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Book 1 – Intensivo & Extensivo

Present Simple
(+) I walk everyday. (+) He walks everyday.
(-) I don’t walk every day. (-) He doesn’t walk every day.
(?) Do you walk every day? (?) Does he walk every day?

• p/ he, she, it (+) adiciona-se ‘–s’ no verbo;

• ‘-es’ se o verbo terminar em –s, -sh, -ch, -o, - x, - z;
• e ‘-ies’ se o verbo terminar em y precedido de consoante.
• Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever,
never (sempre depois do verbo be antes dos outros verbos)
• Expressions: once/twice/three times a week; every two days. (finais de
Use the Simple Present Tense for:
Habits / Routine
Permanent Actions
Natural Laws
Historical Past

-ING forms
• Present Continuous
Talks about an action that happens at the moment we speak
– Verb to be (am, is, are) / + verbo principal (ing)
– I am /am not ; He, She, It is /isn’t ;
We, You, They are / aren’t
(+) She is going to the club.
(-) She isn’tgoing to the club.
(?) Is she going to the club?

• Depois de alguns verbos  like, love, hate, can’t stand...

• Com alguns ‘determiners’ (the, my, this)
– Does my smoking annoy you?
– I don’t mind your going without me.
– I hate all these useless arguing.
• Depois de preposições (exceto ‘to’) e algumas
expressões com ‘to’
– You can’t make an omelette without breaking the eggs
– He’s talking about moving to the country.
– What is a toothpaste for? It’s for cleaning the teeth.
– I look forward to; object to; to be /get used to; prefer to
+ verb(ing)
• Como sujeito de frases
– Smoking is bad for you. / Reading is my favourite activity.
/ Working makes me feel good.
• adjetivos formados de verbos
– interesting, boring, tiring, relaxing, etc.
Present Perfect (have/has + participle)
I I worked in France.
You You haven’t done the activity.
We ’ve worked in France. We
They (have) done the activity. They
She hasn’t

He ‘s
1) (has) passadas; sem tempo definido
2) ações que começaram e continuam no presente  SINCE / FOR
 I’ve known him for ten years. / I’ve worked here since 2001.
• Question: How long...?
3) yet, already, just, ever, always, never
 I haven’t done my homework yet.  Have you ever been to Canada?
 He’s already done his homework.  She’s just done her homework.
 I’ve always wanted to be a doctor.  They’ve never thought about
getting married.
Present Perfect Continuous
(have / has + been + verb-ing):
You You
We ‘ve We haven’t
They been working in France. They been working in France.
He ‘s been doing the activity. He hasn’t been doing the activity.
She She
It It

Have We
They been working in Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
He France? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
Has She been doing the activity?
Present Perfect Continuous (have/has been +verb –ing)
Para que se usa:
• para enfatizar a duração de uma ação que começou no passado e que continua no
e.g.: She's been working all day and she's obviously very tired.
(começou de manhã e ainda não parou)
• para descrever uma ação que começou no passado e terminou no passado, mas que
durou muito tempo e que tem efeitos no presente:
e.g.: What happened? Are you sad? No, I’ve been peeling onions.
school. (foi uma semana cheia de trabalho e por isso ele não quer falar disso)
• para descrever uma ação que nos causa irritação ou fúria:
e.g.: You've been wearing my t-shirts again! You know I don't like that!
(quem fala está irritado)
• Com o present perfect continuous usam-se as mesmas expressões temporais do que
com o present perfect:
how long...? (há quanto tempo...?)
for (há)
since (desde)
lately (ultimamente)
recently (recentemente)
Next: The Past Tense – módulo 7
Past Simple
• Simple past: definite time in the past
• Mesma forma para todas as pessoas
• Dois tipos de verbos: regulares e irregulares.
• Regulares: +ed, ex: watch = watched, close = closed; worry = worried; stop =
stopped (1 syllable + CVC )
• irregulars: table
• Yesterday, last year/week/Sunday; the day after yesterday
• Alteração só na afirmativa. Outras - auxiliar

(+) She went to the club yesterday. (+) They watched TV yesterday.
(-) She didn’t go to the club yesterday. (-) They didn’t watch TV
(?) Did she go to the club yesterday? (?) Did they watch TV yesterday?
They used to have very long hair.
1. She used to be a rebel.  She isn’t anymore.
2. She didn’t use to be a rebel.  Today she is.
3. Did she use to be a rebel?


be used to + noun or gerund
get used to + noun or gerund
• We use be used to to say that a situation is not new or strange, or is no longer new or strange.
– I've lived here for ten years now so I'm used to driving in the city.
– He's not used to working at night so he sometimes falls asleep.
– Are you used to the climate?
– I wasn't used to working such long hours when I started my new job.
• We use get used to to say that an action or situation becomes less strange or new, or becomes
more comfortable.
– It took them a long time to get used to their new boss.
– Have you got used to driving on the left yet?
– She is getting used to waking up early for her new job.
Past Perfect (had + participle)
• Expressa uma ação que aconteceu antes de outra no passado simples (de duas ações passadas é
a que acontece em primeiro lugar).

