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Originated by: Investigator

Gaurav Raina Global ME Issue Communication Chris Ihrke

Date: Date:
12/3/2018 Fanuc SRVO-356 Errors 12/14/2018
Rev: Initial Release
Background / Description Current Status

 Fanuc Global 3+ robots in Fort Wayne have experienced  A software patch is being tested in Flint and Fort Wayne for
SRVO-356 errors, requiring a reboot and causing an Estop to Global 3+ v8.20P/44.
the surrounding cell(s). The frequency of the error is  A software patch will be developed for Global 3 v8.20P/04. The
approximately 2 per week on average.
fix will be included in the upcoming Global 4 v8.33P/06 release.
 Recovery is to cycle power on the robot controller and reset the
 Fanuc has developed a ZDT analytic to detect this failure
Estop condition in the surrounding cell(s).
approximately 7 hours before it occurs. The ZDT email
 The root cause has been identified as a loss of memory distribution will be used to notify plants when the failure is
available for communication between the two processors in the detected. This analytic runs multiple times every hour.
robot controller. This will ultimately prevent DCS safety checks  When plants are notified, the failing robot should be rebooted at
from occurring on time, resulting in the SRVO-356 error.
the Home position to minimize downtime by avoiding an Estop
to the surrounding cell(s).

Action Plan

Affected Products (known to be used in GM Standard Designs): What Who When

 Fanuc Global 3, 3+, and 4 robots Release Global 3+ v8.20P/44 Fanuc 12/21/18
software patch

Release Global 3 v8.20P/04 software Fanuc 1/16/19

More Information Delay Global 4 v8.33P/06 release to Fanuc 1/31/19
include fix

Load software patch Plants Target


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