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Porac, Pampanga



Trisha Anne M. Alvaro

Grade 12 Researcher
Research Questions
• How much do the learners know of Pampanga’s
culture, history and contributions to the country?
• How much do learners think does the curriculum
contribute to their knowledge about the
province’s history and heritage?
• How essential is it for the learners to know and
learn the history and heritage of the province?
• How important is the Kapampangan history to
the 21st century Kapampangan learners?
Significance of the study - The results of this study
will benefit the students, parents, teachers and
administrators by immersing the 21st century learners
to the Kapampangan history
Methodology :
Type of Research - This study will employ the
qualitative - phenomenological method of research.
Participants and sampling method – a total of three
(3) top achieving ABM learners
Instruments: constructed interview guide and audio
Data Collection Process - The researcher asked
permission from the Principal and teachers
(advisers) to interview the highest achieving ABM
Ethical Consideration - The participants of this
study will be informed the protection and privacy
of the respondents will not be exploited; the
identity of individuals will remain anonymous,
unless given the permission to disclose such
Research question 1:
The learners have mostly lived their lives in Pampanga,
mentioning some of their favorite places, foods and
festivities that they experienced within Pampanga. When
asked about significant figures and events in Pampanga,
it was evident that the learners had no prior knowledge
about the mentioned events. They were also asked if
they had known any local Kapampangan literatures, the
learners admitted that they do not know of such stories.
The learners said however, that they would like to know
more about the culture, history, and important
contributions of the province.
Research question 2:
For the most part, the learners were not able to
give extensive information about the foundation of
Pampanga. They identified Araling Panlipunan,
Wika, Pananaliksik, and Literature as the subjects
that briefly used the Kapampangan history as a
reference. Unfortunately, the learner-participants
said that they generally don’t search for (more)
information about the Kapampangan history and
heritage because they are either too busy or the
topic is not hugely related to any of their subjects.
Research question 3:
In general, all the participants admitted that they
knew very little about the Kapampangan history and
heritage. One claimed that the reason behind the
learners’ ignorance pertaining the topic may be because
the Millenial learners are drawn mostly on the topics
that are either needed in their lessons or trending in
their favorite social networking sites. Nevertheless, two
of have acknowledged that the history can have an
influence to the future and serve as motivation, if people
paid enough attention. One Learner however, said that
she does not think that the Kapampangan Play a role in
her life as a learner, because it doesn’t have a direct
relation to her current lessons.
Research Question 4:
The learners’ responses were almost the same,
saying that “I think, history helps us to not only
think about the present, but to also appreciate the
sacrifices of the past that gave us the life/peace we
have now.” “It reminds me of who I am and where I
came from. It helps to reminisce the moments I
shared in the past and the lessons I got from my
experiences.” I think that the Kapampangan History
is a reflection of who I (we are) am as a
Kapampangan citizen. The heritage and culture
encapsulates the essence of the sacrifices of the
past to make the future how it is today.”
•the learners lived most of their lives in Pampanga but they know
very little about the province, its origins, heritage, and culture.
•Only a handful of subjects in the curriculum actually use the
Kapampangan history and heritage as reference in their lessons.
However, they barely mention little bits and pieces of the topic.
This shows that the learners gain very little knowledge from the
curriculum, about the Kapampangan history
•All of the participants claim that they are interested in learning
more about the history of Pampanga, but they do not exert much
effort in discovering new things about the province and its rich
•Although the learners recognize the importance of learning and
maintaining the Kapampangan history, but does not heve the
initiative to learn more about the province
Amirell (2009): “Descent from the Ivory Tower: A Group Assignment for
Studying the Role of History in Society” Retrieved from:
Lattes (2015): “Annotazioni per un approccio esistenzialista della storia”
(Annotations for an existentialist approach to history) Retrieved from:
Walker (2017): “Why twenty first century students should study history.”
Retrieved from:

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