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BITS Pilani

Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

Surface crack in a Pipe bend

P r ob l e m S t at e m e nt
In a joint portion of pipe with an L bow, an surface crack is of 2a = 8 mm and
b = 2 mm is found during inspection. At the end of horizontal pipe an moment of
1000 Nm is applied and the other end is fixed. Determine the joint is safe for
operation also estimate the cycles before leak. Use sub-modelling approach to
reduce solving time.
L e a rn i ng Ou tc o m es

• From the above tutorial we will learn

– To propagate through wall crack
– To perform sub-modelling approach
S t e ps
• Importing the CDB file into Franc3D software
• Incorporating the crack at critical location
• Perform Static Crack analysis – to determine the SIF of initial crack
• Perform Growth crack analysis – to set crack parameters
• Perform Crack propagation analysis till it becomes critical
• Review results

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