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Tutorial Note 8

Sequence Motif
Basic Statistical Modeling

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CSCI3220 Algorithms for Bioinformatics

TA: Chenyang HONG

• Sequence Motif and its representations
• Introduction to Statistical Modeling
• Naive Bayes Classifiers

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Sequence Motif and its representations
• Definition
– Small recurrent patterns
– In biological sequences
– With particular functions
• Models to represent the motifs
– Position Weight Matrix
– K-mer representation

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Position Weight Matrix (PWM)
• Initially: Empirical probability for specific letters to
occur in given position
• Pseudo-counts: Add a small number for all
probabilities to prevent ignorance of possibilities
due to small sample size
• Sequence logo: Visualization
• Matching score of specific sequence: Likelihood in
PWM vs. Background probability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0
C 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0
G 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.8
T 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.7 0.2

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K-mer representation and counting
• Extract all k-mers which could occur in the
sequence motifs as “Features”
• Rich k-mers = Frequent occurrence
• g-gapped k-mers: Error tolerance
• Similarity in terms of k-mers co-occurrence on both
• Contributions of k-mers in sequence similarity:
Depends on mis-matches (By co-occurrence of g-
gapped k-mers within the sequences)

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Advantages of gapped k-mer
• Better representation of flexible motif.
- Wildcard feature bring flexibility compared to regular k-mers.
- Flexible occurrence location and count of each k-mer as
compared to fairly rigid PWMs
• Longer regular k-mers would generate extremely
sparse feature vectors, which would cause
overfitting easily during training step.
• Can be used to more robustly estimate k-mer
frequencies in real biological sequences.

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Question 1(a)
• Suppose you are given the following DNA
• Construct a position weight matrix for these four
sequences with a pseudo-count of 1 for each
nucleotide at each position.

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Position  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A 4/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 2/8 1/8 4/8 1/8
C 2/8 4/8 4/8 2/8 3/8 2/8 1/8 5/8
G 1/8 2/8 1/8 4/8 2/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
T 1/8 1/8 2/8 1/8 1/8 4/8 2/8 1/8

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Question 1(b)
• If
  all four nucleotides are equally likely in the
background, compute the odds of the sequence
ACGGCCAC for the motif in Part a against the
background (i.e., the data likelihood based on the
motif divided by the data likelihood based on the
• The odds is = 30.

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Question 2(a)
• This question is about sequence similarity. You are given
the following DNA sequences r=TGCAAGCAC and
• Each sequence is represented by the occurrence counts of
all possible k-mers, and the similarity between two
sequences is the inner product of their k-mer count
vectors.Complete the following vectors for k=2, and
compute the similarity between r and s.
k- A A A A C C C C G G G G T T T T
mer A C G T A C G T A C G T A C G T


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k- A A A A C C C C G G G G T T T T
mer A C G T A C G T A C G T A C G T

r 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

s 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0

The similarity of r and s is 1+1+4+4=10

Normalize to [0,1](Optional)
  𝑟‖= √ 1+1+1+4 +4+ 1= √ 12
‖   10
  𝑠‖= √ 1+1+1+4 +1+ 4+1= √ 13
‖ √12 × √13
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Question 2(b)
• Is the similarity computed based on k-mers always
higher than the similarity based on (k+1)-mers, for
any k1?
• Solution:
• If the similarity based on k-mer is zero:
• Both the similarity based on k-mer and (k+1)-mer
would be zero, since the two sequences cannot
have any (k+1)-mer match.

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• If the similarity based on k-mer is non-zero:
• The similarity based on k-mers is always higher
than the similarity based on (k+1)-mers.
• Proof:
• (1) Any (k+1)-mer match between the two
sequences will contains one k-mer match.
• (2) At least one (k+1)-mer match incurs more than
one k-mer match
• The similarity based on k-mers is therefore always
higher than the similarity based on (k+1)-mers.
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Any (k+1)-mer match between the two 4-mer
sequences will contains one k-mer match. (a)AGAC match AGAC

match GACA


GGAGACT (b)Can not generate
one more 4-mer in
the first sequence

At least one (k+1)-mer match incurs more than

one k-mer match
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Solution in detail
• If the similarity based on k-mer is non-zero:
• For any (k+1)-mer match between the two sequences, say between r[i..i+k]
and s[j..j+k], the heads of them must incur a k-mer match, namely between
r[i..i+k-1] and s[j..j+k-1].
• The tails of them must also incur a k-mer match, but to avoid double
counting, it should be counted only if it does not involve the beginning of
another (k+1)-mer match, namely between r[i+1..i+k+1] and s[j+1..j+k+1].
There must be at least one (k+1)-mer match not satisfying this situation,
either because r[i+1..i+k+1] and s[j+1..j+k+1] are not identical, or i+k is the
last position of r, or j+k is the last position of s. In that case, the tails of this
(k+1)-mer match would be a k-mer match not counted towards other (k+1)-
mer matches, and thus this (k+1)-mer match incurs more than one k-mer
• The similarity based on k-mers is therefore always higher than the similarity
based on (k+1)-mers.

