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NOVEMBER 20, 2019



RE: 20 and 21
Jetty Piplines and Road Crossings
P 82, 271, 687.04
The following is our evaluation on subject COR:
  COR Description Remarks
1 Engineering This is a deductive work. EEI did the corresponding design based on the
requirements of Petron and PMO

Piping Works Culvert

2 Pipes Installation Road
Original 550 m 550 m 50 m 500 m
Actual of JGC 376 m 0m 0m 0m
FOR COR 174 m 550 m 50 m 500 m

3 Pipe Culvert This is a deductive work.

Culvert Culvert
Pipes Instal ation Road Pipes Installation Road
Seawall Seawall
Cros ing Crossing
Original 550 m 550 m 50 m 500 m Original 550 m 550 m 50 m 500 m
Actual of JGC 376 m 0 m 0 m 0 m Actual of JGC 376 m 0 m 0m 0m
FOR COR 174 m 550 m 50 m 500 m FOR COR 174 m 550 m 50 m 500 m
RE: 20 and 21
Jetty Piplines and Road Crossings
P 82, 271, 687.04
The following is our evaluation on subject COR:

1 General Requirements PHP 4,840,000.00

2 Piping Works PHP 30,829,500.00
3 Civil Works (Pipe Culvert) PHP 40,507,988.00
4 Profit (8%) PHP 6,094,199.04
TOTAL PHP 82,271,687.04
RE: 011
Relocation of Grease Plant
P 17, 340, 330.85
The following is our evaluation on subject COR:

  COR Description Remarks

1 Engineering This is a deductive work.
2 Grease Plant Package As per commercial bid form, the proposed amount was Pho 15, 549,
489.00. However, they had only relocated VI Improver and Drum Oven.
This results to a deductive of Php 15,003,892.89 for the other 55 units
that was not relocated

3 Office This is a deductive work. There should be a 2 storey office area (41 sqm)
inside the grease plant.
RE: 011
Relocation of Grease Plant
P 17, 340, 330.85
The following is our evaluation on subject COR:
RE: 011
Relocation of Grease Plant
P 17, 340, 330.85

No. Item Original Actual Change Order
I. Engineering ₱1,710,443.79 ₱60,015.57 -₱1,650,428.22
II. Procurement ₱0.00 ₱0.00 ₱0.00
III. Construction
Grease Plant Package (57 units)
A. VI Improver ₱1,091,192.21 ₱1,091,192.21 ₱0.00
B. Drum Oven ₱818,394.16 ₱818,394.16 ₱0.00
Grease Plant
C. Package (55 units) ₱13,639,902.63 ₱0.00 -₱13,639,902.63
Sub- Total ₱15,549,489.00 ₱1,909,586.37 -₱13,639,902.63
Civil Works
Offi ce (82 sqm gross
D. area) ₱2,050,000.00 ₱0.00 -₱2,050,000.00
TOTAL -₱17,340,330.85
RE: 040
Additional 40% review Client Request
The following is our evaluation on subject COR:
  COR Remarks
Additional oily The following item is described in Doc No: 90-45414-RP-001: Item Civil works
1 drainage from water
draw off valve
Sub item d: Drainage
Oily and contaminated water shall be diverted to water holding tank for
treatment based on water treatment philosophy.
Conclusion: This is an EPC project. Accordingly, the design of drainage
system should include diversion of oily water coming from tank to oil
treatment facility

Change in paving at This scope is included in COR 047: Change in road and driveway material
2 TTLR from asphalt to
concrete and from asphalt to concrete.
additional oily water

Provision of lifeline This is additional work

3 at TTLR
RE: 079
Fire Extinguisher
We would like to seek clarification on the costing of the following item:
Type of extinguishing agent based on original scope of work: CO2 twenty pounds
Revised type of extinguishing agent based on COR 079: Clean agent twenty pounds
Original quantity based on Doc 15-45414-A1-001: 2 units at genset house;
2 units at MCC
Actual installed : Same as above
Estimated cost of JGC: Php 4,955,407
We would like to see details of costing considering that only 4 units of 20-pound fire extinguisher are involved.

