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Nicholas Motamed
What is Autism
● It is a range of multiple challenges that make people diverse
● People might have trouble talking or just a problem socializing
● However they also find unique ways.
● being creative and learning
Part of my life
● I remember it was very hard for me to speak when I was younger
● In Elementary and Preschool I started speaking but I would stutter
● Would have a difficult time making my words come out
● Lacked motor skills
● low endurance ability
● Always would get tired of running very quickly
Positives of Autism

● Can share experience to help others with autism

● Get to learn different ways of learning
● See the world in another perspective
● I believe my autism and other special needs was given to me for a reason
● Got to meet friends because special needs
● Via programs like E-Soccer and TTW
Satoshi Tajiri

● Pokemon Creator
● has Autism
● He was able to create the world of Pokemon
● Despite his challenges he was very successful.
● Satoshis loved bug
● Inspired from his love of bugs was Pokemon
● If he gave up we would never have pokemon
Thanks for listening on the world of Autism.

The challenges and gifts of autism were amazing.

I am no longer diagnosed with autism. I now have Speech and Language

Impairment. I am thankful for being Neurodiverse.

For more information on the benefits of autism:


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