Sexual Health Quiz Powerpoint

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Sexual Health Quiz

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4&5, 10 & 11, and 16

Students to complete the quiz.

Teacher to go through the answers and
expand on them.
Pub Quiz
(without the beer)

In your table teams, work together to answer

the questions on the sheet of paper provided.

Round 1: General Knowledge

Round 2: True or False
Round 3: Picture round (complete now)
Round 1:
General Knowledge
Round 1: General Knowledge
Q.1 Q.5
Which of the following can play a role in causing cervical cancer? What is the average number of sexual partners in a lifetime?
Smoking 3
Having HIV 4
The human papillomavirus 8
All of the above 21

Q.2 Q.6
What is the age of consent in the UK? When interviewed as part of the national statistics, what percentage
use contraception?
14 56%
16 73%
17 88%
18 92%
21 99%
Q.3 Q.7
What percentage of people lose their virginity by the time they are 16 What is sexual activity in young people most affected by?
10% Love
31% Peer pressure
55% Alcohol
67% Drugs

Q.4 Q.8
What is the average age of those having sex for the first time in In 2009 7,100 under 16’s had sex and got pregnant. What percentage
Britain? had an abortion?
14.9 10%
15.2 30%
16.1 60%
17.4 80%
18.3 90%
Which of the following can play a role in causing
cervical cancer?

a) Smoking
b) Having HIV
c) The human papillomavirus
d) All of the above
What is the age of consent in the UK?

a) 14
b) 16
c) 17
d) 18
e) 21
What percentage of people lose their virginity
by the time they are 16
a) 10%
b) 31%
c) 55%
d) 67%
e) 88%
What is the average age of those having sex for
the first time in Britain?
a) 14.9
b) 15.2
c) 16.1
d) 17.4
e) 18.3
What is the average number of sexual partners
in a lifetime?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 4
d) 8
e) 21
f) 35
When interviewed as part of the national
statistics, what percentage use contraception?
a) 56%
b) 73%
c) 88%
d) 92%
e) 99%
What is sexual activity in young people most
affected by?
a) Love
b) Peer pressure
c) Alcohol
d) Drugs
In 2009 7,100 under 16’s had sex and got
pregnant. What percentage had an abortion?
a) 10%
b) 30%
c) 60%
d) 80%
e) 90%
Round 1: General Knowledge
Q.9 Q.13
How effective are condoms? Which European country has the highest teenage pregnancy rates?

50% England
88% Ireland
92% France
98% Spain
100% Germany

Q.10 Q.14
At what age can you get contraceptive advice? At what age are you most likely to contract an STI?

Under 16 14-25
16 or over 20-45
18 or over 50-60
Q.11 Q.15
What contraceptives can help prevent an STI?
Whilst under the influence of alcohol are you more likely or less likely
to have sex? The Pill
More likely Femidom
Less likely Injection

Q.12 Q.17
After having sex with someone whilst under the influence of alcohol, Where can you go for help and advice about sex?
what percentage of people contracted an STI?

How effective are condoms?

a) 50%
b) 88%
c) 92%
d) 98%
e) 100%
At what age can you get contraceptive advice?

a) Under 16
b) 16 or over
c) 18 or over

Whilst under the influence of alcohol are you

more likely or less likely to have sex?

a) More likely
b) Less likely
After having sex with someone whilst under the
influence of alcohol, what percentage of people
contracted an STI?
a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 50%
d) 60%
e) 70%
f) 80%
Which European country has the highest
teenage pregnancy rates?

a) England
b) Ireland
c) France
d) Spain
e) Germany
At what age are you most likely to contract an

a) 14-25
b) 20-45
c) 50-60
What contraceptives can help prevent an STI?

a) The Pill
b) Condom
c) Femidom
d) Injection
Where can you go for help and advice about
Round 1:
General Knowledge

ANSWERS Round 1: General Knowledge
Q.1 Q.5
Which of the following can play a role in causing cervical cancer? What is the average number of sexual partners in a lifetime?
Smoking 3
Having HIV 4
The human papillomavirus 8
All of the above 21

Q.2 Q.6
What is the age of consent in the UK? When interviewed as part of the national statistics, what percentage
use contraception?
14 56%
16 73%
17 88%
18 92%
21 99%
Q.3 Q.7
What percentage of people lose their virginity by the time they are 16 What is sexual activity in young people most affected by?
10% Love
31% Peer pressure
55% Alcohol
67% Drugs
Q.4 Q.8
What is the average age of those having sex for the first time in In 2009 7,100 under 16’s had sex and got pregnant. What percentage
Britain? had an abortion?
14.9 10%
15.2 30%
16.1 60%
17.4 80%
18.3 90%
ANSWERS Round 1: General Knowledge
Q.9 Q.13
How effective are condoms? Which European country has the highest teenage pregnancy rates?

