortion
O Selective Retention

MG220 Marketing management

The Role of Marketing Communications

Micro-model of Marketing Communications

O AIDA model
O Underlying

MG220 Marketing management

Marketing in Practice
Part-7 Communicating Value
Examples of Communications Mix in use with different brands

7UP conducts:
- Experiential marketing &
- Sales promotion
in addition to its TV/Print/Outdoor Advertising
Session 28

Part 6:
Communicating Value

Chap 16
• Developing Effective Communications

MG 220 Marketing Management

Developing Effective Communications
Process Overview

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Identify Design
Determine Select Establish Decide on Measure Manage
Target Communica
Objective Channels budget media mix results IMC
Audience tions

MG220 Marketing management 9

Effective Communications

#1: Identify Target Audience

O Use Segmentation strategies
O Analyze target audience:
O Image Analysis
O Favorability Analysis
O Familiarity Analysis

MG220 Marketing management 10

Effective Communications

#2: Determine Objective

O Category Need
O Developing need for a certain category
O Brand Awareness
O Identifying a brand within a certain category
O Brand Attitude
O Evaluation of brand to meet a relevant need
O Brand Purchase intention
O Taking purchase-related action

MG220 Marketing management 11

Effective Communications
#3: Design Communications
O Message Strategy (what to say)
O Looking for appeals related to brand positioning
O To help establish POPs and POSs
O Creative Strategy (how to say it)
O Informational Appeals – giving information
O Transformational Appeals –emotional attributes
O Message Source (who to say it)
O Source should have credibility through:
O Expertise, Trustworthiness, Likability

MG220 Marketing management 12

Effective Communications
#4: Select Channels
O Personal Channels
O Advocate Channels (e.g. salesforce)
O Expert Channels (e.g. independent experts)
O Social Channels (e.g. neighbors, family, friends)
O Non-Personal Channels
O Media
O Sales Promotions
O Events and Experiences
O Public Relations
O Integration of Communication Channels

MG220 Marketing management 13

Effective Communications
#5: Establish Total Mktg. Comm. Budget
Different options available:
O Affordable Method
O Percentage-of-Sales method
O Competitive-Parity method
O Objective-and-task method

O A general understanding of methods –

details not included in course

MG220 Marketing management 14

Effective Communications
#6: Deciding on Mktg. Comm. Mix
O Pervasiveness, several repetitions & Amplified expressiveness
Sales Promotion
O Communication, Inventive & Invitation
Public Relation & Publicity
O Coordinated with other elements of mix
O High credibility, Ability to catch buyers “off-guard”,

MG220 Marketing management 15

Effective Communications
#6: Deciding on Mktg. Comm. Mix (contd.)
Events & Experiences
O Costly yet having many advantages
O Relevant, Involving & Implicit
Direct Marketing
O Forms: Direct Mail, telemarketing, internet marketing
O Customized, Up-to-date & Interactive
Personal Selling
O Most effective in later stages, good for building preferences
O Personal interaction, Cultivation & Response

MG220 Marketing management 16

Effective Communications
#7: Feedback Measurement
O After implementing the plan:
O Impact on target audience is to be measured
O Surveyed to ask:
O Whether they have recall
O How many times they saw it
O What points they recall

O A good example
of measured
Effective Communications
#8: Managing IMC
O Coordinating Media
O Personal and Non-personal channels to be coordinated

O Implementing IMC - issues

O IMC concept has been relatively slow to take hold:
O Large companies have several specialist organizations
O They don’t know much about other channels/tools
O Global companies use different agencies in different countries
O Still a few agencies have improved by integrating with different
specialist companies – by acquiring them
O Offering one-window solutions

MG220 Marketing management 18

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