Types of fire extinguisher

MCC and Power house CO2
Office Type BC
Process area Type AB
RE: COR 77 B- Heavy Duty Filter
Air at Harbor Center is contaminated with dust coming from adjacent
cement and coal storage and those generated by moving trucks. In such
condition, OEM recommends installing filter to prevent engine damage.
on given hard copy given Nov 4, 2019)
9 Changes in Buildings Design
A View Deck for Filling Lines at Warehouse 2nd Floor 2,340,421.90
B View Deck for Drum Filling Lines (Ground Floor) 4,160,152.78
C Motorized Roll-up Door at Drop-Off Zone 2,150,000.00 36,594,467.84
H Fire Truck Shelter Dimension Change 6,723,659.74
I PPM Canopy 1,222,721.26 525,740.00
10 Change in Elevation
A Earthworks- Additional fill at warehouse perimeter
B Changes in Site Elevation- Bundwall (Block 12) 29,115,260.00 29,384,461.68 625,182.80
D Increase in Warehouse Pedestal Height
Use of Metal Follower for Piling and Excavation and Other Works
15 for Refused Piles
A Use of Metal Pile Follower for Piling
16,308,000.00 15,746,506.99 9,151,770.00
B Excavation and other works for refused piles
19 Rearrangement of North-East part of Block 12 21,474,638.35 28,447,629.19 20,504,478.02
31 Temporary Drainage 1,781,000.00 1,781,000.00 0.00
40 Water Draw-off Valve / Change in TTLR Paving
Installation of Ditch to recover Oily Water during Tank Water
A Draw Off
35,264,021.16 5,119,534.00 110,000.00
B Change in Paving at TTLR and additional oily drainage
C Provision of lifeline at TTLR
45 Civil Works (from COR 007)
17,093,611.45 10,014,500.00 8,698,717.09
B Increase in Structural Weight due to change in Filling Line Brand
46 Deaerator (Equipment + Man-hour)
B Adjustments in Bldg/ Civil 3,761,787.00 3,761,787.00 1,475,315.10
47 Asphalt to Concrete Roads 21,454,393.00 10,727,196.50 0.00
52 Additional FW tank (Man Hours and completed works) 5,457,607.00 5,457,607.00 3,439,800.00

2,500,000.00 9,097,718.58 0.00

55 Boulder and Concrete Slab Fragment Replacement at Block 12
60 Retaining Wall 15,702,360.00 15,702,360.00 11,225,786.98
JG C PR OPOS A L (B as ed JG C P R OPOS A L (A s
on g ive n h ar d copy g iv en No v 4 , 2 019)
9 Ch a n g e s i n B u il d in gs D e s i gn
A Vi e w D e ck for Fil li ng Li n e s at Ware h o u s e 2 n d F lo o r 2,3 40, 421. 90
B Vi e w D e ck for D ru m Fi ll in g L in e s ( G ro u n d Fl o o r) 4,1 60, 152. 78
15 ,962 ,38 5.6 5
C M o to riz e d R o ll - u p D oor a t D ro p - Off Zo n e 2,1 50, 000. 00 36, 594 ,467 .84
H Fire T ru c k Sh e lte r D i me n s i on C h an ge 6,7 23, 659. 74
I P P M Ca n op y 1,2 22, 721. 26 5 25,7 40. 00
10 Ch a n g e i n E le va tio n
A E arth w o rks - A d d itio n al fi ll at w a re h ou s e p e ri me te r
B Ch a n g e s i n Si te E le va tio n - B u n d w all ( B l oc k 1 2 ) 29, 115, 260 .00 29, 384 ,461 .68 6 25,1 82. 80
D In c re a s e i n Ware h o u s e P e d e s tal H e ig h t
U s e of M e ta l Fo ll o w e r for P i li n g an d E x c avati on a nd Oth e r Wo rk s
15 f o r Re f u s e d P il e s
A U s e of M e ta l P il e Fo l lo w e r for P il in g
16, 308, 000 .00 15, 746 ,506 .99 9 ,15 1,77 0.0 0
B E x c ava tio n an d o th e r w o rk s for re f u s e d p i le s
19 Re a rran ge me n t of N orth - E as t p art of B lo c k 1 2 21 , 474 , 63 8 .3 5 28 , 447 ,6 29 .1 9 20 ,504 ,4 7 8.0 2
31 T e mp o rary D rain ag e 1,7 8 1, 0 00 . 00 1,7 8 1, 00 0. 00 0. 00
40 Wate r D raw - o ff Val ve / C h an ge in T TLR P avi n g
In s tall atio n of D i tc h to re c o ve r Oil y Wate r d u ri n g T an k Wat e r
A D raw Off
35, 264, 021 .16 5,1 19, 534. 00 0. 00
B Ch a n g e i n P a vin g at T T LR an d ad d iti on a l o il y d ra in age
C P ro v is io n of l if e l in e at T T LR
45 C ivi l Wo rks ( f ro m C OR 0 0 7 )