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Question 3
• This
  question is about g-gapped k-mers.
• (a) For DNA sequences, how many possible 2-
gapped 5-mers are there?
• There are = 21504 possible 2-gapped 5-mers.
• (b) For DNA sequence s1=GCAACGCATC, what is the
number of 2-gapped 5-mer occurrences? If a 2-gapped 5-
mer appears n times in the sequence, it is counted as n
• Since s1 has 10 nucleotides, it has 4 length-7 sub-sequences. Each of
them supports 7C2 = 21 2-gapped 5-mers. Therefore, the total
number of occurrences is 4(21) = 84.

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Question 3(c)
• (c) What is the similarity between s1=GCAACGCATC and s2=
TGCAACGACA, defined as the inner product of their 2-
gapped 5-mer counts?
• The numbers of mismatches between the length-7 sub-sequences of
the two sequences are as follows:
GCAACGC 6 1 5 7
CAACGCA 6 5 2 4 Similarity: 6+1 = 7
AACGCAT 6 6 5 3
ACGCATC 6 6 5 5

• 1 mismatch: 6C1 = 6 commonly supported 2-gapped 5-mers

• 2 mismatches: 5C0 = 1 commonly supported 2-gapped 5-mer
• 3 or more mismatches: 0 commonly supported 2-gapped 5-mers

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Question 3(d)
• (d) For DNA sequence s1=GCAACGCATC, how many unique
1-gapped 3-mers does it support? If a 1-gapped 3-mers
appears n times in the sequence, it is counted as one
unique 1-gapped 3-mer.
• The number of matching nucleotides for each pair of sub-sequences
is as follows:
s1[2..5]= s1[3..6]= s1[4..7]= s1[5..8]= s1[6..9]= s1[7..10]=
[1..4]=GCAA 1 0 1 1 3 0
[2..5]=CAAC 1 1 1 1 3
[3..6]=AACG 1 1 0 1
[4..7]=ACGC 0 1 1
[5..8]=CGCA 0 1
[6..9]=GCAT 0

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Question 3(d)
s1[2..5]= s1[3..6]= s1[4..7]= s1[5..8]= s1[6..9]= s1[7..10]=
[1..4]=GCAA 1 0 1 1 3 0
[2..5]=CAAC 1 1 1 1 3
[3..6]=AACG 1 1 0 1
[4..7]=ACGC 0 1 1
[5..8]=CGCA 0 1

• In[6..9]=GCAT
order for two sub-sequences to support the same 1-gapped 0 3-

mer, they need to have at least 3 matching nucleotides. Therefore,

only two pairs have commonly supported 1-gapped 3-mers.
• In both cases, since only 3 of the 4 positions match, the two sub-
sequences only commonly support one 1-gapped 3-mer.
• Therefore, the total number of unique 1-gapped 3-mers supported
is 7(4C1) – 2 = 26.

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Introduction to Statistical Modeling
• Reasons for statistical modeling
– Provide a description of concepts based on some
• “A description of concepts” refers to
– Some rules
– Some information
• Related problems in bioinformatics
– Genes
– Transcription Factor Binding Motif
– Protein Domain
– Protein Families
– … etc

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Example of an Intuitive Model
• Background: we have two different types of
observations, Fever X(1), Cough X(2), and Disease Y
• Data: we have a list of observations and concept
Index Fever X(1) Cough X(2) Disease Y
1 Yes Yes Yes
2 Yes Yes Yes
3 Yes No Yes
4 Yes No Yes
5 Yes No No
6 No Yes No
7 No Yes No
8 No No No
9 No No No
10 No No Yes

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Example of an Intuitive Model
• Problem: we are interested in the relations among
observations and corresponding concept
– How likely a man gets fever given that he has disease Y?
– How likely a man has disease Y when given observation
of fever(X(1)) and cough (X(2))?
• Goal: we try to evaluate the likelihood (probability)
based on the observations

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Technical Problems related to Modeling
1. Given a model, what is the likelihood of the
2. Given an observation, what is the probability that a
concept is true?
3. Given some observations, what is the likelihood of a
parameter value?
4. Maximum likelihood estimation: Given a model with
unknown parameter values, what parameter values
can maximize the data likelihood?
5. Prediction of concept: Given a model and an
observation, what is the concept most likely to be true?

