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Foreign Minister Zarif

The Nuclear President Hassan Rouhani

Islamic Republic of
Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Khamenei
Iran Iran’s rep. at IAEA
Reza Najafi
A History of Cooperation Against Hostility:
The timeline as we see it..
While Iran was an ally of the West, the US participated in the creation of an Iranian nuclear program
aimed at civilian purposes. Hence, the Iranian Parliament ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in
the 1970s to ensure Iran’s right to a nuclear program that was protected from getting militarized.
After a anti-Western revolution occurred as a result of outside hegemony and imposition of foreign
values upon the people of the Islamic Republic, the new legitimate representatives of the people
continued the quest to a self-reliant nuclear capability. The CIA’s involvement in toppling the country’s
only ever democratically elected leader back in the 50s combined with American domination over our
people’s resources created a raw sentiment of distrust towards the US. The American sabotage of our
plans to nationalize our natural resources was not appreciated.
Despite providing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) unqualified access into our
nuclear facilities, the hegemonic behavior of the US towards us rounded up propaganda and garnered
artificial support for sanctions and punitive measures taken against our people wrongfully. The hypocrisy
of the international community is manifested when the director general of the IAEA holds a press
conference in the only nuclear state in the region, illegally I hasten to add, and criticizes Iran for non-
compliance, whereas the press conference is held in a country that has, unlike us, repeatedly refused to
grant any kind of access to the IAEA to its nuclear program shrouded in mystery. It is no unspoken-of
secret that Israel refuses to sign the NPT because they already operate nuclear weapons.
If patience is what Iranians were required to have, then our virtues have led to fruition. The
international community, policed by the economically dominant states of the North, has recognized the
will of the Iranian people at asserting our right to peaceful nuclear technology for civilian purposes.
“For the last speaker before me, I should say that in the dictionary of Zionist
regime of Israel you cannot find the word “peace” or any concept close to it.
Warmongers in Tel Aviv do not know anything other than war, aggression,
occupation and violation of international law and therefore, it is not a matter of
surprise to see Zionists are desperately trying to prevent any peaceful solution to
an unnecessary crisis, including statement by its IAEA representative.”
Iran’s IAEA rep. Reza Najafi

- “Nuclear weapon is Haraam [forbidden]; Nuclear energy is a right”

“Iranians are not against negotiations but against the bullying”
“In summary, the enemy wants to say to the people of Iran, "You
should not have nuclear technology". Why? "It is because nuclear
technology will make you strong in different arenas. You should not
have this technology so that you remain weak and it becomes
easier to bully you". The people should be careful about what
exists at the heart of the enemy's words”
“ They are opposed to that sort of nuclear energy that is gained
through a nation's innovation and independently of their [the US]
Ayatollah Khamenei
“A constructive approach to diplomacy doesn't mean relinquishing one's rights. It
means engaging with one's counterparts, on the basis of equal footing and mutual
respect, to address shared concerns and achieve shared objectives.”

“On the nuclear issue, the first point is that the entire world must recognize that Iran
does not seek a nuclear weapon, nor shall it seek a nuclear weapon.”

“When it comes to nuclear technology, the Iranian people are very sensitive. It is a part
of our national pride, and nuclear technology has become indigenous.”

President Hassan Rouhani

“International regimes, international treaties,

international norms are observed not because of
the goodness of anybody but because they bring
benefits. If they don’t, then the longevity of those
agreements come into jeopardy”

Foreign Minister Zarif

“I can certify that Tehran respects its commitments to the letter. The Iranians are doing what
they promised the international community.”
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano on Oct 1st, 2016
In their report dated February 2017, the IAEA summarized the following at the end of their
report on monitoring the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed
with the p5+1:

“The Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material at the nuclear
facilities and locations outside facilities where nuclear material is customarily used (LOFs)
declared by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement. Evaluations regarding the absence of
undeclared nuclear material and activities for Iran remained ongoing.”

Such cooperation is sometimes interrupted by biased and politicized allegations against Iran
accusing us of operating in a clandestine fashion. Such tactics serve to antagonize us and are
baseless. The following statement by our ambassador to the IAEA to assert our opinion that the p5+1
should maintain neutrality and avoid such unfounded misinformation serves to highligh out
sensitivity to false statements made against us:

“The P5+1 countries have a clear responsibility to abide by the JCPOA with good will and in a
constructive atmosphere based on mutual respect and through avoiding any steps that run
contrary to the text and spirit of the JCPOA and undermine its successful implementation”
Short Term:
Address our nation’s need to produce enough energy to
parallel our economic growth and demand.
Assert our nation’s inalienable right to a peaceful, self-
reliant, and independent nuclear program as stipulated
by the NPT, guided and guarded against becoming
militarized. Our country’s ideology and the UN’s
nuclear watchdog, the IAEA are guards against even
militarizing the program.
As a gesture of goodwill, continue meeting with the p5+1
group of countries on a regular basis and on a high
official level regardless of disagreements in opinion.
Long Term:
An agreement of shared benefits and mutual interests with
all members of the p5+1, including the US.
A normalization of diplomatic ties with permanent
members of the UNSC.
Shared foreign investments and the opening of market
opportunities between the West and Iran.
A higher integration in the international economy for Iran.
A joint security strategy to eliminate extremist and
radicalizing threats of fundamentalist ideologies in the
Middle East and North Africa.
The encouragement to nuclear disarmament of the Middle
East region.
Traits, Background, and Interests
Based on the current growth factors of the Iranian economy, we wish to meet our
nation’s increasing demand for energy by producing nuclear energy. This is a matter of
pride to our people as despite attempts at isolating us and supporting our enemies, we
as a nation have managed to build up formidable defensive military capacities.
Furthermore, we rank amongst countries with the highest levels of scientific growth.
We have cloned animals, created a space program, send animals to space and
satellites into orbit. We have mastered nanotechnology and lasers. We pioneer
research and development in stem cell research, and we have programs that span
fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, ballistic missiles, and drones.
A nation as resilient, ambitious, and diligent as ours refuses to be the subject of
double standards by countries that run nuclear programs in other nations to be
dependent on the West’s knowhow. Iranians are independent and self-sufficient. When
we tried contracting with foreign companies, the contracts were breached. Therefore,
we resorted to meet our own needs with koint cooperation from companied from allied
Nature of the Iranian Nuclear Program
We have the capability to enrich uranium to create fuel for our facilities.
We have the capability to extract raw material from our natural resources of uranium reserves
We have research and development programs to improve our technology and knowhow in order to be
more efficient.

Policy of openness
Our facilities are open to IAEA inspections.
We have agreed to specific terms under the 2015 nuclear deal to extend schedules to meet
international demand in terms of IAEA supervision. Hence, our energy production goals have been
reduced in favor of transparency.