• É comum vir acompanhado de conjunções como before, after, when:

 When I called up Sue, Ralph had just left.
(Ralph saiu antes de eu chamar Sue.)

 They had already cooked dinner before I got there with a pizza.
(O jantar já estava pronto quando cheguei com a pizza)

• Veja o seguinte exemplo: Sarah arrived at the party.

Este é o ponto de partida da nossa história. Se quisermos falar de coisas que aconteceram antes
desse tempo, usamos o past perfect:

 When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.
(Paul foi embora para a casa antes de Sarah chegar a festa.)
Future Tenses

• Futuro  de acordo com o que se quer

Plans, intentions, predictions, scheduling,
Descrevem ações que estão para
acontecer mais tarde no mesmo dia, ou
num futuro próximo ou distante.
+ infinitive)

• Affirmative: In the future people will live on the

moon.(No futuro as pessoas morarão na lua)
• Negative: In the future people won’t live on the
• Interrogative: Will people live on the moon, in the
• Short answers: Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
• Mesma forma para todas as pessoas: I / You / He /
She / It / We / They will / won’t travel
• Podem-se usar expressões tais como: Maybe,
Perhaps, Probably, I think, it's possible + will
I) Incerteza – o que você acha que irá acontecer
Sílvio Santos will be the next president of Brazil. (Sílvio
Santos será o próximo presidente do Brasil)
I think Maria will phone me.
(Eu acho que a Maria irá me ligar)
a) não há certeza mas uma simples possibilidade
MAY / MIGHT / COULD - The weather may /might / could be
better later tonight. (O tempo poderá estar melhor mais
b) não há certeza, mas existe uma esperança: The weather
will probably be better tonight. (O tempo provavelmente
estará melhor à noite)
II) Offer (oferecer)
• I’ll help you with the books. (Eu te ajudarei com os livros)
• I’ll open the window for you. (Eu abrirei a janela para você)
• Shall I / we carry the chairs? (use ‘shall’ somente com ‘I’ e ‘We’) (Posso /
Podemos carregar as cadeiras?)

III) Requests (pedidos)

• Will you please help me carry this? (Você me ajudaria a carregar isto?)
• Will you please not smoke? (Você poderia não fumar?)
 Could you help me carry this?, Would you carry this please?, Why don’t
you help me carrying this? (Por que você não me ajuda a carregar isto?)
 Would you mind not smoking? (Você se importa em não fumar?) 
Could you not smoke? Would you not smoke? (Você poderia não fumar?)
IV) Prediction without evidence (prever o futuro sem evidência)
• James will stop smoking soon. (James irá parar de fumar logo)
• Flamengo will win the championship in 2009. (Flamengo vencerá o
campeonato de 2009)
V) Promise (promessa)
– Ok, I’ll clean my room. (Ok, eu limparei o quarto)
– We’ll build new houses for the poor. (Nós construiremos novas casas para os
VI) Decision at the moment we speak (decisão no momento da fala)
• Hmm, I’ll have an ice cream. (Hmm, eu vou tomar um sorvete).
• Look, I still have R$ 2,00. I’ll buy some candies. (Olha, eu ainda tenho
R$2,00. Comprarei algumas balas)
VII) usar - let us or let's – no lugar de fazer uma pergunta:
• Let's go to the cinema this evening! (= Shall we go to the cinema this
evening?) = Vamos ao cinema?
• Let's eat our lunch now! (= Shall we eat our lunch now?) = Vamos comer
nosso almoço agora?
GOING TO [verb to be (am / is / are) + going
to + infinitive]

Affirmative: I’m going to see the Olympic Games in China.