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Question 4
•  State the three probability rules required for the
basic statistical models we studied, using
mathematical equations involving random
variables X and Y.
• Rule 1 (conditional probability):

• Rule 2 (total probability):
– , where the summation sums over all possible values of X
• Rule 3 (Baye’s rule):
– , when

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Naive Bayes Classifier
• A naive Bayes classifier is a simple probabilistic
classifier based on applying Bayes' theorem with
strong (naive) independence assumptions.
• Bayes’ theorem ( 1) (𝑛 )
  ( 1) Pr (𝑌 ) Pr ( 𝑋 , … , 𝑋 ∨𝑌 )
(𝑛 )
Pr ( 𝑌 ∨𝑋 , … , 𝑋 )=
Pr ( 𝑋(1)(1) , … , 𝑋(2(𝑛) ) ) (𝑛) ( 𝑛)
  Pr ( 𝑌 ) Pr ( 𝑋 ∨𝑌 , 𝑋 , … , 𝑋 ) … Pr ( 𝑋 ∨𝑌 )
¿ (1) (𝑛 )
Pr ( 𝑋 , … , 𝑋 )
• Naive conditional independence assumption
( 1) (2 ) (1 )
  ( 𝑋 ∨𝑌 , 𝑋 )=Pr ( 𝑋 ∨𝑌 )
  ( 𝑋 (1) ∨𝑌 , 𝑋 (2 ) , 𝑋 ( 3) ) =Pr ( 𝑋 ( 1) ∨𝑌 )
  ( 𝑋 (1) ∨𝑌 , 𝑋 ( 2 ) , 𝑋 ( 3) , 𝑋 ( 4) ) =Pr ( 𝑋 ( 1) ∨𝑌 )

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Example: Naive Bayes Classifier
• The doctors believe that the features fever X(1) and cough X(2)
are consequences of a new disease Y.
• First, estimate Index Fever X Cough X Disease Y (1) (2)

– Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 1) and 1 Yes Yes Yes

– Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 1) 2 Yes Yes Yes
based on the given data 3 Yes No Yes
• Using naive Bayes classifier, 4 Yes No Yes
estimate 5 Yes No No
– Pr(Y = 1 | X(1) = 1, X(2) = 0) and 6 No Yes No
– Pr(Y = 1 | X(1) = 1, X(2) = 1) 7 No Yes No
• In addition, write down all 8 No No No
parameters and a set of 9 No No No
independent parameters 10 No No Yes
sufficiently deducing all
parameters CSCI3220 Algorithms for Bioinformatics Tutorial Notes | Fall 2018 26
Answer: Naive Bayes Classifier
• All parameters:
– Pr(Y = 0), Pr(Y = 1), Pr(X(1) = 0 | Y = 0), Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 0),
Pr(X(1) = 0 | Y = 1), Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 1), Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 0),
Pr(X(2) = 1 | Y = 0), Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 1), Pr(X(2) = 1 | Y = 1)
• A set of independent parameters sufficient for
inferring all parameters:
– E.g. {Pr(Y = 0), Pr(X(1) = 0 | Y = 0), Pr(X(1) = 0 | Y = 1),
Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 0), Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 1)}
– Pr(Y = 1) = 1 - Pr(Y = 0)
– Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 0) = 1 - Pr(X(1) = 0 | Y = 0)
– Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 1) = 1 - Pr(X(1) = 0 | Y = 1)Think about: How to
– Pr(X = 1 | Y = 0) = 1 - Pr(X = 0 | Y = 0) (1) calculate Pr(X = 0),
(2) (2)
Pr(X = 0, X(2) = 0 | Y = 0),
– Pr(X(2) = 1 | Y = 1) = 1 - Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 1)Pr(Y = 0 | X(1) = 0, X(2) = 0)
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Answer: Naive Bayes Classifier
• Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 1) = 4/5
• Pr(X(2) = 0 | Y = 1) = 3/5 Index Fever X(1) Cough X(2) Disease Y
1 Yes Yes Yes
2 Yes Yes Yes
(1 ) (2 )
  ( 𝑌 =1∨𝑋 =1 , 𝑋 =0 ) 3 Yes No Yes
( 1) (2)
Pr ( 𝑋 =1∨𝑌 =1 ) Pr ( 𝑋 = 0∨𝑌 =1 ) Pr (𝑌 =1 )
¿ 1 4 Yes No Yes
(1) (2)
∑ Pr ( 𝑋 = 1∨𝑌 =𝑖 ) Pr ( 𝑋 =0∨ 𝑌 = 𝑖 ) Pr ( 𝑌 = 𝑖 )
𝑖=0 5 Yes No No
4 3 5
  × ×
5 5 10 6 No Yes No
1 3 5 4 3 5
× × + × × 7 No Yes No
5 5 10 5 5 10
8 No No No
5 9 No No No
10 No No Yes

