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Subsurface structural trends from gravity data analysis (Nebber-Saline region

-Northern Tunisian Atlas )

Imen Hamdi Nasr*1,2, Benen Sarsar Nawali1,3, Mohamed Hedi Inoubli1 ,Oussama Abidi1, Adnen
Amiri 1,Haifa Boussiga1
1 URGAMM, University of Tunis- El Manar.
2 Faculty of Science of Bizerte, Carthage University, Tunisia
3 ETAP Entreprise Tunisienne d' Activités 581

This map express shorter wavelength anomalies with values ranging between -3 and
Introduction / Research Motivation +3mGal. High amplitude maxima are located in center-east and occur over lower
cretaceous of the big anticline of Bled Tejra-Aksab, to the north they correspond to the
southern part of J. Cheid-Lakouat with a lateral extension to the south. The northwestern
The North of Tunisia pertains to the North-eastern edge of the African plate. It is bordered by the
part corresponds partially to the Triassic outcrops of J. Boukhil which provide also high
Mediterranean Sea and the Straight of Sicily to the North and North-Est, with an uppermost crust bearing
response amplitude. In contrast, low amplitude anomalies are superimposed to
Meso-Cenozoic prevalent sedimentary packages that have long suffered Alpine and Atlassic orogenies
Quaternary and Eocene deposits. The NE-SW trending lineaments in the study area are
The present configuration of the Tunisian margin has resulted from the convergence and collisional
also supported by the residual gravity contours. Interpretation, reveals the particular
movement between the African and European plates including the Tethys geological domain. In the
usefulness of these data spatially for mapping shallow faults. Longer wa-velength features,
concerning region, an Early Mesozoic rifting phase has structured basin sunk salt dominated Triassic
typically the major tectonic elements such as basin bounding faults, and relative sediment
deposits, and was seconded by a passive margin tectonic basin style during the entire Meso-cenozoic times.
thickness are also well expressed. Comparisons of various gravity Bouguer anomaly and
The present paper aims to understand the subsurface structural trends within the Northern Western
its bounded compo-nents showed to be powerful to delineate subsurface geometry and
Tunisia using gravity data.
distribution and locate promising areas (Hamdi Nasr et al. 2010).
The main goal of this work is to analyze gravity anomaly data to identify possible lineaments in the
Western Tunisia area. Our pattern recognition criteria are based spatially on the EHG (Enhaced The comparison between Surface geology and Bouguer anomaly maps helps show that
Horizontal Gradient), TAM (Tilt Angle Method) and the ED( Euleur Deconvolution). All three methods Triassic terrains of Lorbeus Bougrine do not express specific Bouguer anomaly responses,
agree closely in determining the horizontal locations of contacts; the last two also give similar results for Over Cretaceous outcrops, in general, gravity Bouguer anomaly response is positive.
source depths Tertiary series are associated to low Bouguer anomaly responses. The Quaternary series
are associated to low, or even the lowest gravity responses. Low gravity response of
synclines and troughs contrasts clearly with higher response of anticline structures.

Gravity data Analysis

A detailed high-resolution land gravity survey was carried out, which entailed a total of 660 stations of data
acquired over an area of approximately 640 square-kilometer, at an average of almost one station per square
kilometer. Free-air and Bouguer gravity corrections were performed using sea level as a datum and a
reduction density of 2.4 g cm3. Bouguer and terrain corrections were calculated automatically using a digital
terrain model obtained by digitizing 1/50 000 topographic maps
The complete Bouguer gravity anomaly values range from -15 mGal to the South East in the Bled Elgorfa, to
+2mGal in J. Boukhil to the Nord-West and in J Aksab to Center Est of the map. Positive anomalies are
situated in the central-eastern part of the map; they coincide with Triassic and Cretaceous outcrops at Jebel El
Zitoun, Sidi el Mahdi, Jebel Argoub Naoua and Jbel Sfa Boubakrer, J Aksab, J Cheid, J, Touila zones. The
maximum amplitude occurs over the lower cretaceous outcrops.