She’s going to see the Olympic Games in China.
They’re going to see the Olympic Games in
China.(Eles irão ver os jogos Olímpicos na China)
Negative: I’m not going to see the Olympic Games in China.
She isn’t going to see the Olympic Games in China.
They aren’t going to see the Olympic Games in China.
Interrogative: Is she going to see the Olympic Games in China

Short answers: Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

I) Plans
• I’m going to travel to Rio. I’ve checked all prices. (Eu vou
viajar para o Rio. Já chequei todos os preços)
• She isn’t going to travel with me. Maybe, she’ll be working.
(Ela não vai viajar comigo. Talvez ela esteja trabalhando)
II) Predictions with evidence
• Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. (Olhe aquelas
nuvens. Vai chover)
• Shh, cross the street. There’s a huge dog over there. It’s
going to bite us. (Shh, atravesse a rua. Há um enorme
cachorro logo ali. Ele vai nos morder)
• That girl is wearing a wedding dress. She’s going to get
married. (Aquela moça está vestindo um vestido de noiva.
Ela vai se casar)
[verb to be (am / is / are) + verb (+ing) ]

• Affirmative: I’m seeing my mother next Saturday.

(Eu verei minha mãe no próximo sábado.)
• Negative: She isn’t working next week.
(Ela não trabalhará na próxima semana.)
• Interrogative: Are you travelling to São Paulo this year?
• Short answers: Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

- Certeza quanto ao fato que irá ocorrer;

- usar time expressions: next week / year
Verbal tenses: yet, already, ever, just, always, usually, never,
hardly ever, rarely, often, sometimes, seldom,
once, twice, occasionally, generally, every day
/ daily,

Adverbs of manner
Slowly, quickly, actively, well, badly, carefully, politely, immediately
Adverbs of intensity
Absolutely, completely, very, quite, so, really, almost, perhaps, probably,
nearly, doubtlessly, only, hardly
Adverbs of time
Early, soon, late, now, today, before, immediately, the day before yesterday,
then, still, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday, ago, in the
morning/afternoon/evenings, at night
Adverbs of place
Beside, here, there, indoors, outdoors, around, everywhere, somewhere,
anywhere, far away, close, next, upstairs, nowhere, abroad, ahead.
Modal Verbs
Cada um será usado em situações específicas, ex: dar conselho, criticar, expressar
incerteza, etc. Normalmente usamos modal + infinitivo.

1. SHOULD Dar conselho You should stop smoking.

SHOULDN’T (should + (Você deveria parar de fumar)
OUGHT TO infinitivo )
Criticar You should’ve booked the book to study.
(should have / (Você deveria ter reservado o livro para estudar)
shouldn’t have+ You shouldn’t’ve written those emails.
particípio) (Você não deveria ter escrito aqueles emails).
2. MAY / Incerteza, pode I might go to the party. (Talvez eu vá à festa)
MIGHT ou não She might have done her homework earlier.
acontecer. (Ela poderia ter feito a tarefa mais cedo).
3. CAN Habilidade / I can play the piano.
capacidade She can go to the cinema after dinner.
/ permissão (Ela pode ir ao cinema após o jantar).
- passado de can: could; was/were able to
-Future: will be able to.
4. COULD Habilidade / I could dance tango very well.
permissão / She could go to the cinema after dinner.
probabilidade/ I could work until late if she had given me the key.
pedido educado (Eu poderia trabalhar até tarde se ela tivesse me
dado a chave).
Could you open the door, please?
5.MUSTN’T proibição She mustn’t go out. (Ela não pode sair).
/ CAN’T She mustn’t have taken the umbrella with her.
(Ela não deveria ter levado a sombrinha com ela).
6. WOULD condicional I would study more if I had time available
(Eu estudaria mais se tivesse tempo disponível).
I would have studied more if I had had time
available. (Eu teria estudado mais se eu tivesse tido
tempo disponível).

7. NEEDN’T Sem You needn’t buy any fruit, we have a lot.

necessidade (Você não precisa comprar frutas, nós temos
8. MUST Obrigação I must study for vestibular.
interna / (Eu devo estudar para o vestibular).
pessoal / She must clean her house.

Dedução (+ be) She must be a doctor.

9. HAVE / Obrigação I have to work on Saturdays.
HAS TO externa She has to clean the house everyday.
You have to wear a uniform.