17, 093, 611 .45 10, 014 ,500 .00 8 ,69 8,71 7.0 9
B In c rea se i n Stru c tu ral We ig h t d u e to c h an ge in Fi lli n g L in e Bra nd
46 D e ae rato r ( Eq u i pm e n t + M an - ho u r)
B Ad ju s tme n ts i n Bl d g/ C i vil 3,7 6 1, 7 87 . 00 3,7 6 1, 78 7. 00 1 ,47 5,3 1 5.1 0
47 As p h a lt to Co n c re te Ro ad s 21 , 454 , 39 3 .0 0 10 , 727 ,1 96 .5 0 0 . 00
52 Ad d iti on a l FW tan k ( M a n H ours an d co mp l e te d w o rks ) 5,4 5 7, 6 07 . 00 5,4 5 7, 60 7. 00 3 ,43 9,8 0 0.0 0

2,5 00, 000. 00 9,0 97, 718. 58 0. 00

55 Bou l d er a nd Con c re te Sla b F ragme n t Re pl ac e me nt a t Bl ock 1 2
60 Reta in in g Wal l 15, 702, 360 .00 15, 702 ,360 .00 11 ,225 ,78 6.9 8
63 Cha n g e s i n L ab o rato ry L ayo u t
B In te rs titia l, M CC R o o m, A u x il lary 18, 664, 043 .87 18, 631 ,733 .60 15 ,032 ,22 3.3 8
D In s id e Lab o rato ry 21 , 60 7 , 17 6 .0 3 21 , 60 7 ,1 76 .0 3 18 ,0 6 5 ,1 7 4 .6 6
F FM 2 0 0 2,7 5 4 , 0 00 . 00 2,7 5 4 , 00 0. 00 2 ,7 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
G Fire E x tin gu is h e r 5 5 8,0 7 5 .2 8 5 2 7 ,3 8 1.5 0 4 75 ,0 00 . 0 0
J L a b o ra to r y Su p p l y Fan / E x h au s t Fan / A ir C o n d itio n i ng U n its 4,4 5 6 , 5 12 . 00 4,4 5 6 , 51 2. 00 4 ,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
K C OM P RE SSOR IN S T AL L AT I ON 3,0 5 8 , 4 08 . 37 3,0 5 8 , 40 8. 37 2 ,8 9 7 ,6 6 7 .0 0
64 Ai r R e c e ive r at th e J e tt y 3,0 2 1 , 3 77 . 46 2,6 8 7 , 06 8. 73 2 ,9 9 4 ,5 0 1 .3 1
65 Ou tf all ( Exi s ti n g D rai n age M an h o le In ve s tig atio n ) 1,6 3 6 , 9 17 . 17 1,6 3 6 , 91 7. 17 4 0 , 00 0 . 0 0
B lo c k 13 Bu n d w al l Ne w L ayo u t an d D e s ign ( b as ed on 1 .8 m
66 max i mu m h e ig h t an d 1 10 % s p ill age c ap ac ity)
A Co n c re te b u n d w all ( d e l ta BQ & co s t) N/ A N/ A N/ A
B P avin g & R o ad & D i tc h ( d e lta BQ & co s t)
17, 318, 698 .84 15, 461 ,233 .36 17 ,070 ,70 5.6 2
C Ad d iti on a l Fi re H yd ran t an d Pi p e ( d e l ta B M / BQ & cos t)
D E le c tric al & I n s tru me n t C ab le s & T rays ( d el ta BM / BQ c o s t)
73 D e ara to r Ex p irati on 18 3,90 0.0 0 183 ,90 0.00 1 83,9 00. 00
77 J e tt y Fire p u mp s h e l te r an d je tt y d e s ign
1 Fire P u mp Sh e lte r H ou s e 7,3 14 , 31 6. 00 7,7 27 , 59 6. 00 4 ,43 5,5 7 0 .0 0
A Fire P u mp H ou s e Sh e lte r Fe n c e , G ate an d G u ard P ost 1,1 40 , 95 9. 87 1,1 40 , 95 9. 87 8 1 2,6 46 . 00
B Fire P u mp at J e tt y H e av y D u ty Fi lte r 39 8 ,6 5 2.8 4 39 8 ,6 5 2.8 4 3 9 8,6 52 . 84
79 Fire E x tin gu is h e r ( C h a n g e of T yp e ) 4,9 55 , 40 7. 20 4,9 55 , 40 7. 20 4 ,95 5,4 0 7 .2 0
81 L OB P gate s 4,8 28 , 68 0. 00 4,8 28 , 68 0. 00 4 ,25 0,7 2 1 .2 4
85 Ad d iti on a l M i mic P an e l at 2 n d fl r 54 5 ,0 6 6.6 9 54 5 ,0 6 6.6 9 4 8 5,6 66 . 69
87 SAP an d P L C In te gra tio n 5,5 24 , 81 3. 44 5,5 24 , 81 3. 44 5 ,46 0,0 1 3 .4 4
88 Sid e w alk n e ar G H 2 1,9 59 , 46 5. 08 1,5 32 , 01 4. 34 1 ,71 3,1 4 0 .8 2

