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My Personal Leadership

Justen Little
Organizational Profile

• North Canton Hoover High School

• 1,439 students
• Around 96% four-year graduation rate, 92% white, 2.5% black, 3%
multiracial, 1.5% Hispanic, 12% have disabilities, 14% economically
• Issues on race has occurred within the school
• How to change the culture?
• Create a SALT (student-athlete leadership team) next year
Leadership Theory

• Maximize a follower’s potential

• Take bits and pieces from this class, role models, colleagues, research, etc. at all times to be the best
leader you can be.
• Leadership is about empowering, trusting, and relating to people to find ways to motivate them by
casting a vision that shows what they are doing is practical and useful in order to produce the greatest
results that they didn’t think imaginable.
• Know your strengths and the strengths of others around you
• Relate to people (anybody and everybody)
• Build relationships
• To be a great leader, you must produce great results
• What can I do with my beliefs and knowledge of leaderhship?
• Incorporate leadership skills, PD, similar to what Urban Meyer used for his 2014 Championship team to the students who
are members of SALT.
• With hopes they become the “unit leaders” to their peers, teammates, and classmates.

• North Canton City Schools vision statement: “To be recognized as a trusted, leading organization for
• North Canton City Schools mission statement: “inspire students; impact our community; change the
• North Canton City Schools core values: “respect, grit, relationships, and integrity”
• My vision, mission, and core values are aligned with North Canton City Schools.
• Do a better job of incorporating the vision, mission, and core values to the “unit leaders” of the
SALT team in order to make Hoover as great as it can be regardless of gender, race, or status.
• SALT vision (subject to change): Change the culture of our school by using your skills and abilities to
drive positive behavior and actions to the students at Hoover
• SALT mission (subject to change): SALT students be the ones to influence and encourage the change
of culture to the school.
• SALT core values (subject to change): respect, grit, relationships, and integrity

• Authentic, trusting, relating, and caring

• 3 E’s of a leader: to equip, to empower, to evaluate
• Leaders should possess HAIL (Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity,
Love) when they talk and interact with everyone
• Use my platform as teacher, coach, and SALT advisor to cast that
same vision of beliefs onto the SALT students so that they can cast
that vision to the rest of their peers.
Culture of the Organization

• Great school district. Students really do change the world

• Striving to go from great to extraordinary
• Fights, detentions, and suspensions have happened due to issues
on race
• Using SALT as a way to make Hoover extraordinary and lessen the
amount of issues amongst students
• Need to treat EVERYONE as equals
Organizational Goals

• Goal 1: Learn more about what it takes to be a better leader by

this class, future classes, PD, research, readings, reflecting, etc.
• Goal 2: Change the culture of the school. Sharpen the core values
of respect, grit, relationships, and integrity. Changing the culture
will change the world.
• Goal 3: Start and implement SALT into Hoover High School this
upcoming year

• Since it hasn’t happened, I will still need to discuss in more detail with our Athletic Director
about SALT will look like. Here is a “rough draft”
• 25 sport programs. A coach chooses 1-2 from each program so roughly 30-40 students
• Meet once or more a month for an hour or so
• Want SALT to be diverse (different grade, gender, race)
• Facilitate leadership PD to SALT, guest speakers, Federal League Day, provide feedback and
discussion, set goals, set challenges, Develop SALT into “unit leaders”
• Cast a vision of changing the culture to make Hoover even better
• Influence change in a positive way to their peers, teammates, and classmates
• My roles?
• Facilitate, provide PD’s, provide insight from my experiences, be a positive role model, build relationships,
encourage and motivate leadership behaviors to SALT so they can encourage and motivate throughout the school

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