50% England
88% Ireland
92% France
98% Spain
100% Germany

Q.10 Q.14
At what age can you get contraceptive advice? At what age are you most likely to contract an STI?

Under 16 14-25
16 or over 20-45
18 or over 50-60

Q.11 Q.15
What contraceptives can help prevent an STI?
Whilst under the influence of alcohol are you more likely or less likely
to have sex? The Pill
More likely Femidom
Less likely Injection

Q.12 Q.17
After having sex with someone whilst under the influence of alcohol, Where can you go for help and advice about sex?
what percentage of people contracted an STI?
Study coach,
30% Brook clinic,
40% Parents,
50% Family planning, clinic,
60% GUM clinic,
70% Doctors
Round 2
True or false
Round 2: True or False
Q1 Q6
Condoms are 100% effective at warding off STIs. Some STIs, like genital warts, can be spread even with condom use.
True True
False False

Q.2 You do not need to worry about getting pregnant unless you have had
True or false: Your teenage daughter must get your permission a regular period for six months or more. If you are getting your period
before her doctor can prescribe the Pill. for the first time or if you have not yet established a regular menstrual
True cycle you do not need to worry about birth control.
False True
True or false: By the time they finish their GCSE’s, 61% of teens will
Pregnancy only happens if the guy ejaculates inside the girl, if he pulls
have had sex.
out before ejaculation there is little or no risk of pregnancy.
Q.4: Q9
You can not get pregnant the very first time you have sex so there You can not get pregnant from heavy petting or oral sex.
is no need to worry about birth control when you lose your True
virginity. False
False Q10
You can get a STI, including HIV or AIDS, from oral sex.
You should use a condom or dental dam whenever you engage in
oral sex with a partner whose sexual past is unknown to you Q11
and/or who has not been cleared of STI infection by the proper My partner says that they are a virgin and I am a virgin so we do not
medical tests. have to worry about STIs.
True True
False False
Round 2: True or False
Q12 Q18
Oral sex is the safest kind of sex you can have, you can't get Abstinence is the only way to guarantee you will not get a STI from
pregnant or catch an STI this way. having sex.
True True
False False

Q13 Q19
You can NOT get pregnant if you have sex standing up. Condoms ruin sex by taking away from the guy's pleasure and are not
True worth using since they aren't 100% effective anyway.
False True
Q14 Q20
You can NOT get pregnant if you have sex when the girl has her Sex for the first time can be mildly, and in rare cases very, painful for
period. any gender.
True True
False False
Q15 Q21
Some so-called STIs have few or no symptoms and can be Sex is a good way to prove that you care about and are committed to
transmitted through non-sexual contact. another person.
True True
False False
If you wash your genitals immediately after sex with really warm Q22
water and soap you will eliminate any chance of getting an STI. Oral sex is not really sex.
True True
False False

