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The Day the Bulldozers Came

Stanza 1
The persona describes
the scene when the
The day the bulldozers came bulldozers enter the
Rooks were building place. Rooks are building
Crazy egg baskets in the oaks; their nests in oak trees.
Flies are buzzing as they
Green flies sizzled by the pond
fly around the pond. A
And a cold-eyed toad toad which shows no
Waited for them emotions is sitting there,
waiting to catch the flies.
The animals and insects
are unware of the danger
Stanza 2
The first line is a repetation,
that is when the bulldozers
arrive at that place. The
The day the bulldozers came persona further describes
how squirrels dash up the
Squirrels were scattering trees in different directions,
Up tree trunks, probably due to the sound
And leapt from branches of the rumbling bulldozers.
The frightened creatures
That were hardly there. jump from one tree branch
to another, though there are
only a few branches the left
on the trees. This is
probably because the
humans have already cut
them down.
Stanza 3
In stanza 3, the persona
talks about a fox living in
that place. When the
The fox bulldozers arrive, the fox
Stirred in his sleep is sleeping cozily in its
As the ground trembled. burrow underground. It
‘Ha ha!’ he thought, wakes up as the ground
shakes but continues
‘I’m quite safe,
sleeping, convinced that
Deep down in the Earth, it is safe deep down in
No one can get me here.” the earth. However, the
Then the bulldozers came bulldozers start to clear
the land.

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