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Innate Immunity

Gendis Ayu Ardias

Ireska Tsaniya Afifa


Ulfa Putri Azizah

Mekanisme pertahanan tubuh

Respon imun non spesifik

Respon imun spesifik

Buku Ajar Alergi dan Imunologi IDAI, 2010

Respon imun non spesifik (innate)

Permukaan tubuh, mukosa, kulit

Kelenjar dengan enzim dan silia pada mukosa kulit

Komplemen dan makrofag

Protein fase akut  CRP

Sel natiral killer (NK cell) dan interferon

Buku Ajar Alergi dan Imunologi IDAI, 2010

New Science of Innate Immunity

3 levels of human microbial defense:

 Anatomic and physiologic barriers

 Innate Immunity

 Adaptive immunity

Turvey SE, Broide DH, 2010


Turvey SE, Broide DH, 2010

Physical and chemical barriers

 Works before any immune factors are triggered

 Functions as a continuous, impassable barrier to potentially

infectious pathogens

 Examples:
 Skin’s acidity and dessication prevents infection by pathogens
 Tears and mucus secretions trap and rinse away pathogens
 Low pH in the stomach
 Blood proteins bind and disrupts bacterial cell membranes
 Process of urination flushes pathogens from urinary tract
Pathogen port of entry

 Despite these barriers, pathogens may enter body through:

 Skin abrasions
 Punctures
 Colonizing mucosal surface in large number

 These pathogens triggers innate immune systems that create

inflammation, promotes pathogen engulfment, and secretion of
immune factors and proteins
Pathogen recognition

 When pathogen enters the body, cells in the blood and lymph nodes
detect specific pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP’s ) on
pathogen surface.

 PAMP are carbohydrate, polypeptide, and acid signatures that are

expressed by viral, bacteria, and parasites infection
 the main effector cells of innate immunity macrophages,
neutrophils, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells (NK Cells)

 Phagocytosis, release of inflammatory mediators, activation of

complement system proteins ( as well as synthesis of acute phase
proteins, cytokines, and chemokines are the main mechanism in
innate immunity

Cruvinel WM, Junior DM, Araujo JAP, et al. 2010

Immune response (time)
Innate immunity response
 Innate immunity is activated when cells use specialized sets of
receptors (pattern recognition receptor, PRR) to recognize different
type of microorganisms that have managed to penetrate the host

 Binding to this receptor activates:

 Basic microbial disposal mechanisms such as phagocytosis
 Release of antiviral interferon

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