Figure6: Comparison of TAM images (Dashed lines show the 0 radian contour
of the tilt angle. Solid lines are contours of the tilt angle for -π/4 and +π/4 radians)
and ED results; the source depths and locations from TAM and ED methods are well
The Tilt Angle Map of the study area accentuates short wavelength and reveals the presence
of main gravity trends, NE–SW, which are coincident with the main regional structural
lineaments. One can conclude that there are more local uplifts in the northern edges of central
uplift than those of others. It is interesting to note that the TAM tends to convey the edge
detection from uplifts at all scales and depths shows the simple form of the TAM only
displaying the contours -π/4, 0, and +π/4radians. The zero contours estimate the location of
abrupt lateral changes in density of deeper materials. This map accentuates short wavelength
and reveals the presence of main gravity trends..
Figure 2: Simplified geological map of the In the North Western part, the south east of J. boukhil is characterized by two parallel NW-
Figure 1: Location of the study area Gaafour area (adapted from Dali et al. 1994). SE lineaments in the tilt derivative, with the distance between the -π/4° and +π/4 contours
Coordinates are in m. typically less than 2 -2.5 km. This distance is twice the source depth (assuming contact source
The positive anomaly are distinguished by its higher amplitude corresponds to the cretaceous series with
geometry), so sources indicated by the tilt contours are predominantly beneath the surface,
marls and limestone characterized by a significant density contrast.
the south one is deeper than the other one, this lineament bordering Bled El Ghorfa region to
Negative anomalies correspond mainly at Quaternary outcrops;
This is a label they
for the are located in the North in Krib plain
image. This is a label for the image. the North West.
and synclinal of Gaafour, in the south western part of the map in Bled El
This is a label for the image. Gorfa plain. Eocene series are
This is a label for the image. Within the Aksab anticline, the tilt contours are much more widely spaced. These contours
also characterized by negative gravity response
Thisinisthe synclinal
a label of OuedGaafour
for the image. in the south western part
define gravity lineaments, as well as areas of more chaotic contours which in part could be
of the map.
due to anomaly interference.
Residual Gravity anomaly maps exhibit the combined effects of geologic bodies of distinctive densities,
which may have varying shapes, dimensions, and burial depths. Thus the gravity field is caused by the
superposition of signals from many different bodies at differing depths.
Discussion and Conclusions
Data enhancement and interpretation The integrated interpretation of the geological outcrops together with the near surface
gravity responses enable a direct correlation between gravity anomalies and subsurface
To help differentiate various gravity signals, we have implemented a three-stage analysis. First, a residual sources. The identified features constitute themselves new constraints to better understand
gravity anomaly was computed by removing the regional gravity anomaly from the complete Bouguer the geological architecture of the area. This information can be used to better establish the
anomaly map, Second, the Enhanced Horizontal Gradients has been calculated and Finally, an image of the structural model in order to infer the tectonic evolution of the Region which is strongly
TAM has been provided to illustrate in recognizing the horizontal location and depth of geologic contacts as linked to the western Mediterranean geodynamic evolution. Indeed, the interpretation of
shown in Fig. 2 , the gravity maps allowed gathering a synthetic overview of the underlying structures in the
In order to accentuate the shallow source anomalies, we applied a continuation filtering process designed to area that are largely destroyed by the activity of the existing multi-direction fault systems.
obtain a separation of long wavelength anomalies from short wavelength anomalies. The positive anomalies of, Lakouat, next to J. Bou-khil, Bled TejraAkseb, which are
The gravity field is the superposition of signals in close connection with the above defined parameters. In interpreted as resulting from positive density contrast, are generally associated to the NE
order to accentuate the shallow source anomalies, a continuation filtering process which is designed lead to directed faults.
a separation of long wavelength anomalies from short wavelength ones was applied. The identified faults bordering Bled El Gorfa anomalie, help clarifying the organization of
its structure. It consists on a NW directed negative anomalies, already well expressed in all
gravity maps (residual, EHD, TAM and Euler deconvolution). NW directed faults is well
known in northern Tunisia it is characterized by an exten-sional movement which is
responsible of the partition of the region into blocks (Hamdi Nasr I. 2008, Amiri et al. 2011).
Thus NW directed faults limit graben structure, here it can be arguing the idea that Bled El
Ghorfa pertains to a depressed structure.
Fault systems disposition is expressed by the coexistence of compressive and extensive
structures is due to the occurrence of a compressive regime in the overall area.
The presented gravity analysis clarifies the identified inherited dislocations fault systems
some of them are sealed by the Quaternary.

Figure 3: Bouguer gravity anomaly mapFigure 5: Residual gravity anomalyFigure 6: Enhanced Horizontal Gradient References

The present case study, regional component (Jacobsen, 1987) was computed through upward continuing 1. Amiri A., Chaqui A., Hamdi Nasr I., Inoubli M.H., Ben Ayed N. and Tlig S. 201, Role of orexisting faults in the geody-
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usually correspond to shallow elements of geology 4. Hamdi-Nasr, I., Inoubli, M. H., Ben Salem, A., Tlig, S., and Mansouri, A., 2009, Gravity contributions to the
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5. Jacobsen B.H., [1987]. A case for upward continuation as a standart separation filter for potentiel field maps.
Geophysics, 52, pp 1138-1148

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