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Continuous Professional

Continuing Education appears in different terms
over the years

Continuous professional development

Staff development
Professional development
Life long learning
• Definition
To continue to build upon and develop the
knowledge and skills acquired during initial
nursing training
• Aims
To ensure that knowledge and skills of practice
facilitators are kept up to date and remain relevant both
in terms of subject and clinical demand.
• Continuing education or Life long learning is at
the center of professional development.
• A study carried by Ryan in 2003 highlighted that
personal development encompassing all aspects
of life and learning on continuous basis enable
one to update knowledge and experience.
• Gopee(2002) highlighted that lifelong learning is
an essential ingredient to ensure quality care,
and continuing education or study should be an
integral part of professional preparation in order
for professionals to become lifelong learners.
• Hinchliff(1998) argues that life long learning
should be complemented with continuing
education that is “Planned Educational
• Continuing education is a process of lifelong
learning for all individuals and teams to meet the
needs of the patient to enable professionals to
expand and fulfil their potential.
• To set a vision of continuing education, the
National Health Service in England request a
frame of work for the Health Personal and set
out a vision
For both education providers and service side
• Department of Health(2001) highlighted that
lifelong learning is primarily about
i. Growth and opportunity,
ii. Ensuring that staff are supported to acquire
new skill and realize their potential to help for
better change
Implication to Local Context

• Continuous Professional Development is becoming an

integral part in performance appraisal.
• Promotion by meritocracy as from Nursing Supervisor
where lifelong learning is one of the criteria
• However many obstacles remain mainly at
organizational level as pointed out by
a. Lack of time
b. Lack of interest
c. Reluctant to make effort
• Department of Health emphases that continuing
education does not necessarily mean going on a
course, it also include different learning
preference where team or multi-professional
learners offers opportunistic learning on job.
Continuous Profession Development programme should be
encouraged to meet the needs of the service as well as
individuals development

Bring positive change

Support and
CPD Foster
help Professional
to acquire
skills & and
Knowledge Competence
Post -Registration Course
• Post Registration Education
Based on Professional Code of Conduct nurses should
keep knowledge and skills up- to-date through out
working life and should take part regularly in learning
activities that develop competence and performance.
• Nursing involves two main categories of registration
i. Pre-Registration Education
Pre-registration programme leads to an entry to the
registered nurse

ii. Post-Registration Education

Post- registration leads to a much more practice fields of
practice or academics level
• Post- Registration Education in Nursing as stated by
Quinn(1994) comprises:
a. Short in-service education programme
b. longer formal education programme which can be
i. Discrete module( courses for specialization)
ii. Programme leading to academics awards such as
first degrees and higher degrees
a. Short –in- Service Programme
An in house study days for qualified staff
i. For example a one day workshop on HIV/AIDs
or Breastfeeding
ii. Few study days on Neonatal Intensive Care
b. Long Term Formal Education Programme are
largely part-time courses which can be
i. In house study course to meet the demand of
the organization
ii. Academics course for professional growth
In house study course to meet the demand of the

a. Orthopaedic Training Course

b. Post – Basic Midwifery
c. Community course
d. Degree in Nursing
e. Intensive Care Training Course
g. Specialised courses in psychiatry leading to a Diploma in
f. Ward Manager Administration Course
g. Hospital Nursing Administration Course
i. 2- year Diploma course in Diabetes Specialized Nursing
j. Post –Graduate in Diabetes Specialised Nursing
k. Diploma in HIV/AIDs (MCA & Indira Gandhi Open University)
l. Top Up programme leading to a Diploma in Nursing
• To conclude, all nurses must engage in continuing
professional development and lifelong learning.
Some assistance for CPD must be provided by the
employer to meet organization needs but
primary responsibility for maintaining
competence to practice remains within the
• Barrett, J. (1989): Ward Management and Teaching, Konark
Publishers PVT Ltd, Delhi
• Heidgerken, L. (1982): Teaching and Learning in School of
Nursing, Principles and Methods, Konark Publishers PVT Ltd,
• Hincliff, S (1999): The Practitioner as Teacher(2 nd edn),
Edinburg, Bailliere Tindall
• Knowles, M. S., Houlton, F. E. & Swanson, A.R.(1999): The
Adult Learner (3rd edn) London: Butterworth
• Palmer, A., Burns, S. & Bulman, C. (1988): Reflective
Practice in Nursing, Blackwell Science, London
• Quinn, F. & Hughes, S.(2007): Principles and Practice of
Nurse Education. Nelson Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham

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