Java Threads: Ahmed Adel Omar Ismail

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Java Threads

Ahmed Adel
Omar Ismail
?What is a Thread
Individual and separate unit of execution that •
is part of a process
multiple threads can work together to accomplish –
a common goal
Video Game example •
one thread for graphics –
one thread for user interaction –
one thread for networking –
Thread Support in Java
Few programming languages directly support threading
Although many have add-on thread support
Add on thread support is often quite cumbersome to use

The Java Virtual machine has its own runtime threads

Used for garbage collection

Threads are represented by a Thread class

A thread object maintains the state of the thread
It provides control methods such as interrupt, start, sleep, yield, wait

When an application executes, the main method is

.executed by a single thread
.If the application requires more threads, the application must create them
A single threaded program
class ABC
)..(public void main begin

… body


A Multithreaded Program

Main Thread

start start

Thread A Thread B Thread C

Threads may switch or exchange data/results

...Threading Mechanisms
Create a class that extends the Thread class •
Create a class that implements the Runnable •

Thread Runnable Thread

MyThread MyClass

)objects are threads( )objects with run() body(

]a[ ]b[

1st method: Extending Thread class
Create a class by extending Thread class and override run() •
class MyThread extends Thread
)(public void run
thread body of execution //
:Create a thread •
;)(MyThread thr1 = new MyThread
:Start Execution of threads •
:Create and Execute •
;)(new MyThread().start

An example
{ class MyThread extends Thread
{ )(public void run
;System.out.println(" this thread is running ... ")

{ class ThreadEx1
{ public static void main(String [] args )
;)(MyThread t = new MyThread

2nd method: Threads by implementing
Runnable interface
Create a class that implements the interface Runnable and override •
:run() method
class MyThread implements Runnable
)(public void run
thread body of execution //
:Creating Object •
;)(MyThread myObject = new MyThread
:Creating Thread Object •
;Thread thr1 = new Thread( myObject )
:Start Execution •

An example
{ class MyThread implements Runnable
{ )(public void run
;System.out.println(" this thread is running ... ")

{ class ThreadEx2
{ public static void main(String [] args )
;Thread t = new Thread(new MyThread())

Shared Resources
If one thread tries to read the data and other thread •
tries to update the same data, it leads to inconsistent
This can be prevented by synchronising access to the •
:Use “Synchronized” method •
)(public synchronized void update –
… •

• // A Class used to send a message
• class Sender
• {
•     public void send(String msg)
•     {
•         System.out.println("Sending\t"  + msg );
•         try
•         {
•             Thread.sleep(1000);
•         }
•         catch (Exception e)
•         {
•             System.out.println("Thread  interrupted.");
•         }
•         System.out.println("\n" + msg + "Sent");
•     }
• }

• // Class for send a message using Threads
• class ThreadedSend extends Thread
• {
•     private String msg;
•     Sender  sender;
•     // Recieves a message object and a string
•     // message to be sent
•     ThreadedSend(String m,  Sender obj)
•     {
•         msg = m;
•         sender = obj;
•     }
•   public void run()
•     {
•         // Only one thread can send a message
•         // at a time.
•         synchronized(sender)
•         {
•             // synchronizing the snd object
•             sender.send(msg);
•         }
•     }
• }
• class SyncDemo

    public static void main(String args[])
•     {
•         Sender snd = new Sender();
•         ThreadedSend S1 =
•             new ThreadedSend( " Hi " , snd );
•         ThreadedSend S2 =
•             new ThreadedSend( " Bye " , snd );
•         // Start two threads of ThreadedSend type
•         S1.start();
•         S2.start();
•         // wait for threads to end
•         try
•         {
•             S1.join();
•             S2.join();
•         }
•         catch(Exception e)
•         {
•             System.out.println("Interrupted");
•         }
•     }
• }
Block Synchronization
public class SavingsAccount
;private float balance

public void withdraw(float anAmount)

if (anAmount<0.0)
;throw new IllegalArgumentException("Withdraw amount negative")
if (anAmount<=balance)
;balance = balance - anAmount

public void deposit(float anAmount)

if (anAmount<0.0)
;throw new IllegalArgumentException("Deposit amount negative")
;balance = balance + anAmount
Thread States
Threads can be in one of four states
Created, Running, Blocked, and Dead

:A thread's state changes based on

Control methods such as start, sleep, yield, wait, notify
Termination of the run method

)(Thread )(start
Created Runnable Blocked

run() method terminates

Controlling Java Threads
start(): begins a thread running._ •
wait() and notify(): for synchronization •
stop(): kills a specific thread (deprecated)._ •
suspend() and resume(): deprecated._ •
join(): wait for specific thread to finish._ •
setPriority(): 0 to 10 (MIN_PRIORITY to._ •
Java Thread Scheduling
highest priority thread runs •
if more than one, arbitrary –
yield(): current thread gives up processor so •
another of equal priority can run
if none of equal priority, it runs again –
sleep(msec): stop executing for set time •
lower priority thread can run –

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