10 DON’T / Ausência de You don’t have to wear a uniform.

DOESN’T obrigação She doesn’t have to work on Saturdays.
Relative Clauses, Active and
Passive Voice,

Apostila 3 – Modulo 11
Relative Pronouns
who which


whom in which


Relative Pronouns
1. Who / Whom  people
• A doctor is a person. He works in hospitals. = A doctor is a
person WHO works in hospitals.
• He has married somebody WHOM I really do not like. (formal
• He’s married somebody WHO I really don’t like. (informal
• Mary is the girl to WHOM he gave the present. (Mary é a
garota a quem ele deu o presente).
2. Which  things and animals
• A lion is a wild animal. It eats meat.
(O leão é um animal selvagem. Ele come carne).
• A lion is a wild animal WHICH eats meat.

3. Whose  cujo(a)
• These are the books WHOSE writer lives in Rio.
(Estes são os livros cujo escritor mora no Rio).

4. Where  place
• This is the church WHERE John and I got married.
(Esta é a igreja onde John e eu nos casamos).
• This is the church in WHICH John and I got married.
(Esta é a igreja na qual John e eu nos casamos).
5. That  substitutes who, whom, which quando não for oração
• A doctor is a person THAT/WHO works in a hospital
• A lion is a wild animal THAT/WHICH eats meat.

• The writer, WHO lives in Rio, is my uncle.

• The book, WHICH I showed you, was bought in Rio
Defining Relative clauses
(Orações subordinadas adjetivas restritivas)
• The information provided in a defining relative
clause is crucial in understanding the meaning
of the sentence.
• Example: The woman who lives in apartment
No. 34 has been arrested.
The document that I need has 'important' written
at the top.
• The purpose of a defining relative clause is to
clearly define who or what we are talking about.
Without this information, it would be difficult to
know who or what is meant.
Non-defining relative clause
(Orações subordinadas adjetivas explicativas)
• Non-defining relative clauses provide interesting additional information which is
not essential to understanding the meaning of the sentence.

• Example: Mrs. Jackson, who is very intelligent, lives on the corner.

The sandwich had pickles and corn, which I ate everything.

• Correct punctuation is essential in non-defining relative clauses. If the non-defining

relative clause occurs in the middle of a sentence, a comma is put before the
relative pronoun and at the end of the clause. If the non-defining relative clause
occurs at the end of a sentence, a comma is put before the relative pronoun.
•OMIT: who, which, that  different subjects in
both clauses.

He’s the man (who) I met on the phone.

That’s the restaurant (which) I told you about.
This is the book (that) everybody is reading at the
The end

Apostila 1

Pedro loves Maria = He loves her. / My house is pink – Mine is blue.




• SOMEONE(BODY).................................. ALGUÉM
• ANYONE(BODY)..................ALGUÉM / NINGUÉM
• NO ONE(BODY)..................................... NINGUÉM
• EVERYONE(BODY)................................... TODOS


(Todos têm seus deveres)

• MYSELF (me, a mim mesmo)

• YOURSELF (te, a você mesmo)
• HIMSELF (se, e ele mesmo)
• HERSELF (se, a ela mesma)
• ITSELF (se, a ele(a) mesmo(a))
• OURSELVES (nos, a nós mesmos)
• YOURSELVES (vos, a vocês mesmos)
• THEMSELVES (se, a eles mesmos)
• ONESELF (se, si mesmo)
Verb to be (ser ou estar)

Simple Present
Verb to be forms – Be = ser / estar

I am I am not Am I ?
You are You are not Are you?
She is He is not Is he?
He is She is not Is she?
It is It is not Is it?
We are We are not Are we?
You are You are not Are you?
They are They are not Are they?
‘Love ain't no stranger
I ain't no stranger
Love ain't no stranger
I ain't no stranger to love, no, no, no’
(Whitesnake – Love ain’t no stranger)
Verb to be
Simple Past Tense

Observe how verb To Be Simple Past is
I was not I wasn’t
He was not He wasn’t
Was I?
She was not She wasn’t Were you?
It was not It wasn’t Was he?
Was she?
You were not You weren’t
Was It?
We were not We weren’t Were we?
Were you?
They were not They weren’t
Were They? 41
Observe how verb To Form
Be Simple Past is used Was I?
in the interrogative Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was It?
Were we?
Were you?
Were They?
Verb to be (ser ou estar)

(+) I / You / He / She / It / We / They WILL BE rich.

( -) I / You / He / She / It / We / They WON’T BE rich.

 won’t = will not be

(?) WILL I / you / he / she / it / we / they BE rich?

(x) No, we won’t . / (√) Yes, she will.

Verb there to be (existir)
Simple Present,
Simple Past & Future

There is... / There isn’t... / Is there...? / Yes, there is.
There are... / There aren’t... / Are there...? / No, there aren’t.
There was... / There wasn’t.../ Was there...? / No there wasn’t.
There were... / There weren’t.../ Were there...? / Yes, there were.
There will be... / There won’t be... / Will there be...?
Yes, there will. No, there won’t.

