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1. Power in the international arena can be an
“economic” power such as the ranking into First
World. Second World and the Third World.
2. Power is really associated with the political
system in a certain country or in international
arena. Khawaha (2011) described it as “soft power”
is a creepy concept. It works like this: If I can
convince you to do what I can, then you will do it
willingly, and will probably advocate it, adding to
the number of people who willingly do what I want,
and then I’ll have an army of brainwashed minions
working for my cause.”
3. Military power is another concept of power that
uses the “might make right” theory. The power to
rule by military power is still in effect. The state’s
number of nuclear weapons in the first place is
one of the barometers to become the rising “Super
Power” in the next level of arms race.

Therefore , the concept of power is manifested

in a political, economic and military manner.
• 1. Decision-Making – • 2. Agenda-Setting – the
The powerful are able to powerful are those who
get what they want, that are able to ‘set’ the agenda
is, make others to for the decision-making
comply with what they process by deciding on the
want or prefer and selection of what is and
consequently, make what is not subject to the
others behave formal process of political
accordingly. deliberation.

Steven Lukes: Power: A Radical

View 1974 (Faces of Power)
• 3. Preference-Shaping – The supreme and most
insidious use of power to prevent people, to whatever
degree, from having grievances by shaping their
perceptions, cognitions, and preferences in such a way
that they accept their role in the existing order of
things, either, because they can see or imagine no
alternative to it, or because they see it as natural
unchangeable, or because they value it as divinely
ordained and beneficial.

Steven Lukes: Power: A Radical View 1974

(Faces of Power)

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