Analysis Must Have !!!: - Title: - Introduction: - Overview: - Analysis: - Synthesis: - Conclusion

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Analysis Must Have !!!

• Title :

• Introduction:

• Overview:

• Analysis:

• Synthesis:

• Conclusion:

1st Paragraph Intro + Ov

2nd Paragraph (Body)
Analysis + Synthesis
3rd Paragraph Conclusion
1. INTRODUCTION Paragraph 1:

• Introduction (What does the stimuli show(s)?)

• Overview (What is the general trend?)

2. BODY Paragraph 2:
• Key Features
(What are the outstanding info from the graphs?)

3. CONCLUSION Last Paragraph:

• Summary (Mention the main trend again)
Sample Question

Study the visuals below. Using only the

information provided, analyse the number of
heart attack cases among men and women.
In your answer, you are to link the
information presented in both visuals. You
should write between 150-200 words.
Figure 1: Number of Heart Attack Cases among Men and Women (2011-2015)




400 380
Number of Cases





100 100 100

100 80

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Men Women


1. Heart Attack Cases and Activities Performed by Men and

Women (2011-2015).

2. Heart Attack Cases Suffered by Men and Women (2011-

2015) and Activities Performed by them (2011-2015)

• Keep it simple
• Use whatever info and words given-Stick to original as much
as possible-do not change or omit any key words
• It’s not compulsory but gives a good impression
How to do Intro ?????

• Figure 1 shows (title of the graft) while

figure 2 shows (title of the table) .

• The stimuli given are (title of the graft) and

(title of the table). .

Figure 1 shows the number of heart attack cases among

men and women (2011-2015) while figure 2 shows table of
activities performed by men and women (2011-2015).
Examples of errors !!!

• Figure 1 shows the number of heart attack

cases among men and women (2011-

• Figure 1 shows the number of heart attack

cases among men and women while figure
2 shows table of activities performed by
men and women

• What is the relation between figure 1 &

figure 2?

In general, there is a positive relationship between the

number of activities performed by men and women and the
number of heart attack cases from 2011 to 2015


Generally, the more activities a gender performed the more

heart attack cases occurred among them in the year 2011-
Common Errors !!!

In general, men have more heart attack cases

compared to women.

Generally, in 2014 men has the highest number of heart

attack cases (600 cases).

Generally, women have the lowest number of cases in

2015 because they only performed one activity.
What is Analysis?

Key Feature + Trend + Data

In 2011, there were more heart attack cases among men
(320) than women (150).

Key Feature
• Fewer women suffered heart attack cases (150) than men
(320) in 2011.

• From 320 cases in 2011 the number of heart attack cases

among men increased to 380 in 2012.

• Men performed the least number of activities in 2011(2) and

the most number in 2014 (4), while in 2012, 2013 and 2015
they performed the same number of activities (3 out of 5)

• ‘Manage staff problems’ was performed only by men and only

once in 2014.
Identify the Problems !!!

In 2011, there were 320 heart attack cases among

men and 150 among women. NO TREND

In 2011, the number of heart attack cases among men

are higher than women. NO DATA

In 2011, there were more heart attack among

men (320) than women (150).


What is Synthesis ???

Analysis + Analysis = Synthesis

Linkers = as, so because,

when, due to, resulted in…
and etc.

• The number of heart attack cases among men was the

highest (600) in 2014 when they performed the most
number of activities (4 out of 5)

• In 2011, the number of heart attack cases for men was the
lowest because they performed the least number of
activities (2 out 5)

• Women had the lowest number of heart attack cases in

2015 (80 cases) as they only performed one activity (attend
to children)

In conclusion, there is a positive relationship between the

number of activities performed by men and women and the
number of heart attack cases in the 5 years.

In conclusion, the more activities men and women performed
the more heart attack cases occurred in that year.

In conclusion, the more the number of activities men and
women performed, the more heart attack cases occurred
among them.
Heart Attack Cases Among Men and Women and Activities Performed

Figure 1 shows the number of heart attack cases among men and women (2011-
2015) while figure 2 shows table of activities performed by men and women (2011-
2015). In general, there is a positive relationship between the number of activities
performed by men and women and the number of heart attack cases in the 5 years.

Men has the highest number of heart attack cases in 2014 (600) as they performed
the most (4 out of 5) number of activities (complete office work, attend meeting, manage
staff problem and meet clients). In 2015, women had the lowest number of heart attack
cases (80) as they performed the least (1 out of 5) number of activities (attend to
children). The number of heart attack cases among women is stagnant from 2012 to
2014 (100) as the number of activities performed by them is the same (2 out of 5). The
number of heart attack cases for men decreased from 2014 (600) to 2015 (500) as they
performed one less activity in 2015 (3 out of 5). Women has the highest number of
heart attack cases in 2011 (150) as they performed the most number of activities (3 out
of 5).

In conclusion, the more activities men and women performed the more heart attack
cases occurred in that year.

(193 words)
Points to Remember !!!
• Follow strictly the words and sentences (key features) given – no need to

• Not more than 200 words - (600 cases) = 1 word

600 cases = 2 words
(Attend to children) = 1 word
Attend to children = 3 words

• Always go for the significant points 1st

• Read your own sentence and try to find the key features, trend and data-
avoid careless mistake

• No assumptions

• Set time limit- not more than 40 minutes.

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