There is one DVD player in my house. But there are two TVs. Next
week there will be two DVD players. And what about your house?
How many TVs are there in your house?
Conjunctions and connectors
• São palavras que unem orações, idéias, e podem
expressar vários aspectos.
1. Coordinating conjunctions = conjunções coordenadas
and, but, nor, or, so, yet (no entanto), for (pois)
2. Alternative ideas = alternativa
either...or, neither..nor, both...and, not only...but also,
3. Contrast and concession = contraste
although/though/even though, yet/but, in spite of / despite of,
however, nevertheless (entretanto)
4. Consequence and result idea = conseqüência
so, therefore, thus, hence (por isso), accordingly
5. Condition and hypothesis idea = condição / hipótese
if/whether, unless, otherwise, as long as (contanto que)
6. Manner idea = modo (as, as if, as though, as well)
7. Cause idea – causal [for that reason, due to, on account of/owing to
/in order to/so as to (por causa de / a fim de)]
8. Addition idea = adição (besides/in addition/moreover/furthermore/
9. Time and consequence idea = tempo [as soon as; since; when; while;
twice; in the meantime; now; before; after; already; yet (ainda)]
10. Sequence idea = sequência [to begin/first of all; now; then/next; thus
(portanto); to conclude/finally]
11. Emphasis idea = ênfase (really; in fact; actually; indeed; certainly)
12. Illustrating idea = exemplificar (for instance; such as; namely; that
is; in other words; e.g.)
13. Comparison idea = comparando (;;such as)
14. Purpose idea = objetivo [so that/so as to/in order to (para que)]
15. Ending idea = conclusivas. (in short; shortly; briefly; to sum up; in a
word; thus; to conclude; in conclusion)

Artigo Indefinido – Indefinite Article
a, an (um, uma)

Use ‘a’: antes de consoantes a car, a house

Use ‘an’: antes de vogais  an umbrella, an egg

a house, a hospital but: an hour, an honour  silent ‘h’
an x-ray /eksrei/
an ugly boy, an umbrella
But: a uniform, a European country, a one-way street
Artigo definido – Definite article
the = o, a, os, as


1. Com animais – he/she (feeling)
2. Sexo não conhecido  he
 Look at the little frog. Isn’t he sweet?
 If a student is sneezing, he (he or she) must stay at home (see item
3. Carros, motos, bicicletas – she: How’s your car? Terrific! She’s running
4. Países – it: France is a big country. It’s breath-taking!
5. After indefinite words (somebody, anybody, nobody, person,
whoever, each, every, either, neither, no) they:
 If a student is ill, they mustn’t come to school.
 If anybody wants my ticket they can have it.
 Whoever comes, tell them to go away.
6. Palavras terminadas em –MAN (fireman, spokesman) 
fireperson, firefighter, spokesperson
7. Em alguns casos usar a terminação –WOMAN  spokeswoman,
8. Ou se possível usam-se as palavras ‘politicamente corretas’ 
supervisor (not: foreman), ambulance staff (not: ambulance man),
firefighter (not: fireman)

