Child Abuse: Kelly-Thùy

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Child Abuse

1.What is abuse?
• Something for wrong purpose in a harmful way.
• Harshly or coarsely insulting language.
• A corrupt or improper practice or custom.
• Exam beatings, physical injury of the child.
2.Why nowadyas appear child
• The role of protecting, caring the children of
families is not valued.
• Alcohol, drugs, economic difficulties, … can lead
to child abuse.
• Abused make psychological or
3.Effects of abuse.
medical illnesses will occur.
• Victimized people commonly
develop anxiety disorders,
4.How can we stop this ?

Build up your child’s self-esteem

Critical child is emotional abuse, you should stop

Listen to your children when they need to talk

Call to child abuse helpline when you needed

5.Here are some facts

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