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The Role of Epistemology and

History in the Teaching Science

Autida, Trexia B.
Epistemology and History
 A branch a philosophy that investigates
the origin, nature, methods, and limits
of human knowledge
 “theory of knowledge”, 1856, coined
by Scottish philosopher James F.
Ferrier, from Greek word episteme
 Epistemology asks the question “How
do we know what we know”
Epistemology and History
 to provide teaching particularly
modern trends with reasoned basis.

 To be valid, a knowledge claim must

satisfy three general conditions:
1. It must be true
2. It must be sure that it is true
3. It must have the right to be sure that it
is true
Epistemology and History
 To summarize, science has a ‘know-
what’ (body of propositional knowledge)
and a ‘know-how’ (procedures by which
propositions are generated)
Epistemology and History
 Science has three fundamental
components inseparable in practice:
1. Propositional
2. Procedural
3. Conceptual aspects
Epistemology and History
 History highlights salient features of
inquiry and provides a balance between
expository and experimental teaching.
 It advocated that science learning should
be a troika: know what, know how, and
historical record(including philosophy)

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