Nouns: singular and plural forms

1. Regra geral  +s
2. Terminados em O, SH, CH, S, X, Z + ‘es’
hero = heroes / watch = watches / beach = beaches
3. Terminados em –y  retira o ‘y’ + ies
 country = countries / BUT: toy = toys
4. Vowel + O  +’s’: radio = radios / zoo = zoos (and also:
commando, photo, piano, solo, concerto, soprano, Eskimo,
kilo, logo)
5. Terminados em –o + ‘s’ ou ‘es’
 buffalo, mosquito, tornado, volcano
6. Nomes próprios terminados em consoante y =ys
 Kennedys / Februarys
but: Bush = Bushes
7. Terminados em ‘f’ ou ‘fe’  ves
 wolf = wolves / wife = wives
BUT: chief, roof, handkerchief + S
8. hoof, wharf, scarf + ‘s’ ou ‘es’
9. letras, siglas, numerais e abreviaturas + ‘s
in the 70s / CDs / students Bs (remember!)
10. Não mudam: crossroads, means, series, species, Swiss, news, billiards,
sheep, deer, fish, fruit (não mudam, tem uso no plural)
11. mathematics, physics, athletics, politics (não tem plural, não são usadas
no plural)
12. family, team, government, firm: grupo de pessoas reunidas
para decidir, querer fazer algo tem plural / se vistos
como individuais  singular
Ex: My family have decided to move to Rio. They think is a
better place to live. (group of people)
The average British family has 3 numbers. It is smaller
than 50 years ago. (individuals)
13. News (notícia) singular. The news is good.
14. Person  people / persons (official language), peoples = nation
penny  pence (price / sums), pennies (coin itself)
15. Greek and Latin origins:
a) -on  a, criterion = criteria; but: demon, electron, neutron,
proton (+s)
b) -is  es, basis = bases; but: metropolis +es
c) –um  a, curriculum = curricula; but: album, forum, museum +s
d) –us  i, bacillus = fungi, nucleus = nuclei, radius = radii; but:
bus, bonus, chorus, circus, virus + es
16. Hair (cabelo) não tem plural, não usa com artigo (hairs, a hair)
17. Name + name:
Alice and Bob are my mates.
Romeo and Juliet is the most beautiful story I’ve ever
War and peace is the longest book I’ve ever read.
Genitive Case
Usamos o caso genitivo (Genitive Case) para expressar posse. Ele é
caracterizado por ‘s após o possuidor.

Anna´s book.

Alice and John´s house. #

Alice’s and John’s houses.

Artists´ ideas.
• Quando o substantivo estiver no singular, utilizamos ´s.

Ex.: My son’s car.

• Quando estiver no plural, utilizaremos apenas o apóstrofe ( ‘ ) após o possuidor.
Porém, se o plural for irregular, utilizamos o ‘s, assim como no singular.

Ex.: Those boys´ passaport.

not  Those boys´s passaport.
Those children´s poems.
Baby’s bottle (GB) / Baby bottle (AM)
• Nomes próprios terminados em ‘s’:
James’s house.
• Nomes próprios terminados em ‘s’ históricos ou clássicos:
Socrates’ thoughts. / Dickens’ stories. / Jesus’ love
• Substantivo com a/an/this/that/ my(...)  ‘of mine’
She’s a cousin of John’s.  She’s a John’s cousin.
How’s that brother of Maria’s?  How’s that Maria’s brother?
• Clareza  Whose is this? Maria’s.
• Loja, casa de alguém, empresa, profissão, igreja:
We had a nice time at Susan and John’s last night.
She got married at São Francisco’s.
I bought it at Smith’s.
I went to the hairdresser’s.
• Expressões de tempo  Today’s program. / Yesterday’s class.
• Posse de coisas (non-living things) The pen of the desk.
Be careful!  Cow meat. Cow’s milk. / Fox’s tail. Fox fur.
For more information on nouns and
further practice, visit the websites:

That’s all for now Folks!

Coming soon to a computer near
•Verb + particle

•Phrasal verbs are used by all native English

speakers with great frequency.

•It’s impossible to speak proper English without

using them.

•Some thoughts can only be expressed by them.

•In many cases, there is a Latin-based verb that can

describe the action, but a native English speaker will
use a phrasal verb instead.

• Desist & Give up.

• Discover & find out
1. slack off – ficar enrolando (no trabalho).
Ex.: People, stop slacking off and get down to work. Right now!
2. take over – assumir o controle (de uma operação, negócio ou estabelecimento).
Ex.: My aunt had to take over the restaurant after my uncle passed away.
3. pull off – conseguir fazer algo, apesar das dificuldades.
Ex.: That project seemed impossible but we pulled it off. Passing that test was hard
but no one thought I would pull it off.
4. get over someone – esquecer-se de alguém (romance).
Ex.: You need to get over her if you want to move on with your life.
5. hook up – conectar (DVD, som, TV); “ficar” com alguém.
Ex.: Where are the cables so we can hook up this DVD player? Lauren and Phil
hooked up at the prom and they’ve been together ever since.
6. pull up – encostar, estacionar (carro).
Ex.: The supervisor’s car just pulled up.
7. fill someone in on something – colocar alguém a par (de alguma situação).
Ex.: My sister filled me in on the latest gossip at school.
8. stick around – ficar (em algum lugar), não ir embora.
Ex.: Can you stick around a little bit longer? I have to talk about something important.
9. dust off – tirar o pó (de roupa) ou reativar algo para uso.
Ex.: OK guys, dust off your tuxedos because we have a formal ball next week.
10. throw down – (gíria) brigar.
Ex.: He’s such a quiet guy. Who knew he would throw down like that?

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