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Answer: Naive Bayes Classifier
• Similarly,
Index Fever X(1) Cough X(2) Disease Y
(1 ) (2 )
  ( 𝑌 =1∨𝑋 =1 , 𝑋 =1 )
1 Yes Yes Yes
( 1) (2)
Pr ( 𝑋 =1∨𝑌 =1 ) Pr ( 𝑋 = 1∨𝑌 =1 ) Pr ( 𝑌 =1 )
¿ 1 2 Yes Yes Yes
∑ Pr ( 𝑋 (1)= 1∨𝑌 =𝑖 ) Pr ( 𝑋 (2) =1∨𝑌 =𝑖 ) Pr ( 𝑌 =𝑖 )
4 2 5
3 Yes No Yes
  × ×
5 5 10 4 Yes No Yes
1 2 5 4 2 5
× × + × × 5 Yes No No
5 5 10 5 5 10
6 No Yes No
5 7 No Yes No
8 No No No
9 No No No
10 No No Yes

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Think More
• Can we estimate the term Pr(Y = 1 | X(1) = 1,X(2) = 0)
similar to estimating Pr(X(1) = 1 | Y = 1) based on
the data? Index Fever X Cough X Disease Y (1) (2)

• Example: 1 Yes Yes Yes

  ( 2 2 Yes Yes Yes
Pr 𝑌 =1∨𝑋 (1 )=1 , 𝑋 (2 )=0 )=
3 3 Yes No Yes
4 Yes No Yes
• Note: The value (2/3) is 5 Yes No No
6 No Yes No
different from previous 7 No Yes No
one (4/5)! 8 No No No
9 No No No
10 No No Yes

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Think More
• Why these two estimated values different?
• It is the difference between modeling Pr(X|Y) and
modeling Pr(Y|X).
• When a generative model is used to infer Pr(Y|X),
it uses information of other examples to learn the
related parameters.
• For a discriminative model, it just uses the relevant
examples to estimate Pr(Y|X) directly.

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Question 5
• Suppose you want to model transcriptional promoters. You are given the
following examples of promoters and background sequences:
• Promoters:

• Background sequences:
• You are also told that promoters occupy 0.1% of the whole genome.
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Question 5(a)
• Assume all nucleotides are independent, construct
a Naïve Bayes model for classifying whether a
nucleotide is within a promoter or not, by listing all
its parameters and the corresponding values
estimated from the examples. Define all symbols
used clearly. The parameters listed should all be

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• Let Y be a binary variable indicating whether a nucleotide is
within a promoter (Y=1) or not (Y=0). Let X be a discrete
variable indicating the type of the nucleotide (X=A, C, G or
T). One possible set of independent parameters is as follows:
• Pr(Y=1) = 0.001
• Pr(X=A | Y=1) = 7/40 = 0.175
• Pr(X=C | Y=1) = 12/40 = 0.3
• Pr(X=G | Y=1) = 11/40 = 0.275
• Pr(X=A | Y=0) = 10/40 = 0.25
• Pr(X=C | Y=0) = 10/40 = 0.25
• Pr(X=G | Y=0) = 12/40 = 0.3

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Question 5(b)
• Use the Naïve Bayes model you constructed in Part
a to compute the probability that the whole
sequence TGCCA is within a promoter, again
assuming each nucleotide is independent of each

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• In order for the whole sequence to be within a
promoter, every nucleotide in the sequence should
be within a promoter. The probability is
Pr(Y=1 | X=T) Pr(Y=1 | X=G) Pr(Y=1 | X=C) Pr(Y=1 | X=C) Pr(Y=1 | X=A)
Pr(X=T | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) / [Pr(X=T | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) + Pr(X=T | Y=0)Pr(Y=0)]
Pr(X=G | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) / [Pr(X=G | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) + Pr(X=G | Y=0)Pr(Y=0)]
Pr(X=C | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) / [Pr(X=C | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) + Pr(X=C | Y=0)Pr(Y=0)]
Pr(X=C | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) / [Pr(X=C | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) + Pr(X=C | Y=0)Pr(Y=0)]
Pr(X=A | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) / [Pr(X=A | Y=1)Pr(Y=1) + Pr(X=A | Y=0)Pr(Y=0)]

= (0.01/8.002)(0.011/11.999)(0.012/10.002)(0.012/10.002)
=1.15  10-15

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Check List
• What is sequence motif?
• How can we express the sequence motifs?
• How can we associate the statistics models with
problems in bioinformatics?
• Why do we learn different modeling methods?
• What is classification? Also, what is regression?
• What are the differences between generative and
discriminative modeling?

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