MySQL Administration & Configuration-Unit-2-Part-II

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Administration and

Configuration of MySQL
Course Name:
Database Faculty Name:
Administration Ms. Zaiba Khan
with MySQL
Branch- Assistant Professor(CSE)
B.Tech-VI Semester School of
Course Code: Engineering &
Basic Server Administration

 Different command line tool designed specifically to

help administrators perform tasks
◦ Changing the MySQL
◦ Administrator Password
◦ Reloading MySQL Privileges.

 This tool is called mysqladmin

 Can be found in bin/ directory of your MySQL
For Ex-
[root@host] # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin
Basic Server Administration
 Table invoke different useful commands supported by
Command What It Does
Status Return information on server
Password Changes a user password
Shutdown Shuts down the MySQL Server
Reload Reload the MySQL grant
Refresh Resets all caches and logs
Variables Return values of all server
Version Returns the server version
Processlist Returns a list of all processes
active on the server
Kill Kills an active server process
ping Tests if the server is alive

Basic Server Administration
(Shell Prompt)

Starting and Stopping the Server

 On UNIX , MySQL comes with a start and shutdown

 This script named as mysql.server available in
support file

[root@host] # /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

 On Windows(Windows 95,98 or Me), MySQL comes

with a start and shutdown script
 Directly by navigating to your MySQL installation
directory & launching mysqld binary by double
clicking it.
C:> c:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe

Tip: Better Safe Than Sorry

 While you can certainly invoke MySQL by directly

running the mysqld from your installation's bin /

 Using the mysqld_safe wrapper is considered a safe

◦ This wrapper takes care of automatically logging errors
and runtime information to a file or of restarting MySQL
daemon in case of unexpected shutdown.

Note: In older versions of MySQL, mysqld_safe is called


Starting and Stopping the Server

 On Windows(Windows NT,2000,XP and 2003), which

will more typically be running MySQL in background
 This is accomplished by installing the mysql service
then using the net start command to activate it.
C:> c:\mysql\bin\mysqld --install

 Start the Service via Control Panel(Administrative

Tools Services) or with the command:
C:> net start mysql
 Depending on the version of Windows running ,MySQL
either launch in the foreground (mysqld ) or start as a
service and run invisibly in the background.

Starting and Stopping the
 We can also verify if the server is running and this can be done by
using mysqladmin tool with ping command
[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin ping

mysqld is alive

Starting and Stopping the Server

 The mysqladmin utility can also be used to reload the

server’s grant tables, as in the following

[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin reload

 Once the server is running, you can shut it down at any

time with mysqladmin utility that ships with MySQL,
by invoking it with the shutdown parameter

[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin shutdown

Starting and Stopping the Server

 On Windows, you usually need to open a new DOS

console window or use the Start-> Run dialog box as
C:> c:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin shutdown

 On UNIX, you can also use the provided mysql.server

startup/ shutdown script to shut down the server, as
shown below:

[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop

Checking MySQL Server Status

 You can find out the current state of server

◦ Time
◦ Queries per second
◦ Number of currently open tables and so on
Via mysqladmin tool

[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin status

• The version command offers a more concise summary

[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin version

 An Equivalent approach is to use the VERSION( ) built-

in function

Checking MySQL Server Status
 An Equivalent approach is to use the VERSION( ) built-
in function

 Extended status information is also available via the

extended-status command to mysqladmin or with
the SHOW STATUS command

Checking MySQL Server Status
 Extended status information is also available via the
extended-status command to mysqladmin or with
the SHOW STATUS command

Checking MySQL Server Status
 A great deal of real time status information is provided:
◦ It contains the amount of traffic the server received since it last
 Including no. of bytes sent and received
 The client connection
 Together with a breakdown of how many succeeded
 How many failed
 How many aborted
◦ It also contains statistics on the total no. of queries processed by
the server since startup, together with information on the no. of
the quires in each type(SELECT,DELETE,INSERT,…….)
◦ The number of threads active
◦ The number of current client connections
◦ The number of running queries
◦ The number of open tables

Managing MySQL Client Processes
 A complete list of all client processes connected to the
server with the SHOW PROCESSLIST command

Managing MySQL Client Processes(Cont..)
 A “regular” user will only be able to see his or her own threads in
the output of SHOW PROCESSLIST
 The PROCESS privilege can, however , see all running threads
 Users with the all powerful SUPER privilege can even kill running
threads, with the KILL command.
mysql> KILL 12;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

Altering The Server Configuration
 The Software comes preconfigured by MySQL to meet most
common needs.
 However, in case the default configuration doesn’t work , MySQL
exposes a large number of variables whose values can be modified
to meet custom requirements
 A thread doesn’t die immediately on receiving a kill signal
 Rather, MySQL sets a kill flag for that particular thread
 It is checked by the thread once it completes
This approach is considered safer
Because it allows the thread to complete whatever it’s doing &
release any locks it created

Using An Option File

 This method of setting MySQL options is through an option file

 MySQL looks for this option file in some standard places when it
starts up:

Windows: My SQL looks for startup option in an file named my.cnf

Alternatively the my.cnf file can be placed in the Windows
directory as my.ini

UNIX: MySQL checks for startup option in /etc/my.cnf, ~ /.my.cnf

and in a filed named my.cnf in your MySQL data directory.

Using An Option File(Continue….
 MySQL looks in the groups[mysql] and [mysqld] for configuration

Using An Option File(Continue….
 Note, all these options can be specified on the MySQL command
line as well , simply by prefixing the option name with a double
[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe

--socket=/usr/tmp/mysql.socket --user=mysql --skip-networking

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data

 In case multiple option files exist or the same option is specified

multiple times with different values
 MySQL uses the last found value
 Because MySQL reads option files before command line arguments,
this means options specified on the command line take precedence
over options in an option file
Using The SET Command

 MySQL also lets you modify system and connection variables

while the server is running, using the SET command
 The SET command looks like this:

SET variable = value, variable = value,………

Here’s an example in which the SET command is used to set

the default table type for new tables:

mysql> SET table_type = innodb;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00sec)

Using The SET Command(Continue….

 Variables set using the SET command can be set globally for
all sessions / for the current session
 By following example the SET keyword with either the
The following example limits the server to ten client
connections at any time and sets the size of the read buffer to
250 KB:

mysql> SET GLOBAL max_user_connections=10, SESSION

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

Using The SET Command(Continue….

Retrieving Variable Value

 Once the variable has been SET or through a startup option

 Its value can be retrieved using SHOW VARIABLES
 By invoking mysqladmin with the variable command
 Because the output of SHOW VARIABLES is somewhat

 MySQL lets you filter it down to just the variable you want
with the addition of LIKE clause

Retrieving Variable Value

Retrieving Variable Value


 It gives brief introduction to MySQL database administration

 Common tasks are to perform and providing a brief look at
the MySQL tools available to accomplish these tasks
 The mysqladmin utility, which makes it possible
◦ to reload or shut down the server,
◦ view a list of active processes,
◦ obtain current values of server variables
 MySQL administration, including starting and stopping the
MySQL server, configuring the server to start automatically at
boot time, obtaining server status, managing server process ,
altering the server configuration through a configuration file
or the SET command


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