TOT AL 2 86, 436, 103. 77 269, 492, 289 .92 1 57, 680, 165. 85

60 Retaining Wall 15,702,360.00 15,702,360.00 11,225,786.98

63 Changes in Laboratory Layout
B Interstitial, MCC Room, Auxillary 18,664,043.87 18,631,733.60 15,032,223.38
D Inside Laboratory 21,607,176.03 21,607,176.03 18,065,174.66
F FM200 2,754,000.00 2,754,000.00 2,700,000.00
G Fire Extinguisher 558,075.28 527,381.50 475,000.00
J Laboratory Supply Fan/Exhaust Fan/ Air Conditioning Units 4,456,512.00 4,456,512.00 4,100,000.00
K COMPRESSOR INSTALLATION 3,058,408.37 3,058,408.37 2,897,667.00
64 Air Receiver at the Jetty 3,021,377.46 2,687,068.73 2,994,501.31
65 Outfall (Existing Drainage Manhole Investigation) 1,636,917.17 1,636,917.17 40,000.00
Block 13 Bundwall New Layout and Design (based on 1.8m
66 maximum height and 110% spillage capacity)
A Concrete bundwall (delta BQ & cost) N/A N/A N/A
B Paving & Road & Ditch (delta BQ & cost)
17,318,698.84 15,461,233.36 17,070,705.62
C Additional Fire Hydrant and Pipe (delta BM/BQ & cost)
D Electrical & Instrument Cables & Trays (delta BM/BQ cost)
73 Dearator Expiration 183,900.00 183,900.00 183,900.00
77 Jetty Fire pump shelter and jetty design
1 Fire Pump Shelter House 7,314,316.00 7,727,596.00 4,435,570.00
A Fire Pump House Shelter Fence, Gate and Guard Post 1,140,959.87 1,140,959.87 812,646.00
B Fire Pump at Jetty Heavy Duty Filter 398,652.84 398,652.84 398,652.84
79 Fire Extinguisher (Change of Type) 4,955,407.20 4,955,407.20 4,955,407.20
81 LOBP gates 4,828,680.00 4,828,680.00 4,250,721.24
85 Additional Mimic Panel at 2nd flr 545,066.69 545,066.69 485,666.69
87 SAP and PLC Integration 5,524,813.44 5,524,813.44 5,460,013.44
88 Sidewalk near GH2 1,959,465.08 1,532,014.34 1,713,140.82

TOTAL 286,436,103.77 269,492,289.92 157,790,165.85



on given hard copy ARCHEN ESTIMATE
given Nov 4, 2019)
11 Changes Related to Grease Plant 0 -17,340,330.85

20 Underground Pipes and Cables -50,000,000.00

0 -82,271,687.04
and between Block 12 and Block 13 and
21 Receiving Lines Culvert from Jetty
TOTAL 0 -50,000,000.00 -99,612,017.89
Option for Pump enclosure
Option for Pump enclosure

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