We will not tolerate double-standards against the interests of our people
Notwithstanding other areas of politics and disagreements,the process of extracting raw natural
resources, refining them, enriching them, and putting them to civilian use is a national and
sovereign right of the Iranian people.
Our message to our friends
To the peoples and governments of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Palestine,
Venezuela, China, and every other actor who has helped facilitate a solution to the
impasse reached with regards to our nuclear program as a result of foreign
hegemony, we reaffirm our unconditional mutual support.
Every individual who has supported us in
our assertion to an inalienable right to
peaceful civilian nuclear technology is
Our endeavor to evolve the international
system to promote equality between nations
and resist imperialism in all its forms is one
that unites a diverse group of allies. Our
support to to groups fighting aggression and
imperialist agendas will continue in the form of
economic, logistic, social, cultural and military
cooperation and support.
A message to our critics
The Zionist regime of Israel was
founded upon land theft and an
economy built within fortified walls
among unwelcoming neighboring
populations. A european-styled nation
state, with a non-secular jewish identity
continues to violate global norms
and laws with veto impunity provided by the US. The ungodly convergence of US
plutocrats’ business interests with those of Saudi royals effectively makes Saudi Arabia a
silent ally of the Zionist regime. This explains Saudi silence over Israeli negligence to
address the question of millions of Palestinians living under brutal conditions as a result of
decades of oppression. Our ability to support freedom fighters everywhere in the region
will ensure continuous scrutiny over state-sponsored crimes perpetrated by Israel and the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
A message to our critics
Because Israel behaves as an island in a bubble
free of accountability, and neighboring populations have
been victimized and economically disadvantaged since
the creation of the zionist state, they have to maintain a
fortification to create an artificial sense of stability. In the
long term, Israel cannot escape the ticking time bomb if
eventual international scrutiny, Israel is an unsustainable
project. Hence. Business people have to scramble to
make all the profit possible before the eventual collapse
of the Zionist agenda. Realizing the result could be
catastrophic for generations of rivals, nuclear
proliferation is essential to Israel’s identity.
This is reflected in Israel’s continuous historic refusal to comply with international norms. However, this will
not stop the free peoples of the world to seek our legitimate rights under treaties that we have voluntarily
ratified and upheld. We do not believe in mutually assured destruction, because we are capable of defending
ourselves without the need to create a nuclear weapon. Unlike Israel, our ideology and identity dictates
against weapons of mass destruction, as reflected by our religious decrees and fatwas by our supreme
Desired outcome
We would like to stress the need for further liberal integration of the Iranian market
and economy to promote interdependence and mutual cooperation. Our disagreement
with the West over the Palestinian cause should serve as a platform for dialogue, and
fundamental differences should not be extrapolated to cover all areas of international
Bolstering the international system and promotion of international law is our goal.
Normalizing that across the Middle East by pressuring every state to sign the NPT and
commit to nuclear disarmament will ensure a less chaotic Middle East.
Limiting the clout of the Zionist lobby in the world’s most powerful country is
desired by us, since we observed the divide in US official rhetoric. The behavior of US
lawmakers in sending an open letter of hostility against us in contradiction to their
commander in chief and diplomatic missions demonstrates a reason for mistrust
between our nations, all for condoning of Israeli aggression and violations in Palestine.
Worst-Case Scenario
“I should say that in the dictionary of Zionist regime of Israel you cannot find
the word “peace” or any concept close to it. Warmongers in Tel Aviv do not know
anything other than war, aggression, occupation and violation of international law
and therefore, it is not a matter of surprise to see Zionists are desperately trying to
prevent any peaceful solution to an unnecessary crisis, including statement by its
IAEA representative.”
Iran’s IAEA rep. Reza Najafi
The worst thing to happen would be for the Zionists to succeed at lobbying the US into
military confrontation with us. We do not even want to waste our money and resources
maintaining nuclear arsenals that cannot be used without harming ourselves along with the
weapons. However, we spend a great deal to maintain defensive forces that can collaborate
with allies in the region against a possible Israeli or US attack. Our ground, naval, and air forces
are more than capable of defending our sovereignty. We reserve the right of protecting our
people from any aggression, and our longstanding moral support for Palestine will not falter or
be used against us.
A noteworthy reminder
Western powers funded Saddam
Hussein for 8 years during the 80s
when he unlawfully invaded Iran in a
war of aggression. Unlike his later
invasion of Kuwait, his invasion of Iran
and his use of chemical weapons took
place under Western auspices. This
serves as yet another example of the
hypocrisy of the nonrepresentative
international community led by the US.
A Rough Timeline
1958: Iran joins IAEA
By 1968, Iran had signed the NPT and projects with contracts with Western
companies were launched to build nuclear facilities in Iran.
1980s-1990s: Post-revolution Iran
As the Islamic Revolution paved a way to an independent system of government that
led an economy free of foreign hegemonic domination, the Islamic Republic begun
a policy of acquiring knowhow in order to eliminate the need of foreign control
over the country’s future.
2003: Iran accused of concealing nuclear activities
While the US was busy breaking international law by invading Iraq, we were being
wrongfully accused of militarizing our nuclear program.
2006: IAEA refers Iran to UN Security Council
Despite having granted access to the UN nuclear watchdog as a gesture of goodwill
beyond what was required of us under NPT obligations, we were referred to the
A Rough Timeline
2010-2012: Series of Iran nuclear scientist assassinations
No international action was taken to investigate these extrajudicial killings that the Zionists committed against our
scientists. Extraterritorial and extrajudicial assassinations are not strange tactics for the Mossad to use.
2012: Stuxnet virus attack on Natanz uranium enrichment facility
In an unprecedented and unprovoked move, the US and Israel jointly attacked our nuclear facilities in a cyber warfare
2012: West sanctions Iran’s oil sector, banks
More sanctions designed to cripple our economy and dishearten the will of our people were implemented against us.
2013: Interim deal with Iran
Our patience and insistence on our inalienable rights compelled adversaries to negotiate with us to preclude conflict.
2015: Comprehensive deal reached
The elements within the p5+1 group that are the most susceptible to Zionist pressures finally resist and meet Iran
halfway with compromises to assure all sides of the innocuous nature of our aims. Israeli propaganda and lobbies
prompt US lawmakers to circumvent the president and overtly attack Iranian national rights to nuclear technology.
We were informally informed of the invalidity of US commitments to the international deal.
2016 onwards
We are yet to find out whether the US will follow through with its initial move to ignore Israeli unfounded accusations
against the nature of our nuclear program. Depending on president Trump’s attitude towards us, we will
cautiously react. Our continued cooperation with the UN will remain the main pillar of our nuclear policy.
Amano, Y. (2017). Verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council
resolution 2231 (2015). IAEA. Retrieved from
As it happened: Timeline of Iran nuclear program controversy. (2015). RussiaToday. Retrieved from

Basic Facts About Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Activities. (2017). The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Oslo,
Retrieved from
Hassan Rouhani. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Nuclear Issue: Ayatollah Khamenei’s Opinion or Nuclear Issue. (2017). Retrieved from
Nuclear Power in Iran. (2016). World Nuclear Association. Retrieved from
P5+1 Must avoid steps undermining nuclear deal: Iran IAEA envoy. (2016). PressTV. Retrieved from
Wright, R. (2016). Iran’s Javad Zarif on the Fraying Nuclear Deal, US Relations, and Holocaust Cartoons. The New
Yorker, Retrieved from

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