Q17 Q23
The more sex partners you have the higher your risk of contracting Safe sex refers to sexual activities that can NOT result in pregnancy.
an STI, even if you routinely use condoms as protection. True
True False
Condoms are 100% effective at warding off STIs.
a) True
True or false: Your teenage daughter must get
your permission before her doctor can prescribe
the Pill.
a) True
b) False
True or false: By the time they finish their
GCSE’s, 61% of teens will have had sex.
a) True
b) False
You can not get pregnant the very first time you
have sex so there is no need to worry about
birth control when you lose your virginity.
a) True
b) False
You should use a condom or dental dam
whenever you engage in oral sex with a partner
whose sexual past is unknown to you and/or
who has not been cleared of STI infection by the
proper medical tests.
a) True
b) False
Some STIs, like genital warts, can be spread even
with condom use.
a) True
b) False
You do not need to worry about getting
pregnant unless you have had a regular period
for six months or more. If you are getting your
period for the first time or if you have not yet
established a regular menstrual cycle you do not
need to worry about birth control.
a) True
b) False
Pregnancy only happens if the guy ejaculates
inside the girl, if he pulls out before ejaculation
there is little or no risk of pregnancy.
a) True
b) False
You can not get pregnant from heavy petting or
oral sex.
a) True
b) False
You can get a STI, including HIV or AIDS, from
oral sex.
a) True
b) False
My partner says that they are a virgin and I am a
virgin so we do not have to worry about STIs.
a) True
b) False
Oral sex is the safest kind of sex you can have,
you can't get pregnant or catch an STI this way.
a) True
b) False
You can NOT get pregnant if you have sex
standing up.
a) True
b) False
You can NOT get pregnant if you have sex when
the girl has her period.
a) True
b) False
Some so-called STIs have few or no symptoms
and can be
transmitted through non-sexual contact.
a) True
b) False
If you wash your genitals immediately after sex
with really warm water and soap you will
eliminate any chance of getting an STI.
a) True
b) False
The more sex partners you have the higher your
risk of contracting an STI, even if you routinely
use condoms as protection.
a) True
b) False
Abstinence is the only way to guarantee you will
not get a STI from having sex.
a) True
b) False
Condoms ruin sex by taking away from the guy's
pleasure and are not worth using since they
aren't 100% effective anyway.
a) True
b) False
Sex for the first time can be mildly, and in rare
cases very, painful for any gender.
a) True
b) False
Sex is a good way to prove that you care about
and are committed to another person.
a) True
b) False
Oral sex is not really sex.
a) True
b) False
Safe sex refers to sexual activities that can NOT
result in pregnancy.
a) True
b) False
Round 2
True or false

ANSWERS Round 2: True or False
Q1 Q6
Condoms are 100% effective at warding off STDs. Some STIs, like genital warts, can be spread even with condom use.
True True
False False

Q.2 You do not need to worry about getting pregnant unless you have had
True or false: Your teenage daughter must get your permission a regular period for six months or more. If you are getting your period
before her doctor can prescribe the Pill. for the first time or if you have not yet established a regular menstrual
• True cycle you do not need to worry about birth control.
• False True
True or false: By the time they finish their GCSE’s, 61% of teens will
Pregnancy only happens if the guy ejaculates inside the girl, if he pulls
have had sex.
out before ejaculation there is little or no risk of pregnancy.
• True
• False
Q.4: Q9
You can not get pregnant the very first time you have sex so there You can not get pregnant from heavy petting or oral sex.
is no need to worry about birth control when you lose your True
virginity. False
False Q10
You can get a STI, including HIV or AIDS, from oral sex.
You should use a condom or dental dam whenever you engage in
oral sex with a partner whose sexual past is unknown to you Q11
and/or who has not been cleared of STI infection by the proper My partner says that they are a virgin and I am a virgin so we do not
medical tests. have to worry about STIs.
True True
False False
ANSWERS Round 2: True or False
Q12 Q18
Oral sex is the safest kind of sex you can have, you can't get Abstinence is the only way to guarantee you will not get a STI from
pregnant or catch an STI this way. having sex.
True True
False False

Q13 Q19
You can NOT get pregnant if you have sex standing up. Condoms ruin sex by taking away from the guy's pleasure and are not
True worth using since they aren't 100% effective anyway.
False True
Q14 Q20
You can NOT get pregnant if you have sex when the girl has her Sex for the first time can be mildly, and in rare cases very, painful for
period. any gender.
True True
False False
Q15 Q21
Some so-called STDs have few or no symptoms and can be Sex is a good way to prove that you care about and are committed to
transmitted through non-sexual contact. another person.
True True
False False
If you wash your genitals immediately after sex with really warm Q22
water and soap you will eliminate any chance of getting an STI. Oral sex is not really sex.
True True
False False

Q17 Q23
The more sex partners you have the higher your risk of contracting Safe sex refers to sexual activities that can NOT result in pregnancy.
an STI, even if you routinely use condoms as protection. True
True False
Round 3
Picture Round
(Don’t worry, blue waffle isn’t
Round 3: Picture round
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Round 3:
Picture round

ANSWERS Round 3: Picture round
1. 2. 3. 4.

Consent Conflict
Chastity Femidom Chastitytest
5. 6. 7. 8.

Condoms Contraceptive
Chastity pill Coil
Chastity Chastity

9. 10. 11. 12.

The emergency Chastity
The patch Diaphragm
Chastity Chastity
ty pill
Add ‘em up!

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