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1. Do you like president? I don’t like the president. The president is too
pompous. The president is so lazy . The president don’t care of the youth

Pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun to avoid from repetition

of noun in the sentences
‫ضمیر کلمه ایست که جاگزین اسم شده و از تکرار اسم در جمالت جلوگیری میکند‬
Types of Pronoun
1. Personal pronoun
Sujective pronoun ‫جانشین فاعل‬
Objective pronoun‫ضمیر مفعولی‬

subjective Objective
1st person I Me
2nd person You you
3rd person He she It Him .Her. It
subjective Objective
we Us
you you
they them
1. I am standing on my head. Look at me.
2. My mother is kind . Everybody likes her.
3. Lisa, I told you to tidy your bed
4. Sharon and Jenny! Dad is waiting for you.
5. Lucky and I are playing in the park. Dad is watching us.
6. Pick up your toys and put them away.
7. My name is David I am the youngest in the family
8. This is my father. He is a teacher
9. This is my mother . She is a lawyer.
10. I have a brother and two sister,They are Peter, Sharan and Jenny.
2: Reflexive Pronouns
‫ضمایر انعکاسی‬
The words which refer to the person or animal that is the subject of the verb in the sentences
‫حیوان) یک فعل در یک جمله راجع میگردد‬،‫کلمه ایست که به فاعل(شخص‬

singular plural
(I , ME) (we,us)
(you) (you)
(He, Him)
(She, Her) (They,Them)
1. I made this cake ……...
2. Be careful with the knife. You will cut ……….
3. Michel is looking at ………. in the mirror.
4. Susan has hurt ……….
5. Our cat washes ………… after each meal.
6. We organized the party all by ………...
7. Come in , children, and find ………… a seat.
8. Baby bird are too young to look after ………….
Emphasizing pronoun‫تاکیدی‬ ‫ضمایر‬

 Tom himself went to New York.

 Anna herself opened the door.
 You yourself try to be the best in ur class
 We ourselves keep clean our city.
 They thierselves won the game without any cheat.

Note: if we use ref pronoun after subject or pronoun in beginning of sentences it

shows emphasizing… ‫اکر ما همان ضمایر انعکاسیرا بعد از اسم یا ضمیرر در شروع جمله استفاده‬
‫ کنیم درین صورتاین کلمات نشاندهنده تاکید میباشد‬....
Interrogative pronoun
‫ضمایر پرسشی‬
These pronouns are used to ask question. ‫ضمایر اند که برای پرسش استفاده میشود‬
1. Who Who is he talking to? Who are those people?
2. Whom Whom are you playing with? Whom is he talking to?
3. Which Which of these bags is yours Which do you prefer?
4. What What is your name? What are they talking about?

Note. Who can be used as the object of a verb as well as the subject BUT
Whom is used only as the object.
Who are you playing with? Or Whom are you playing with?
Demonstrative Pronouns
‫ضمایر اشاره‬
 These pronoun is used to show the persons places and things.
 ‫این ضامیر برای نشان دادن واشاره کردن اشخاص اشیاوماکن هااستفاده میشود‬
singular plural

Near This These

Far away That Those

 This is my house  That is john’s House
 That is mountain
 This is a ball  What is that?
 What is this?  Who is that?
 Did you drop this?  Is that your car?

 Those are sheep

 These are monkeys.  Those are deer
 These are note books.  Those are fish
 Whose are these?  Those are pilots
 Did she break these glasses
Possessive pronoun

 Mine The car is mine The ball is mine

 Yours The doll is yours The shoes is yours
 His ?
 Hers ?
 Its ?
 Ours ?
 Their ?
Indefinite pronoun ‫ضمایر نامعین‬
These pronoun are used to talk about unspecified persons or things.
‫این ضمایر زمانی استفاده میشود که در باره اشیا و اشخاص نامشخص صحبت کنیم‬
All person in Part of All things in Parts of
group person in group thing in
group group
positive Every one Some body everything something
Every body Some one
Negative No one Any one Nothing Any thing
No body Any body

1. Everyone is going to the party. Every body must play chess

2. There is somebody at the door. Somebody can not spell my name.
3. No one is dead… Nobody can help the addicted men or women
4. Nothing happened in here. You can not touch anything

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