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Public Transportation


Teacher Sonny
Vocabulary Words
 apartment building  sidewalk
 convenience store  street corner
 crosswalk  traffic jam
 laundromat  congested road
 newsstand  traffic lights
 parking lot/space  trash can/bin
 urban
 playground
 rural
 subway station
 commute

1. Describe your neighborhood.

2. Do you like your neighborhood?
3. How long have you been living there?
4. Do children play on the street in your neighborhood?
5. Where do people walk their dogs in your neighborhood?
Vocabulary Words
 across from  straight ahead
 around the corner  turn right/left
 stretch (area)
 between
 pedestrian lane
 behind
 pavement
 in front of  movie theater
 just before  subway station
 just past
 next to The Pattern:
 on the corner Subject + be verb + Preposition + noun
The museum is next to the supermarket.
 opposite
Useful Expressions:
Getting someone's attention and asking for direction

 Uhm, excuse me...

 Could you tell me where ______ is?
 How do/can I get to the ______?
 Which way is the ______?
 Can/could you tell me the way to ______?
 Is this the way to ______?
 Can you help me, please? I'm looking for the ______.
1. Can you tell me where the cafe
2. Do you know where the
hospital is?
3. Can you tell me how can I get
to the museum?
4. Where is the police station?

Try to use the prepositions you
studied a while.

It's on _____ street.

it's next to/ across from/ just
Vocabulary Words
 bus driver  platform
 bus stop  seat
 cab
 subway station
 entrance/exit
 exact change
 taxi stand
 fare  wait in line
 get on/in  turnstile
 get off/out  rear door
 metro
 passenger
1. What kind of public transportation in your community?
2. Do you usually commute? why/why not?
3. How much is the bus fare? the subway fare?
4. Is it crowded? When is it most crowded?
5. What do you say if you want to get off?
6. Is it safe to ride the public transport? or is it dangerous? Why/why not?

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of using

the following vehicles?
1. the bus
2. the train
3. a taxi
4. a private car
5. a bicycle
6. on foot
Vocabulary Words
 à la carte (adjective): ordered as a separate dish; not part of a set menu
- Do you have à la carte dishes as well as set menus?
 appetizer (noun): a dish that's eaten before the main course
- For an appetizer I'll have spring rolls, please.
 bill (also US "check") (noun): the written amount you must pay for a meal and drinks
- Can we have the bill, please?
 café (also "coffee shop") (noun): an informal restaurant serving simple meals plus hot and cold
- Is there an all-night café around here?
 cafeteria (also "canteen") (noun): a place that sells low-cost meals in a school or work-place, usually
from a self-service counter
- What's the food in the school cafeteria like?
 course (noun): one part of a meal
 cuisine (noun): a country or region's style of cooking
 dessert (noun): sweet food eaten at the end of a meal
 eat out (phrasal verb): to go out to a restaurant, esp. at night
 entrée (noun): 1. the main course of a meal 2. a course before the main course (Br
 fast food (noun): quickly prepared food like hamburgers and French fries
 high-class/ fancy (adjective): of high quality or high social status
 hors d’oeuvre (noun): a savoury food served as an appetizer before the main course
maitre d’ (also "head waiter") (noun): the person who supervises a restaurant's
waiting staff
make a booking (also "book a table") (phrase): to contact a restaurant and reserve a
table for a meal
menu (noun): the list of foods and drinks served in a restaurant, café, hotel, etc.
pasta (noun): Italian food made from flour and water, such as spaghetti, ravioli, lasagne,
 pudding (noun): a soft sweet food eaten as a dessert
 savoury (adjective): (of food) salty or spicy rather than sweet
service charge (also "service") (noun): an extra amount added to a restaurant bill that's
meant to be given to staff for their service
 cheese platter (noun): a selection of cheeses and crackers served on a large plate
set menu (noun): a multi-course meal sold for a fixed price
side dish (also "side order") (noun): an extra dish or serving that's ordered together
with a main dish
sommelier (also "wine steward") (noun): a wine expert who advises guests on ordering
or pairing wines
tip¹ (noun): extra money given by a guest to a waiter or other staff
vegetarian (adjective): of dishes or diets that don't include animal products, esp. meat
waiter (male) or waitress (female) (noun): a person who takes orders from guests and
brings their food
wine list (noun): a printed list of all the wines available in a restaurant
Useful Expressions:

What do you say?

TABLE Getting the Bill
 I booked a table for 2 at 8pm.  Could I have the bill, please?
 It’s under the name of…  Can we have the bill please?
 A table for two. please?  Could we get the bill?
 May we sit at this table?  Could we pay please?
 Bill, please?
Ordering the food
 Could you bring us the menu, please?  Can I have…
 The menu, please.  We’d like to order…
 What’s on the menu?  Could you bring us the
 Do you have a set menu? salt/pepper/ketchup/vinegar,
 What’s …exactly? please?
 Is this served with..(salad)?  I’ll have the soup as a starter.
 Does this have any…(Seafood) in it?  I’ll have the steak for the main
 What do you recommend?
 I’ll have it rare/ medium rare/
 I’ll have… medium/ well done, please.
 I’d like…

That’s all, thank you.

Short Dialog
Waiter: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?
Customer (you): Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu,
Waiter: Certainly, here you are.
Customer: Thank you. What's today's special?
Waiter: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.
Customer: That sounds good. I'll have that.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Customer: Yes, I'd like a coke.
Waiter: Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: Can I get you anything else?
Customer: No thanks. I'd like the check, please.
Waiter: That'll be $14.95.
Customer: Here you are. Keep the change!
Waiter: Thank you! Have a good day!
Customer: Goodbye.

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