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Learning Conversation

Learning Process
• Good
• Sometimes I focus on helping others too much that I do not get work
done which influences my work but not too much
• Slowly starting to not leave tasks at the last minute
• Sometimes I get distracted with people around me
• Time management is essential for me to meet deadlines and plan
• Personal and Social: Develop my personal and social capability mostly by helping others in
• My collaborative skills have significantly developed throughout Yr 12 by helping students in
various subjects
• Ethical Understanding: Developed this capability by thinking of various ethics and the
different types to make decisive actions based upon situations. 
• Biology greatly developed my ethical understanding by understanding the ethical
considerations around the use of biotechnology
• Numeracy: Numeracy was consolidated this year with by working with
Maths and Physics have really developed my numeracy skills by constantly working with
number and theoretical concepts.
• Stay focused on task
• Do well in Yr 12
• Update ePortfolio
• Receive feedback and improve - submitting drafts 
• Achieve the best grades possible 
• Stay consistent with grades 
• Commit to complete tasks as soon as possible and hand up for drafting

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